
Chapter 4: Adventures at Pentos (2)

Ser Axell Florent, the castellan of Dragonstone, had already set sail to Pentos a day after Shireen and the company left Dragonstone. Obviously, they found out that Lady Shireen Baratheon, Ser Davos Seaworth, Dale Seaworth, Patchface and several Baratheon guards were missing at Dragonstone. It's obvious that both Stannis and Selyse were angry and worried at the same time. Axell guessed that either Shireen or Davos will get scolded by the time they are back in Dragonstone. Axell Florent is accompanied by Allard Seaworth who is manning the galley Lady Marya which is the ship they're using to sail to Pentos.

To the present day, Axell and Baratheon knights docked at the port and began to have a heavy presence in the area. This caught the attention of people, wondering as to why there are heavy Westerosi knights at Pentos. As far as they know, there is no war between the Seven Kingdoms and Pentos, right? Axell and the company began to stroll to the inner Pentos and to their surprise, there were no city watches present in the area. What the hell is happening?

Then Axell saw Ser Davos, Dale Seaworth and Baratheon agents following some sort of a trail. Probably Lady Shireen's?

"Ser Davos!" Axell yelled.

Ser Davos and the company turned around where the voice was. Davos raised his eyebrows as to why the castellan was here.

"Ser Axell? Allard! What are you doing here?"

"Lord Stannis found out that you and Lady Shireen were here in Pentos. Say, where is Lady Shireen?"

"We're following her, Ser Axell! She's in danger!"

"What?! What do you mean she's in danger?!"

"Lady Shireen went out to the inner city without a single guard!"

"So you think she fought against the Pentoshi?"

"Yes! That's exactly it!"

To say that Lady Shireen went out to fight the underground organization of Illyrio Mopatis was absurd, it was natural for Ser Axell to not believe it.

"That makes no sense, Ser Davos. Lady Shireen is ten name days. No experience at swordfighting. She's just a child."

"It's true! Why would I lie about that?!" Ser Davos continued, "We don't have time to stand around, Ser Axell. We need to find her now!"

Few days ago, Stannis Baratheon summoned Axell and ordered him to help Shireen. The Baratheon knights of Dragonstone including Axell, pity Shireen and saw her as a liability of the house though they couldn't refuse the lord's command to follow like heaven.

"There was some trouble between Shireen and those Pentoshi foreigners. Please help my daughter and solve this problem, Ser Axell."

'Well, since Lord Stannis asked for it as well. This sure is a pain.' Ser Axell thought as he scratched his head. 'Damn it, why is she going around when she doesn't even know how to use a weapon?'

"Everyone. Ready your swords immediately." Ser Axell said in a stern tone.

"Ser Davos, you take the lead. You know where Lady Shireen's trail is."

Ser Davos nodded.

"We may be in a foreign land but as long as we're here, they won't dare touch Lady Shireen. For the night is dark and full of terrors."

"For the night is dark and full of terrors." The men replied back. Their mission to find Lady Shireen begins.


"W-what the hell?!" the two assassins took a step back as Shireen widely grins at them like a little demon.

"Just what is going on here?!" yelled the assassin.

"How can a kid fight like this?!" yelled the other assassin.

Though the assassins were uncomfortable at this situation, especially that Shireen's smile (and her greyscale on the left side of her face) was really uncanny to the point that it sent chills down their spine.

"What are you guys doing?" Shireen asked as she smiled at the assassins.

"Come and get me." Shireen began to do a defensive stance, signalling the assassins to come and get her.

"Y..yo..you little bitch!" they pulled out their daggers. "I'LL KILL YOU!" said one of the assassins as they attacked Shireen at the same time.

Weapons were swung from all sides, aiming for Shireen's life. The sharp blades of sunlight shone brightly, but they did not achieve their purpose and only ripped through the pitiful air.

Then the men's faces hardened. If it was the Shireen they knew, it didn't make any sense for them to make such a move.

Shireen's kick exploded in the man's stomach.

"AHHHHHH! YOU LITTLE BITCH!" The man tried to counterattack with a face distorted in pain, but Shireen escaped the attack range with a swift movement.

