
Heaven Smiting God Emperor

In a world that was unimaginably vast, there were seven great sects that became the goals and dreams for everyone who wished to walk the path of cultivation. Every few years, the seven sects would hold a grand competition covering the whole world to select the most talented new disciples. Whenever it was held, the nobles and even the Princes of countless Kingdoms and Empires, would eagerly leave their own kingdoms to join the competition. All that was done only so that they could join one of the seven great sects. ... Qin Tian who is the Prince of a small kingdom but has talent and cultivation that surpasses the Prince of the Great Empire also left his own kingdom. However, when he first left his kingdom, he accidentally encountered the remnants of the soul of a long-dead Godking. He then found out that Godking was the supreme being in the Universe. They are kings of the gods and manifestations of heaven itself. Through this Godking, Qin Tian then found out that the universe was much wider than he could imagine. Millions of Galaxy, God who can destroy heaven and earth, Godking who can shake the universe. When all of that was added up, the world he had long regarded as boundless, instantly became a small place that could be easily destroyed. ....

Saubi1234 · Eastern
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217 Chs

Lan Yueli's Invitation

After the old man left, the young people in the field also began to disperse while discussing what he said.

While their group also started walking away from the field, Qin Tian could not help but think of what Lan Yueli had promised before.

After he heard the old man's explanation, Qin Tian had guessed what Lan Yueli might give him.

It's just that Qin Tian found it hard to believe that Lan Yueli actually had something that could fool a great sect.

So that great sects don't mind paying one Transcendent stone for a thousand energy nuclei, proving that it is something very valuable.

And the sect might pay them a much cheaper price.

If possible, Qin Tian would of course want to keep the core to himself.

After a while of traveling, Qin Tian's group finally returned to the city streets.

Only, Qin Tian did not meet with the people of the Huang Empire and the Blue Sky Empire when they returned. The people of the two Empires might have returned first.

But Qin Tian was not worried because he was sure that Lan Yueli would definitely contact him later.

Not long after, the group from the Floating Cloud area returned to the building where they lived.

There was only one day before they entered the mysterious primordial world so everyone was busy preparing for themselves.

"Prince Qin." Right when Qin Tian and Yu Siqi were about to enter their room, suddenly a young man approached them.

"What is wrong?" Qin Tian asked.

He was not interested in the young man's identity because he was probably just one of the people chosen to take care of matters in the building.

"Here, there is a letter for Prince Qin." He answered while handing a folded paper neatly to Qin Tian.

"Oh." Qin Tian took the letter with an interested expression. He guessed that it might come from Lan Yueli.

"You can leave." Qin Tian ordered him after taking a letter.

After the young man left, he then examined the letter.

-_- '

Qin Tian could not help but be surprised.

Although the outside of the letter looks plain, without the slightest scribble, but the letter actually emits the scent of a woman's perfume.

The aroma of the perfume feels soft and smooth, making people who smell it feel drunk.

Yu Siqi couldn't help but knit her eyebrows as she smelled perfume on the letter.

But she chose not to say anything as she saw Qin Tian already open the letter. She walked to his side to look at the contents of the letter.

"Please come to the *** restaurant. Just alone. We will talk there!"

There were only a few words, but that was enough to make Yu Siqi knit her eyebrows once more.

"Will His Highness go to that place? That woman might be up to something there." Yu Siqi asked with a frown.

Seeing Yu Siqi's expression, Qin Tian immediately calmed her down. "Don't worry. She will definitely not be able to do anything to me."

Even if Lan Yueli didn't tell him to go alone, he might still go alone because if she really planned something strange, he was more certain to run away when he was alone.

Although Yu Siqi objected, she did not say anything else because she knew, nothing could stop Qin Tian when he had made his decision.


Without anyone noticing, Qin Tian went quietly to the restaurant that Lan Yueli said.

The restaurant he was referring to was actually in the same area as the Six Eye weapons shop.

