

He is the cold-blooded prince of the Jin Kingdom, strategizing and observing the world. She was her princess and saved her life, but he wouldn't even see her. The fire was spreading and death came, and she knew her existence was a joke! Opening her eyes, she changed his state and was reborn two years ago. Ye Zhen smiled slightly: in this life, she will trample on everyone who has deceived her and deceived her identity! Let her taste the unforgettable pain of love sickness and the pain of unrequited love!

Seth_97 · History
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100 Chs

A Woman's First Growth

Besides bringing the deer to Ye Zhen, Lu Xiangzhi also had two rabbits and two pheasants. Ye Zhen gave them to her servants and asked them to clean them before bringing them back.

"Brother, is it fun to hunt today?" Ye Zhen asked with a smile.

"It's fun, but it's a shame you don't go, otherwise you'll like it too," Lu Xiang said regretfully.

Ye Zhen thought that he would not like her to go there. With Mo Rongzhan and Lu Lingzhi, he definitely couldn't have fun.

"Next time we will go together again," Ye Zhen said.

Lu Xiangzhi nodded, "Ah, I have to go back. Brother is waiting for us there."

"Why are you here with Tang Zhen?" Ye Zhen looked at Tang Zhen that he was talking to Lu Shiming.

"Brother Tang is a good man, he went to help me tell the emperor, otherwise he would not dare to go back and give you something without authorization," Lu Xiangzhi said.

Ye Zhen frowned slightly, "Did the emperor ask you something?"

Lu Xiangzhi said, "What can the emperor ask me? I looked at him from a distance and he was quite good."

"Oh." Ye Zhen slightly nodded, and silently sighed in relief. It seems that Mo Rongzhan did not order to find the woman who met him last night. It's okay.

"Little Xi, we should go back." Tang Zhen walked over and said to Lu Xiangzhi, but looked at Ye Zhen, "Third Sister, we meet again."

Ye Zhen smiled slightly, "Jing Ninghou, I wonder if you compare hunting to others today."

Tang Zhen laughed haha, "If the third sister was there at that time, she would definitely have to try again."

Ye Zhen looked at him, "Do you still have a silver whip to lose against me?"

"..." Tang Zhen was speechless for a while, he may not waste all the time!

Lu Xiangzhi felt that his sister was a bit cruel, so he coughed and said, "Sister, let's go first."

Tang Zhen felt that she preferred to eat roast lamb here with the Lu family people, she did not want to go back.

"Brother, be careful," Ye Zhen said to Lu Xiangzhi.

"Sister, why do you only care about your fourth brother?" In any case, she sacrificed the world's only silver whip to him.

Ye Zhen only looked at him weakly, "Jing Ninghou, I will not reveal it."

Lu Xiangzhi endured a smile, "Brother Tang, don't be surprised, my sister is like that, often she doesn't speak big or small."

Seeing this scene, Lu Shiming and Pei exchanged glances, and the two of them smiled and sent Tang Zhen and the others to the door.

Tang Zhen politely invited them back, "Master Lu, you don't need to fire him. Yanzhi and I are brothers. You are his third uncle, and that is my third uncle."

"..." Lu Shiming wondered where she really dared to answer Jingninghou's third uncle.

Ye Zhen, no matter how much Lu Shiming liked Tang Zhen, she sat next to Mr. Shan, "Mr. Shan's piano is really good."

Mr. Shan did not respond to her words, but stared at Ye Zhen, "You dance well and you have a great sense of rhythm. Can you really not play the piano?"

How can a person who cannot play the piano know how to use the drums to respond to his piano?

Ye Zhen smiled and said, "When I was in the border town, there was a dance group near my house. At that time, I was going to watch them learn to dance, but actually I did it silently."

Mr. Shan raised his eyebrows nonchalantly and didn't really believe Ye Zhen's words, but other than this, he couldn't find a more suitable reason. Seeing this girl's dance posture today, he suddenly felt that the student has many secrets that are unknown. Perhaps there are talents that others do not know.

"Who was the man now?" Mr. Shan asked quietly. She was not in Kyoto for long, and she did not go out to socialize when she returned. Tang Zhen in Kyoto today is Jing Ninghou.

Ye Zhen said lightly, "The master is talking about Jingninghou? He is an orphan. He heard that he has been with Mo Rongzhan since he was a child. This time the new emperor took the throne, so he was called Jingninghou."

Although there is no support from a large family, such a person is more likely to gain the trust of the emperor. At least three generations of wealth can be guaranteed. Kyoto girls who want to marry him can still form a long line. .

Mr. Shan said coldly: "I think he is too worried about you. If you know how to love yourself, just listen to my persuasion. The men of this world have few words to believe in. They have been the most miserable and widowed. ". since ancient times ".

Ye Zhen knew that Mr. Shan was worried about being cheated on. "Mr. Don't worry, students naturally know depth."

"Good to Know." Mr. Shan didn't say too much. Seeing that Ye Zhen understood her, he stopped speaking.

Lu Shiming and his wife also returned, and the lamb was already roasted.

The herbal juice on Ye Zhen's face was washed away by sweat. Under the care of the fire, the skin on her face was as radiant as jade, with a very clear and beautiful beauty.

"Yaoyao ..." Lu Shiming seemed speechless when she noticed her daughter's changes on the first day.

"What happens?" Ye Zhen was cutting lamb, and when Lu Shiming called out to her, she raised her head with a smile.

Lu Shiming really found out today that this daughter has become so beautiful. In her impression, Yaoyao is like Ye Xiaozi. When did she become so beautiful?

"Okay, eat more" Lu Shiming was surprised and happy, more concerned.

She looks so pretty, as long as she appears, she will attract the attention of others. If Yaoyao's biological parents saw her, would they recognize her?

Lu Shiming felt the urge to hide her daughter in her dresser and not let her out of her, but after all, she was only thinking about that, if he really locked her daughter away, she wouldn't be able to bear it .

Ye Zhen didn't know what Lu Shiming was thinking, she got Pei's consent and Mr. Shan drank several glasses of fruit wine, but the amount of alcohol was too bad and she got drunk after just a few drinks.

Pei asked the maid to send her back, and in the end only Pei and Mr. Shan had a drink at the end of the month.

When Lu Xiangzhi and Tang Zhen returned to the hunting ground, they were all already drinking and eating meat, and two guards were still fighting in the middle.

Mo Rongzhan sat on it, drinking as he looked at the wrestling guards on the court. When Lu Xiangzhi and Tang Zhen returned, he only looked slightly.

Lu Xiangzhi and Tang Zhen saluted Mo Rongzhen before returning to their positions.

"Why did you come back late?" Lu Lingzhi frowned and asked his brother.

"My dad and they are also roasting meat. When I came back, I saw the third sister dancing. Brother, you don't know, the third sister dancing is quite good," Lu Xiangzhi said trivially. His sister has become so beautiful and so handsome, he too with Yourong Yan.

Lu Lingzhi frowned, "Dancing?"

He imagined the scene of Yaoyao dancing, his chest felt clogged, he turned his head and looked at Tang Zhen, who was sitting next to him, and saw that he had a smile on his face, his eyes were not watching the fight absolutely.

"Yes, Mr. Shan plays the piano, Yaoyao dances and plays the drums, like a fairy, Brother Tang was dumbfounded," laughed Lu Xiangzhi.

Lu Lingzhi coldly snorted, and Tang Zhen looked like a fool now!