

He is the cold-blooded prince of the Jin Kingdom, strategizing and observing the world. She was her princess and saved her life, but he wouldn't even see her. The fire was spreading and death came, and she knew her existence was a joke! Opening her eyes, she changed his state and was reborn two years ago. Ye Zhen smiled slightly: in this life, she will trample on everyone who has deceived her and deceived her identity! Let her taste the unforgettable pain of love sickness and the pain of unrequited love!

Seth_97 · History
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100 Chs

How could it be him

Ye Zhen thought that he would definitely fall into the lotus pond.Whether he would be drowned was the next thing.With Mo Rongyi here, someone would definitely save her, but she couldn't bear to be ashamed here.

Once she falls into the water, her maiden name will definitely be damaged, and then she may not be able to enter the palace to become a female medical officer. For the first time in his heart, Ye Zhen expressed strong anger against the princess and the girl.

She didn't want to provoke them. At the beginning, they refused to let her go. Don't think she didn't see the eldest princess winking at the two court ladies, the dignified princess was so vicious!

She didn't expect someone to save her.Ye Zhen thought several times in her heart what to do if she fell into the water so as not to damage her boudoir's name.She hadn't decided which method to use, she was already held and stood firm.

"Thank you..." She felt her feet stomping on the ground, and she was overjoyed, and raised her head to thank the person who saved her.

In the eyes is a handsome face with sharp edges and corners, the sword eyebrows are lightly raised, the thin lips are slightly pursed, a black embroidered golden dragon uniform, the neckline and cuffs are embroidered with dark golden auspicious clouds, which makes his face like a crown of jade, adding a bit of nobility. , It's just that the cold eyes and the inherent domineering pressure made no one around dare to make a sound.

Mo Rongzhan?! How could it be him?

Ye Zhen's face changed slightly, and he immediately pushed him away without even thinking about it, and stepped back a few steps, almost unable to cover up the resistance and disgust in his eyes.

"Brother Emperor." Mo Rongyi's face was joyful, and then he showed a timid look again.He was afraid of this brother when he was a child. Now seeing Mo Rong's cold face, he was so scared that he did not dare to speak.

The eldest princess's face was not pretty, but she still bowed, "I have seen the emperor."

Liu Hua looked at Mo Rongzhan with shame and joy, and took two steps forward, "The emperor's cousin, why are you here?"

Mo Rongzhan's cold eyes fell faintly on Ye Zhen's body. Seeing that she was just hanging his head slightly, without saying a word, he said in a deep voice, "Raise your head."

Are you talking to her? Ye Zhen paused, his hands hidden in his sleeves clenched into fists, slowly raised his head, bowed his knees and saluted, "The court lady has seen the emperor, thank the emperor for her life-saving grace."

This little girl was a little different from when she met at Chengde Mountain Villa a while ago. Mo Rongzhan looked at her faintly, then turned his head and glanced at others, "What is this doing?"

"The emperor, this untouchable knocked me down, and he was unreasonable and refused to admit it." Liu Hua glared at Ye Zhen Qingyan's beautiful face, jealousy in his heart, fearing that the emperor would be attracted to her, he immediately walked over and cried out aggrievedly.

Mo Rongyi said angrily, "You were the one who fell down by yourself. Where did Yaoyao hit you?"

The eldest princess snorted coldly, "Did the little prince see Liuhua falling down with his own eyes? The palace knows that you are helping Lu Yaoyao, so you can't open your eyes and tell lies."

"You..." Mo Rongyi's face flushed with anger. The eldest princess was his aunt, but this aunt used to look down on them. He still remembers that one year, he and the mother and the queen saw the eldest princess, the mother's queen. Originally, she wanted to say hello to her, but in front of many people, this woman said that her queen was low and she was not worthy to talk to her.

Mo Rongyi always remembered that scene very clearly. That year, the emperor's brother had just left Kyoto to fight, and his father no longer spoiled the queen who was just a nobleman. They did not live well in the palace. Although he was young, he was right. The look of the eldest princess at the time is clear.

Now that the emperor brother is already the most noble person in Jin country, why does the eldest princess dare to show an arrogant attitude in front of them?

Mo Rongyi gritted his teeth and stared at the princess and said, "What if this king wants to help Lu Yaoyao? She is a friend of this king. If this king doesn't help her, do you want to help you?"

"You presumptuous!" The eldest princess yelled without thinking, "You dare to talk to this palace like this!"

"Princess, then tell this king, how should this king talk to you? Or do you think this king is not qualified to talk to you?" Mo Rongyi's youthful face was full of indignation.

Ye Zhen looked at Mo Rongyi in surprise.She didn't expect this little prince to speak for her like this.

The eldest princess probably did not expect that the always cowardly and cowardly Mo Rongyi would dare to speak like this.In her impression, Mo Rongyi was as timid and useless as the queen mother. She never put them in her eyes. After Yi asked, she couldn't answer.

The person who was her little white rabbit turned out to have a tooth.

Mo Rongzhan's thin lips were slightly lifted, and his face sank and said to Mo Rongyi, "Aren't you still sick? Why did you run out?"

"Brother Emperor, I...I will go back immediately." When Mo Rongyi's fighting spirit met Mo Rongzhan, he immediately died down.

"Is there any medicine prescribed by the imperial doctor? His complexion is still so bad?" Mo Rongzhan frowned and looked at him, his tone very unhappy.

Mo Rongyi nodded vigorously immediately, "Some and some, Brother Emperor, I take medicine obediently."

"Go back to the prince." Mo Rongzhan glanced at him and asked the eunuch next to send Mo Rongyi back. Only then did he look back at the princess and said in a light tone, "Princess, Ayi is still young and naive. , You don't care about him."

The eldest princess still has the same status to this day. It is not only her domineering, but also her knowledge of current affairs and vision. Two years ago, she saw that the crown prince could not sit on the throne even if he became the throne, and secretly helped Mo Rongzhan. The usurpation was successful, otherwise, she would be the same as other clan families today, all under house arrest in her own house.

"What the emperor said is that the little prince is still a child after all, but this Lu Yaoyao did smash me just now, the emperor, this palace can always deal with a pariah who doesn't know how to do it." The princess didn't plan to let Ye Zhen go.

"Princess, the queen mother likes this girl very much. If you want to deal with her, you should ask the queen mother first, and then talk..." Mo Rong's dark eyes flashed with cold light," I can see clearly just now that Lu Yaoyao has never collided with Liuhua. What he said to the eldest princess is not rude."

The princess's face changed, "In that case...the palace won't care about a little girl, Liuhua, the queen mother is still waiting for us, let's go!"

Liu Hua flattened her mouth, her heart was so wronged, she finally saw the emperor's cousin, why he actually helped Lu Yaoyao speak, didn't he know that Lu Yaoyao embarrassed her?

"The emperor's cousin, how can you help her? Is it because she is Lu Shuang'er's younger sister, so you speak for her?" Liu Hua stomped and asked.

Mo Rong's face was cold, and he lowered his eyes to look at Liuhua coldly, "Princess Liuhua, what if I help her?"

"The emperor's cousin..." Liu Hua whispered to him, wanting to get a bit of pity from him.

The eldest princess had already come over and took her hand, and smiled reluctantly, "The emperor, let's retire first."

Mo Rong's eyes nodded indifferently.