There are only a few restaurants in the area, all of which are the most luxurious restaurants on the entire spiritual continent.

Because Qin Tian did not know the exact location of the restaurant, he had to ask a city guide who made him have to remove several low-level spiritual stones.

After a while down the streets of the area, Qin Tian finally arrived at the restaurant he was looking for.

The restaurant has three floors and looks so luxurious and elegant that even the Qin royal palace looks like an ancient building when compared to the restaurant building.

On the first floor of the restaurant, there are rows of chairs and tables filled with people in fancy clothes and elegant looks.

Luckily, Qin Tian had enough face to make everyone there lose their glow just by his presence. If not, he would have been immediately kicked out by the security guard when he stepped into the restaurant because he was only wearing ordinary clothes.

For restaurants in this area, they don't care what the visitor's background is. The most important thing is that they have the wealth to pay and wear proper clothes so as not to spoil the view of the restaurant.

When entering the restaurant, Qin Tian immediately walked to the reception desk because he knew Lan Yueli would definitely not talk about important things like playing tricks under the nose of a great sects in the midst of many people.

There are some beautiful women guarding the reception desk.

When Qin Tian arrived, one of the women came forward to greet him.

"Is there anything we can help, young master?" The receptionist greeted him very friendly when he arrived.

Even though the receptionist woman tried to be calm, she was still a little blushed when she saw Qin Tian in front of her.

"Someone invited me. I'm surnamed Qin." Qin Tian didn't say much, he immediately said his purpose.

"Ah." The receptionist woman was a little surprised when she heard Qin Tian's words, but she quickly calmed herself.

After calming down, she looked at Qin Tian a few more times before she spoke. "Um, young master Qin, there really is a guest waiting for you." She paused for a moment before continuing. "Me, I will take you to the room that guest."

Saying that, she walked out of the reception desk.

Qin Tian was a little suspicious of that woman, but he still followed her.

When Qin Tian and the receptionist woman disappeared on the stairs to the top floor, several other receptionist women immediately gathered.

"That's the man Princess invited. He is very handsome." One of the receptionist women spoke with an excited expression.

"This is the first time the Princess has invited a man. Is that handsome man her boyfriend?"

"But I've never heard that Princess has a boyfriend."

Qin Tian did not know that the restaurant he visited was owned by the Blue Sky Empire. Without him knowing, his arrival will be the gossip of the waiters at the restaurant.


The woman receptionist then took Qin Tian to the third floor of the restaurant.

After going through several aisles on the third floor of the restaurant, they stopped at one of the private room doors there.

"Young master, the guest who invited you is inside. Young master, please enter." She said while continuing to stare at Qin Tian without blinking.

"Mn." Qin Tian only nodded before he opened the door of the room and entered it.


The room that Qin Tian entered was not too big, and it also didn't look too luxurious.

But, while its appearance is very simple, it is actually full of romantic atmosphere with candles lined up neatly on the walls of the room that illuminates the entire room.

Located right in the middle of the room, there is a small dining table, the size of which is only enough to accommodate two people.

On the dining table, there are several plates and cups containing food and drink, all of which exude a delicious aroma.

Of course, what was most interesting in the room was the woman sitting in one of the chairs.

She was still wearing the light blue dress she was wearing before.

It is just, the hairy scarf that before coiled around her neck, was now placed on the back of the chair behind her, which made the top of her dress completely revealed.

That's actually a V neck dress.

When she didn't wear her scarf anymore, the upper part of her chest was revealed a little.

Even though only a few were truly revealed, it still showed a little part of the woman's cleavage.

Lan Yueli's expression always looks relaxed. But she also has an elegant attitude.

These two things make her look friendly yet cannot be approached.

However, when those two things are combined with her current appearance and the place where she is, which is full of romantic atmosphere.

Describing it in words is really no longer possible because just imagining it, it's as difficult as ascending to heaven.

After being displayed on the front page, I was excited enough that I could write two chapters in one day.

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