

He is the cold-blooded prince of the Jin Kingdom, strategizing and observing the world. She was her princess and saved her life, but he wouldn't even see her. The fire was spreading and death came, and she knew her existence was a joke! Opening her eyes, she changed his state and was reborn two years ago. Ye Zhen smiled slightly: in this life, she will trample on everyone who has deceived her and deceived her identity! Let her taste the unforgettable pain of love sickness and the pain of unrequited love!

Seth_97 · History
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100 Chs


Whether Lu Shuang'er is in the Lu family or now in the palace, she is a collection of thousands of favorites.No one has ever dared to be like Ye Zhen, not only dare to hold her hand, but also dare to question her!

Did she think that the emperor really liked her, so she dared to be so presumptuous, not even her noble concubine?

"Lu Yaoyao, dare you to be presumptuous!" Lu Shuang'er was furious, wishing to kill Lu Yaoyao on the spot, anyway, she didn't have any affection for this cousin, and she didn't live together in the first place, and she couldn't talk about the love of sisters.

Ye Zhen let go of Lu Shuang'er's hand and said calmly, "Emperor concubine, I don't know what I have done wrong, do you need to be so angry? Please calm down your anger, and don't anger yourself."

Mo Rongzhan stood by and watched Lu Shuang'er glared like a shrew, but the little girl who was beaten was calm and calm.

From the same Lu family, Lu Yaoyao is a little more elegant and spiritual than Lu Shuang'er, and it seems that Lu Shiming is quite good at teaching his daughter.

"If you don't want this palace to get angry, you should pity and love yourself, don't lose the face of this palace here!" Lu Shuang'er said angrily.

"Enough!" Mo Rong said coldly, his voice low and cold, "I have already said that I want Lu Yaoyao to watch the little prince take the medicine, Concubine Lu, do you want to lose your face?"

Lu Shuang'er just didn't listen to Mo Rongzhan's words at all, and now listening to Mo Rongzhan say it again, she didn't believe this explanation at all in her heart, why did Lu Yaoyao watch the little lord take the medicine? She is not a female doctor in the palace, she is clearly Mo Rongzhan was looking for Lu Yaoyao.

"The emperor, if you are tired of the concubine who likes other women, the concubine dare not complain, but Lu Yaoyao is the cousin of the concubine. Isn't the emperor trying to embarrass the concubine?" Lu Shuanger's eyes were red, and the shrew suddenly looked Become Chu Chu's poor and weak beauty.

Ye Zhen listened to Lu Shuang'er, but he sighed ridiculously in his heart, what a fool! Lu Shuang'er didn't understand Mo Rongzhan at all. This man is already the emperor of Jin Kingdom. Does he want a woman to show his face? Lu Shuang'er took herself too seriously. He wanted to pet the harem alone but didn't have the ability to do so. Now that she can be favored in the palace for two years in the previous life, it is because Mo Rongzhan sees Lu Ling's meritorious service, or is it Think that Lu Shuang'er is his life-saving talent who has always tolerated it?

Mo Rongzhan looked at her coldly. Why hadn't he noticed that Lu Shuang'er was so stupid before? Even if he liked other women, she had to accept her fate, embarrassed? She thought that would be embarrassing? "Lu Shuang'er, you embarrass yourself yourself."

Ye Zhen glanced at Mo Rongzhan without leaving a trace, with some doubts in his heart, isn't Mo Rongzhan still pampering Lu Shuang'er? Today, it seems to be a little different from what she remembered.

She remembered that Mo Rongzhan still loved Lu Shuang'er very much at this time in her previous life.Even if Lu Shuang'er was jealous and sexually oppressed other concubines in the palace, he would open his eyes and close his eyes. In this life, he was impatient with Lu Shuang'er at this time. ?

What is the reason?

Just when Ye Zhen was confused, Lu Shuang'er was already crying in a low voice, Mo Rongzhan's eyes flashed impatiently, turned his head and said coldly to Ye Zhen, "What are you still doing here?"

Ye Zhen lowered his head and replied, "The courtier retires."

Mo Rongzhan frowned and looked at the red and swollen palm prints on her white cheeks, and the cold voice ordered Fude, who had been hanging his head next to him, "Get two boxes of snow lotus ointment for Miss Lu."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Fude's voice was a little trembling. He hardly dared to look up at Ye Zhen. He just glanced at him and he was already shocked. This girl Lu San looks too much like the former princess, although her eyebrows are a little different. But at first glance it looks very similar.

The emperor hadn't seen the princess before and naturally didn't recognize it, but he had seen it a few times, and he felt that such a stunning beauty was a bit pitiful.

I didn't expect that this woman who looked so similar to Ye Zhen would be a girl from the Lu family.

Fate is really...it makes people feel scared!

Lu Shuang'er, who was on the side, heard that Mo Rongzhan was going to give Lu Yaoyao the snow lotus ointment, and her heart and lungs hurt. The snow lotus ointment was a tribute made from a thousand-year-old snow lotus, so she also got a bottle, how could he For Lu Yaoyao?

It's a pity that Mo Rongzhan ignored Lu Shuang'er Pear Flower's appearance with rain at all, turned and walked on his own.

As soon as Ye Zhen walked on his front foot, he also wanted to leave. Before taking two steps, he was stopped by Lu Shuang'er again.

"Did the palace let you go?" Lu Shuang'er's anger was still in his heart, and he didn't plan to let Ye Zhen go just like that.

"The imperial concubine, Miss Lu San." Aunt Cheng walked over with a smile. She didn't seem to see the anger and tears on Lu Shuang'er's face. ."

Ye Zhen smiled faintly, "Aunt Cheng, I am going back to Ci Ning Palace, and you happen to lead the way. I'm really afraid I don't know how to get there."

Aunt Cheng smiled, "The slave and maid lead the way for Miss Lu."

"Thank you Aunt Cheng." Ye Zhen's expression relaxed, and he glanced at Aunt Cheng gratefully.

"The imperial concubine, the empress dowager has not seen Miss Lu for a long time before letting the slave-maid come out to take a look. If you have nothing else to tell, the slave-maid and Miss Lu will retreat first." Aunt Cheng smiled and looked at Lu Shuang'er.

The anger in Lu Shuang'er's heart has not dissipated, but because of the appearance of Aunt Cheng, she finally recovered a trace of reason, with a slight smile on her face, "There is nothing wrong with this palace, you can withdraw."

What happened to her today? Lu Shuang'er asked herself, no matter how angry she used to be, she would never lose her composure in front of Mo Rongzhan, and he would never defend another woman in front of her. If it weren't for Lu Yaoyao, she would not. Will be in front of him...

"The concubine empress?" The court lady behind Lu Shuang'er whispered to her.

"Daiping, is this palace too impulsive today?" Lu Shuang'er watched Ye Hao disappear from her sight, and she asked the maid next to her in a low voice.

"Niang, the emperor likes you the most, he won't be angry with you, don't be sad." Daiping whispered.

Lu Shuang'er smiled bitterly in her heart. She used to believe that Mo Rongzhan would not leave her in the cold. He always regarded her as a savior when she was a teenager. However, since the last time the elder brother said that the emperor knew that Ye Zhen had a nickname, he even suspected her. It wasn't the person who had saved him before, and her heart began to feel uneasy.

His recent neglect... is it related to this matter?

No! Lu Shuang'er's eyes are gloomy, she will definitely not let anyone take away her favor and scenery, Mo Rongzhan is just skeptical now, if he really didn't like her, he would have never even seen her.

As for Lu Yaoyao... she would never let her get close to Mo Rongzhan again.

"In a few days, please come to the palace." Lu Shuang'er said.