

He is the cold-blooded prince of the Jin Kingdom, strategizing and observing the world. She was her princess and saved her life, but he wouldn't even see her. The fire was spreading and death came, and she knew her existence was a joke! Opening her eyes, she changed his state and was reborn two years ago. Ye Zhen smiled slightly: in this life, she will trample on everyone who has deceived her and deceived her identity! Let her taste the unforgettable pain of love sickness and the pain of unrequited love!

Seth_97 · History
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100 Chs


Lu Shuang'er stood where she was.She did not step back, but looked at Mo Rong Zhan aggrievedly.

Mo Rongzhan looked up at her indifferently, "Lu Guifei, is there anything else?"

"The emperor, are you still angry with your concubines?" Lu Shuang'er walked towards Mo Rong Zhan, she didn't want to leave like this, she couldn't bear Mo Rong Zhan's indifference to her.

When she was in the border town, when she saw him wearing black armor sitting on horseback, his innate domineering and indifferent eyes had already attracted her deeply, and she couldn't help herself. Falling in love with him, but he has always been so indifferent, even if her eldest brother is his confidant by his side, he didn't look at her too much.

Later, she learned from her elder brother that Ye Zhen had rescued him when she was a child.In order to get his attention, when she saw him, she blurted out that she was the one who saved him.

Mo Rongzhan actually believed it, began to smile at her, and paid more and more attention to him. She had never seen him so gentle. She was addicted to his special treatment and begged the eldest brother to save Ye Zhen from his childhood. I told him in more detail.

At that time, the person she hated most was Ye Zhen.If Mo Rongzhan knew that Ye Zhen saved him, he would definitely treat her well.She was still his princess, so it would be even more different.

At that time, she really wanted Ye Zhen to die quickly.Fortunately, she finally died.Lu Shuang'er thought that this would be able to get Mo Rongzhan, and no one would snatch his love for her.

Mo Rongzhan didn't know what Lu Shuang'er was thinking at this time, he just said lightly, "I'm not angry."

Lu Shuang'er woke up from the memory, looked at his handsome profile, and felt a pain in his heart, "The emperor, the concubine will never be like that again in the future."

Mo Rongzhan's face was indifferent and his tone was cold, "Well, you are a noble concubine, you should look like a noble concubine."

"The concubine heard that... Your Majesty wants to establish a concubine, and I feel sad in my heart. Only when the eldest princess instigates a few words and becomes angry." Lu Shuang'er said, his eyes quietly looked at his expression.

"If you are going to be sad because of my concubine, noble concubine, I am afraid that you will be sad often in the future." Mo Rong said in a cold voice. Since he is sure that Lu Shuang'er will not be the little girl he met when he was a teenager, as long as you see her, He will think of his own mistake.

How does he believe what Lu Shuanger said? The little girl back then was so soft and cute, even if he couldn't see her, he should know only by her voice that she couldn't be as impulsive and rude as Lu Shuang'er.

"The emperor..." Lu Shuang'er didn't notice the anger flashing through Mo Rongzhan's eyes, she was already startled by his words.

What does he mean? She will always be sad...Is he always setting up a concubine?

Mo Rongzhan frowned, her dark eyes showing a bitter coldness, "I'm going to be busy, go on, I don't want to say it again."

Lu Shuang'er was suppressed by the aura on his body. Even if she wanted to ask to understand, she didn't dare to speak. She bowed her knees and saluted, "Your Majesty, the concubine will go back first."

After coming out of the Imperial Study Room, Mo Rongzhan didn't even look at her again.

There were tears in Lu Shuang'er's eyes, and he almost ran back to Kunning Palace.

"Those bitches! bitch!" Lu Shuang'er vented and smashed the quilt pillows on the bed to the ground. All the shameless women wanted to seduce the emperor, especially the Liuhua, who couldn't wait to beg the queen mother. Up.

If it weren't for them to force each other, how could the emperor want to establish a concubine so quickly?

"Niangniang, don't be angry with yourself." Daiping hurriedly retreated all the servants around her, and put away the messy things in the house that had been smashed by Lu Shuang'er.

Lu Shuang'er sneered and snorted, "How can this palace be so angry? I'm afraid that there will be no place for this palace to stand in this palace soon."

"How come, Niangniang, the emperor likes you the most. Even if other women enter the palace, you are still unique." Daiping persuaded that she had served Lu Shuang'er since she was a child. All know Lu Shuang'er's temperament.

Lu Shuang'er shook his head lightly and whispered, "No, the emperor treats me differently..."

"How could it be? The emperor has no other concubines in the palace except for the empress. How could it be different to you?" Daiping persuaded.

Lu Shuang'er suddenly thought of Lu Yaoyao who had entered the palace today, and remembered Mo Rongzhan's smile to Lu Yaoyao when she was in the Yuhuayuan. She straightened up suddenly, "Have you sent someone back to the Lu family? The palace wants to see the old lady. ."

Dai Ping said, "As soon as the old lady entered the palace today, the slave and maid will let her go and share a message with the old lady tomorrow."

"You don't need to let the eldest lady enter the palace. You will go out of the palace in person tomorrow, and go to see the eldest lady with the waist card of this palace, just say that this palace wants to know what the eldest lady's body is." Lu Shuang'er said.

"Yes, Niang Niang." Daiping quickly agreed.

Lu Shuang'er looked out the window with gloomy eyes, she must take precautions, no matter whether Mo Rongzhan meant that Lu Yaoyao or not, she would not let Lu Yaoyao have a chance to enter the palace.

I don't know if she thinks too much in her heart, she always feels that Lu Yaoyao...will be a dangerous existence.

Ye Zhen didn't know that she had been calculated by Lu Shuang'er.She had no dreams all night, and woke up from a sound sleep.She was full of energy, especially when she found that the red spots on her face had disappeared, and her mood was better.

Today is the day she went to the women's college.She got up very early, and was afraid that she would be late when she went to the college.Now it is different from before, and she will not make any mistakes.

She first went to say goodbye to Mrs. Lu. After going to the college, she would be back in about five or six days. Then she went to Lu Shiming and his wife and met Lu Xiangzhi.

"Yaoyao, today my eldest brother sent you to the academy. I originally wanted to send you there, but I still have to go to Xu Lao..." Lu Xiangzhi said to Ye Zhen with some guilt.

Ye Zhen waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter, it's not far anyway, it doesn't matter if you study with Old Xu."

Lu Xiangzhi patted Ye Zhen on the shoulder, "We Yaoyao are really getting more and more sensible."

"I'm pretty sensible!" Ye Hao gave him a look, and was a little surprised that it was actually Lu Lingzhi who sent her to the academy.

Shouldn't he be preparing to go to Xifan? How could he have time?

Ye Zhen wondered, when he came outside, Lu Lingzhi was already waiting for her.

Lu Lingzhi's foot injury had not completely healed, so instead of riding a horse, he sat in a carriage with Ye Zhen.

"Yaoyao, come up, we should set off." Lu Lingzhi looked at Ye Zhen and said with a smile, and found that the redness on her face had disappeared, and he felt a little relieved.

Ye Zhen squinted at him slightly, then got on the carriage, pursed his lips and smiled, "Big brother."