
Heavenly Asura Venerable

Lin Yujia was a rapper and musician who committed many atrocities. Unfortunately, he was killed by his own cult, his soul is then brought to Yama, the king of hell who sends him to another world with a useless body as a punishment for his misdeeds,. Here Lin Yujia learns the concept of power and struggles to survive in this large cultivation world.

Ex_Wai_Zi · Eastern
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12 Chs

A Worthy Game

"Talking about medicine, I brought some home for you, you also need it." Lin Yujia handed over the pouch to her while he tried to force a smile on his face for his Senior Sister Niang.

Su Niang was surprised how this kid could get this medicine for her but she didn't clearly reject it instead she accepted it and pushed further to interrogate Lin Yujia who already could read her mind at that moment.

"I managed to get my pouch from the carless idiot in one of our clashes, the asshole didn't even recognize it till now." Lin Yujia finally cackled in laughter.

Su Niang was satisfied not from the answer but from the mood swing of Lin Yujia.

The rest of the time in the little house was quiet and only the candle light danced in the breeze and a made a whispering sound.

Lin Yujia was done with his mea by then and was focused on giving Su Niang her pills and laying her head to sleep as she was really weak and had to sleep well for the morrow's work on like Lin Yujia who would work only when he decides to work.

That didn't mean that he was lazy but that he didn't have a serious thing that he was doing that occupied his mind.


Lin Yujia slammed his little bungalow's door quietly so he wouldn't wake Su Niang who he had already laid to sleep. As a matter of fact he did not even know what he was doing outside or where he was heading to but his mind just kept on telling him to go forward so he started thinking of a place he would go and ease out his mind.

His mind went to the lake at the back of the palace, it had been a constant factor that had kept him going when he was about to break down.

The Palace of the Su Clan's dignities was built at the middle of the clan and was situated close to the market and at the bake was the Qin Lake.

It sounds funny why a lake in the Su Clan would be named Qin lake. It was named after the person who found it, he was a royal member of the Su Clan and discovered it on one of his wanders around the Su Clan. The lake was very mysterious as the surface of the lake was golden in colour and the sound of the waters when water blew out of it was like a beautiful fairy singing.

Many believe it to have a connection to something divine and some also link it to the good luck that the Su Clan has been experiencing for the past years.

But as for Lin Yujia, it was a place he could go when he was broken hearted.

Sssh! wwwh!

The high pitched sounds from the lake were very ear-piercing and the wind was very violent.

Lin Yujia could tell that some was not alright but he still kept on going, he was very certain that whatever was going to come out from his journey to this lake will be the solution to his problem.

Sssh! wwwh!

The same high pitched sounds but this time it was even was and Lin Yujia's ears still hummed from the loud sounds that the lake made, but he still kept on going and he soon he paused along his track and sat cross legged on a stone.

Soon it was pitch dark and the darkness was thick such that the only thing in his view was the Qin Lake and the moon in the sky.

The sky...

The skies were changing colors slowly and steadily and soon the whole clouds around eighty metres in diameter was dark blue.


Thunder echoed in the surroundings as the surging tides from the Qin Lake made everywhere become so uncomfortable for Lin Yujia who was only a mortal.

Apart from the fact that the lake was beautiful and provided pleasant sounds, it also had a dense qi layer that surrounded it like a fog. That was another reason why the Su Clan's palace was built near it, the quality of the heaven and earth's qi around there was purer and richer which was efficient for the improvement of the cultivation of the members of the royal family.

Soon Lin Yujia could see something that looked like a phenomenon or a phenomenal display on the sky, just above the lake and it was like the touch of a god.

Suddenly an asteroid almost like the size of the mountain descended from above the skies, moving at a very fast pace. Lin Yujia's heart raced.

"Today is totally shit luck for me." Lin Yujia thought to himself while his legs had already got on the move, but he was just a mortal and his legs couldn't carry so far from all the mess that the asteroid was going to make.


The large asteroid like material fell into the Qi Lake and sank almost immediately, while Lin Yujia paused on his tracks.

He was in a double situation now, he felt like running away from here and never returning here again incase his name was mentioned, and another instinct told him to go on an adventure and find out what fell into that lake.

He didn't know what made him so sure that if he left the lake that moment, he might not be able to regain his sacred meridians forever, that would be a very regretful mistake that could have been caused as a result of fear and also regret will be the topic of the day when he goes into that lake and does not come back alive.

His mind ran through many thought from the time he was in judgment to the time that he was born till this awful sixteen years of his life. It was a worthy gamble really he was going to make it or even if he died he didn't really have anyone who cared about him apart from his Big sister who the only thing he brought to her since birth was pain and discomfort.

However if he could actually get something beneficiary from that asteroid he could take care of her and shield her.

Lin Yujia turned in his steps and started approaching the lake where he first left in a hopeful manner.