When she hurriedly found his opponent's location, Shireen's fist pierced his face. Whoops, he turned his head. Blood poured from his mouth, and his teeth splattered on the floor like corn.

"Great!" Shireen said in a joyful tone.

Another man's scream was heard. While the man who had been beaten could not come to his senses, the dagger thrown by Shireen was stuck in the thigh of the other man.

The information is wrong. No, common sense is wrong. The Shireen they knew was never a person who could produce such a result because she was just a kid! A damn kid!

"Is it just the three of you?" Shireen's voice was dull.

Shireen wiped the blood off her face as if nothing happened, then looked around and understood the situation. It's only three assassins. At least, Shireen's senses were saying that there is no one capable of avoiding Shireen's senses in Illyrio's criminal organization.

"Ugh… if, if you kill us, you won't be safe either!" The man was furious. Terrified, he tried to destroy Shireen's will with words.

Shireen squatted in front of him.

"How can you say that when I already killed the two of you? And you're just saying whatever you can?"

"Answer wisely to what I ask you." Shireen stared directly at the assassin's soul. It was so…dead and even the assassin could feel it. He didn't dare to look into Shireen's eyes anymore. "Or else…"

Then, with a dagger, he stabbed his leg while the assassin screamed in pain.

"Now, where's Illyrio Mopatis?"

The conversation was short. The Mopatis gang tried to hide the information, but as soon as the torture began, he immediately gave the information after Shireen cut off the knuckles of the fingers. There was no way for the assassin to survive in this situation where their eyes were cut out.

"There is a pub called Dawn's Dew. Me, we have a mission there. If you say a special passphrase, that's how they give you a mission, so we don't know any further information."

"And what's the special passphrase?"

"Tear of the Dawn. Something strong. Work in the morning. You have to say all of these in order, my lady."

There was a dead silence between the two. Shireen just stared at the assassin.

"Now.. are you going to save me? I am a slave of Illyrio Mopatis!"

"No, the only way to rehabilitate a garbage like you is death."

She pierced the man's heart with a dagger. There was no guilt. Magic is a world of weak and strong food. Showing mercy to the enemy is not a virtue of magic. Shireen wiped the blood from her face with her sleeve, and walked back to the crowded street.

'One by one.' Laughter came out from Shireen.

Shireen knows.

'The fact that I'm not a good person. My heart is pounding! Feelings that I couldn't feel when I reigned as the supreme ruler of the world came alive after a long time and stimulated my senses!' Shireen was smiling at herself as she thought about this.

Shireen then walked alone to the lair of Illyrio Mopatis' criminal empire though she doubts that this is the official lair of Mopatis. Magisters have a lot of safehouses.


Shireen entered a Pentoshi pub called Dawn's Dew, located at the heart of Pentos. In a place frequented by people, The Mopatis organization was doing business with a signboard proudly.

As Shireen opened the door and entered, the bell rang loudly. The scenery inside the building was not different from other pubs. People around the round table and bar were chatting, and in front of them was a man who seemed to be the owner busily carrying beer.

There were dozens of people in the neighborhood, probably because they were doing well in their own way.

"Hey, isn't that Shireen Baratheon, the daughter of Stannis Baratheon?" For a moment, people's eyes turned to Shireen. Since there was no way they could not know the face of the cousins of the Royal Family that ruled Dragonstone.

The people who had been making a lot of noise until just now silenced their voices as if they had promised. After all, Pentos is a hotbed of pro-Targaryen activity regardless of the fact that it is an Essosi free city.

Shireen Baratheon.

No matter how much she was called an ugly by the people. To the common people or the smallfolk, Shireen is a powerful person who couldn't even make eye contact.

People hastily looked away.

With the stillness subsided, Shireen calmly moved forward and sat down at the bar.

"Tears of Dawn."

"I'm sorry, kid, but we don't serve Tears of Dawn here. Can I recommend you another drink?"

"Well, please make it as poisonous as possible. Something strong. I have a lot of work to do in the morning, so I think I need to get a little drunk."

