
Chapter 8: Overconfident Heroism

Translator: 549690339

Ivy Jackson, from now on... always love yourself.

Passing a 24-hour mall, Ivy Jackson suddenly asked the driver to pull the car over.

"Wait here for me for half an hour," having said that, she got out of the car and looked up at the mall she had practically never set foot in.

"But, Miss..." the driver seemed a bit perplexed. What would he do if she didn't come back?

"You can choose to leave. At worst, I'll hail another taxi to the airport in half an hour. Your call. This covers the fare," Ivy pulled out a suitcase from the trunk and handed the driver a hundred dollars. "Keep the change," she said and then walked towards the mall, dragging her suitcase.

She filled her basket with cosmetics, skincare products (except water, she grabbed a sample), contact lenses, perfume, clothes, skirt, hat, scarf, high heels, sandals. One after another, Ivy paid for all these items using her own credit card. This time she filled the entire suitcase. As for the suits... they all went in the trash can.

So, when Ivy walked out of the mall, the driver who was still waiting for her out of gratitude for her tip, was taken aback. He rubbed his eyes to make sure he was not mistaking his passenger.

She looked stunning! Ivy was wearing a light navy blue, retro-inspired, elastic-waist, baby doll sleeveless dress. Stepping gracefully in matching wedge heels, her hair gently flowing down her back. She looked nothing like the uptown office lady she was before.

Putting the suitcase back into the trunk, Ivy looked at the driver and asked, "What do I look like I'm off to do?"

"You look like you are off to travel, or... are on your way to meet a charming boyfriend," he responded.

Ivy gave a slight smile and looked out the window with a nonchalant air. "Let's go," she said quietly.

Ivy reached the airport and bought a ticket to Clifford Island. The first flight was in two hours. Perfect timing.

After checking in her luggage, getting her boarding pass, and passing through the security check, Ivy stood in the boarding hall looking at airport through the windows, feeling at peace. There was no anticipation, no joy, not even a ripple of excitement. She quietly observed everything, including herself in the mirror reflection. A little strange, a bit uncomfortable, but it felt natural and she began liking it… it felt like her true self.

An absolute journey of self-liberation – no one else, not even herself, only strangers!

Clifford Island, covering an area of 1820 square kilometres, is located on the easternmost corner of China and is known for its mysterious natural landscapes and rich culture. It is considered the most beautiful island in China. With blossoming flowers and wafting aroma of tea, soft sea breeze, murmuring sandy beaches, it's a paradise where you can let all your passion out while gently finding your true self...

Ivy pulled apart the white curtains and looked out at the white beach outside her room. Her tranquil heart started to stir. This was Clifford Island... This was the place that she had been yearning for-- a place where nobody knew her, where she knew nobody, where she could cry, lose control, let out her primal emotions, forget about the pain, about Bryan Oakley, about her father and mother's favoritism, about Wendy's betrayal... Is it?

Ivy changed into a white sundress and sandals, carried a backpack, put on a sun hat and prepared to go for a stroll.

It was October, just after the Mid-Autumn Festival and National day holiday. The busy peak season was over and this island seemed like a lonely one. There were only a few guests here who basked in the sun and took leisurely strolls, just like Ivy. She walked along the beach, played with the waves all by herself, enjoyed the breeze all alone, sat on a sand dune looking at the endless blue sea, lost in her own world.

Lying down in the sand, Ivy looked up at the sky. The sky and sea were both blue except that the sea was before her while the sky was over her head. Ivy cried as she watched the sky. Yes, she could cry here. Really, she could cry here. This time no one was there to ridicule her, to mock her, to reprimand her. And she didn't have to constrain herself...

"Go on, cry Ivy... cry... You're nothing but a coward... Ivy, you're the most foolish and annoying person in the world..." Ivy yelled up at the sky. Around her, no one was there, except the slowly drifting clouds in the sky that seemed to be responding to her loneliness.

She cried her heart out, buried herself in the sand, coiled up her body. She was in search of herself, who was Ivy Jackson? Was she the real her? What kind of person was she... Where was her personality and where was her heart...

She fell asleep just like that. Until a shrieking sound was heard from a distance.

"Help... Help..."

Ivy was a prosecutor with the principle of upholding justice. Even though she always seemed cold and indifferent, she had a sense of justice burning in her. On hearing pleas for help, she would fight tooth and nail.

Ivy hurriedly crawled out from the sand and rushed towards the source of the sound. Seeing the gang of big men surrounding a woman in the coconut grove, she didn't think twice before rushing over.

"What are you guys doing!" She yelled, bristling with anger. At that, the men were taken aback. It seemed they weren't expecting a more attractive woman than their victim.

Ivy was naturally beautiful. She just didn't know how to highlight it and always downplayed her looks. Thus, most of the people pinned her image as the stern elder Jackson daughter. But today, she was in a white dress that accentuated her full 5 feet 8 inches frame. Her face, which was completely covered in sand, was washed clean by seawater. This made her appeal even more desirable as her wet dress clung to her slim physique, leaving the men dumbstruck.

"If you wanted to save her, you should have done it yourself," the goons pushed their victim onto the ground and started approaching Ivy.

Now, Ivy was a prosecutor, and she knew self-defense. Although she had never fought before, she could at least run, taking the victim with her.

Grabbing the woman's wrist, she yelled, "Run!"

The girl started running, sobbing while running. The scumbags were chasing them. Then there were only three men chasing them. Ivy thought she had shaken them off and picked up the pace.

"It's no use. You shouldn't mind me. Just go, they won't stop until they get what they want!" The girl cried out loud. She was grateful to Ivy for her heroic act, but she didn't want to put Ivy in danger.

"Shut up, my profession doesn't allow me to stand by and do nothing!" Ivy yelled back at the girl, running full tilt. But she had made a mistake. The three men who were still chasing them all jumped into a van that drove up from behind. It was then that Ivy realized those thugs weren't just after them. They had a purpose.