
Heavenly Asura Venerable

Lin Yujia was a rapper and musician who committed many atrocities. Unfortunately, he was killed by his own cult, his soul is then brought to Yama, the king of hell who sends him to another world with a useless body as a punishment for his misdeeds,. Here Lin Yujia learns the concept of power and struggles to survive in this large cultivation world.

Ex_Wai_Zi · Eastern
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12 Chs

Angry Yao Fei

Minutes later, Lin Yujia had a little feeling of regret towards his action, he was now seventy percent sure that he was purely bad luck.

"You haven't answered my question" a similar voice sounded again that brought Lin Yujia back to the environment and he had an extreme feeling that this girl wasn't letting him go easily.

"Do you know where you are?" Lin Yujia finally summoned up courage to ask her his own question.

"I don't really know, I think I'm in the mortal world." The question finally brought some weight on the red haired lady and some hope for Lin Yujia to step out of here alive.

The red haired lady finally came back to her lotus position she was trying to summon up her god level cultivation, the breeze was screaming and the air became stingy in it's share of breath for Lin Yujia, beautiful golden flower appeared out of nowhere at the middle of her hands and a large phenomenon at her reaching the skies and nearly ninety feet tall.

"No! this can't be happening." The red haired lady made loud sounds from her mouth, anyways Lin Yujia for a fact could not understand why she was sad, as for him, she had a very strong and awesome cultivation base even stronger than Su Wushuang, his grandfather.

The red haired lady was a disciple of the strongest god in the god realm, Shen Guang the lightening god, there was a war in the god realm against the devils, in that battle the gods were having the upper hands, but the allies of Shen Guang betrayed him and turned against him, they finished the war and started hunting him at that time he was still injured and was no match for them they hunted him round the god world until he decided to stop running, secretly killed his son and his wife was nowhere to be seen, saddened Shen Guang sent his disciple and his weapon away from the god world as that the only thing proficient to do, he sealed her in an asteroid which landed not long ago in the Qin Lake.

However, his disciple didn't know that to enter the mortal world, she must not have a god level cultivation unless it would break that world.

"Master made that sacrifice for me." Almost close to tears it all made sense to her now and now she did not know where he was whether he was alive or dead, besides he gave her his destiny dao weapon which was his weapon for life.

Lin Yujia didn't know where to come from in all these revelation, not as if he knew the master that she was speaking of, but he just prayed that she may not kill him out of grief.

"Who are you?" another question steamed up Lin Yujia's head and he didn't even know when he voiced it out.

"Yao Fei." Lin Yujia was quite surprised that she even answered him, or what changed her temperament?

"Look, I don't know where I am now but I hope that you could help me get out." Yao Fei finally voiced out her mind to Lin Yujia.

"Get out…. you got sealed in this rock and you must know how to come out of it right?" Lin Yujia had a bewildered smile on his face, how could she which that much amount of spiritual power get stalked in this kind of place.

"Alright, I knew you wouldn't be much of a help in getting us out so I try out something close." She harrumphed at Lin Yujia while she turned back to summon her qi and power, it was a very mad wave with skies turning dark red, with a swipe from her hand she brought out a radiant golden light as bright as the sun and amidst all this wave was Lin Yujia who was hiding at the back of a mountain but he could still certainly see from her far what she was doing.

Yao Fei was sending strong qi around the world so it may crumble, but that was not enough as the world was withstanding all her efforts and this was even making her more angrier, so she decided to use her full force, she still still had a destiny to live outside this asteroid.

"Yao Fei! Stop!" Lin Yujia called out from her back with worry written on his face, he didn't even know why he felt worry towards her after all she was stronger than him by far, but he belived that his feeling of worry was not for her but for him, he wished that she grant him his sacred veins as that was all he hoped for.

"Why did you want me to stop huh, what do you want us to do here, make a happy family out of this, I still have a life to live out there outside of this rock." The angry Yao Fei took her face from Lin Yujia's and continued slamming forcefully on the space inside the rock.

Aargh! BAM! BOOM!

However Lin Yujia just watched her as she tried to crack the space open at least she knew what she doing and was better of him, today had been a rough day for Lin Yujia and everything left, it started with a strife with Su Haoyu and then a wrongful, cocky judgement by his brother and all those good for nothing elders and when he entered into the asteroid he thought he had found hope however now, the asteroid is trying to trap them, all these is a prove that the heavens does not support his existence, so he waited for death to come knock his door.



Meanwhile, Yao Fei had used up most of her energy trying to break open the asteroid until she spat out a mouthful of blood, then she started attacking physically since now her spiritual power was not in the right state.




The world in the asteroid was in turmoil and it shaked profusely as it kept on receiving deadly, deafening blows from Yao Fei.