The owner of the pub's expression hardened.

Tear of the Dawn.

Something strong.

Work in the morning.

The successive words were the passwords set by members of the Mopatis organization. The problem was that the opponent was a familiar face, Shireen Baratheon.

In the quiet space, people's eyes alternately looked at the owner and Shireen. Some show pure curiosity, while others reveal complex emotions in their eyes. A fleeting moment.

A smile caught Shireen's lips, and the owner swung the dagger he had hidden under the table like a lightning bolt.

Shireen slapped the owner in the head with a beer mug and at the same time, as he flew back, some customers who had been drinking around until now attacked Shireen.

Daggers nailed to the bar table. Under the dark lighting, the Mopatis gang showed their fierce eyes. The information Shireen had found was true.

"That little bitch! Kill her!" Several men disguised as guests rushed to Shireen at once.

"Run away!" the customers screamed in bastardized Valyrian and ran out of the pub.

'Thanks to this, the division of enemies to be killed became clear.' Shireen thought as she scanned her surroundings.

'Eight people.'

Shireen and the men's bodies got tangled up. The dagger wielded at close range threatened Shireen's vital points, but Shireen dodged all those attacks even when she was close. Not only that, she immediately counterattacked and punched a hole in the opponent's neck.

When the dagger was wielded in a simple motion, the opponent fell to the floor pick and pick, dripping blood without fail.

There were no more peaceful pubs.

Rather than a worker who soothes his tiredness with beer & after a day's work, the blood monsters revealed their true nature. However, their opponent was a predator that would devour them all. Even if they rushed from all directions, it was the criminal organization and the crew who fell rather.

The face of the last remaining man was thrown on the table. The hard table shattered and the man passed out, and Shireen kicked him without hesitation in the face he had thrown on the floor. A man who squirts blood, rolls around. His body, drooping on the floor, showed that the soul was no longer inhabited.

In the last few days. Shireen made a leap in physical development in a short period of time. It was impossible for ordinary Murim people, but for the unifying Chunma (heavenly demons), there was nothing impossible.

Heavenly Demon. Bull Demon King. Woo Ma-wang. Murim's number one, was able to improve Shireen's body just by breathing although there weren't any significant changes on Shireen just yet.

Heavenly Demon's memory and Heavenly Demonic Martial Arts made such a miracle possible. It would take a considerable amount of time for Shireen to reach a satisfactory level, but even if she recovered only 0.1% of her original strength, there was no problem with dealing with rats like these.

Shireen is holding his breath. At her dantian (or energy center), a sliver of mana reacted. Shireen's body, which was far from mana, was already accumulating mana and entering a new world. Does this mean that magic will be revived in Westeros soon?

'These people are nothing but nuisances.' Shireen thought after killing most of the men who rushed at her. Bloodlust never works for a person like Shireen.

"Is it over? What happened..." said the owner of the pub.

It was an instant. All the men who rushed to Shireen died. Only one had survived and it was the owner.

"You made it just in time." Shireen began to approach the front to face the owner. "I was just about to finish up."

At first, only the owner, who had been beaten by a beer mug, looked up at Shireen with a blood-stained face.

"My.. my lady! Why are you doing this?!"

Shireen chuckled. "What a useless question. You're the one who attacked me. Besides that, it's just you and me."

The face of the owner, who was terrified, suddenly changed when he saw Shireen sitting right in front of him with a chair. The expression of a ferocious demon.

"I have something I'm curious about. Let's have a talk, shall we?"

The pub owner cried out in pain.


"W-what's this?!" Ser Axell was shocked about several dead men lying on the ground. The Baratheon knights were scanning and patrolling the pub to find Lady Shireen.

"Is this really… something that Lady Shireen did…?" Axell was still shocked by this.

"SER AXELL!" yelled one of the knights.

"What is it?" Ser Axell looked up as one of the knights was on the second floor.

"A survivor from the second floor opened his mouth. He said Lady Shireen went to the magister's mansion!"

"What? Why there?" Axell was confused by this.

"Well, he said that the Illyrio Mopatis' organization's main base is at the magister's mansion!"