
Heaven rewards diligence: One's efforts will be rewarded a hundredfold

Heaven rewards diligence, and there will be a return for one's efforts. Moreover, with a little cultivation, there will be a hundredfold harvest! Therefore, it can be said that practicing cultivation, like immortality cultivation, is something that can be accomplished with one's own hands.

Zeke_D_Translator · Eastern
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Chapter 3: What's the Point of Cultivation Without Money?

After harvesting the silverleaf yellow hemp, it still needed to be dried.

However, that was a task for tomorrow.

Xu Ke smiled and walked into his house.

The thatched cottage provided by the sect was very crude. There was a platform in front for drying grains, a small courtyard in the back with a well, and that was it.

Inside the house was even more rudimentary.

Apart from a well-equipped kitchen with pots and stoves, the bedroom only had a bed and a clothes rack. There was nothing else.

Is this the life of an outer disciple?

Xu Ke shook his head. The living conditions needed improvement!

He bathed by fetching water from the well in the backyard and cooked by making a fire in the kitchen.

After a tasteless meal of coarse tea and plain rice, Xu Ke returned to the bedroom and sat cross-legged on the simple bed.

His consciousness sank into his mind, and the four characters "Diligence Rewarded by Heaven" on the scroll banner still shone brightly.

"According to my speculation, 'Diligence Rewarded by Heaven' can be used three times a day. I've used it once during the day, so I should still have two uses left."

Supporting his chin with his hand, Xu Ke started contemplating how to use the "hundredfold harvest."

The "Five Elements Mixed Yuan Scripture" was the fundamental cultivation technique that determined the improvement of his cultivation realm. In the future, he needed to use the "hundredfold harvest" at least once a day on the "Five Elements Mixed Yuan Scripture."

Regarding spells, Xu Ke currently only knew a few farming spells: the "Seed Activation Technique" for seed germination, the "Decay Technique" for composting, the "Rainfall Technique" for watering, and the "Sharpness Technique" for harvesting.

Combat power... he had none.

It made him feel very insecure.

Although there wouldn't be too much danger at the sect's residence, don't think that it's entirely safe.

Even if there won't be blatant murder and treasure looting, there will definitely be no shortage of bullying and snatching.

Therefore, self-defense power is necessary.

Moreover, after the harvest of the silverleaf yellow hemp, the remaining portion can be sold after paying the rent. Having money in hand would make it even more unsafe.

As a mere farming outer disciple, if he gets beaten or robbed, who would ensure justice for him? Who would uphold righteousness for him? There's no such thing as a fairy in this place.

For now, to acquire self-defense power, he can only figure out ways with the existing spells.

First, let's exclude the "Seed Activation Technique" used for seed germination.

Even if the "Seed Activation Technique" is cultivated to the extreme, it can instantly germinate and grow a seed into a large tree or vine. However, it doesn't have any combat power unless paired with a spell for controlling plants.

Or perhaps, feed a seed to someone's stomach and let a tree grow inside them?

That... can be tried when there's no lack of combat power. It's meaningless for now.

The "Rainfall Technique" for watering can only produce heavy rain when cultivated to the extreme. It can make people wet, perhaps with some "visually pleasing" effects on female cultivators.

The "Decay Technique" for composting can accelerate the fermentation and decay of grass, wood, and manure.

Does this spell... work on feces inside a person's stomach?

If the "Decay Technique" is cultivated to the extreme, would it cause the intestines to rot, or even the whole person to decay into mud?

It can betried, but the effectiveness of this skill and its desired outcome still has some uncertainty. It needs to be verified.

As for the "Sharpness Technique" used for harvesting, it definitely has offensive power.

The only drawback is that it is an enchantment spell and has no direct attacking power. It only works when applied to a blade or sword.

But... I only have a sickle. I don't even have a sword.

Wait a moment, let's think outside the box.

Who says the "Sharpness Technique" must be applied to a blade or sword? Can't I apply it to a pair of chopsticks? Or even apply it to my fingernails?

Thinking of this, Xu Ke quickly got up and took a pair of chopsticks from the kitchen.

Activating his spiritual power, he cast the "Sharpness Technique" and made a stroke with his fingertips on the chopsticks. A golden radiance flashed on the chopsticks, indicating... success?

He picked up the chopsticks and made a swipe on the ground. A deep cut suddenly appeared, as if it was cut by a sword.

Xu Ke laughed heartily, "Indeed, without a sword, I can still triumph. Grass, trees, bamboo, and rocks can all become swords!"

If it can be applied to chopsticks, it can also be applied to fingernails. After using the "Sharpness Technique," the fingernails become as sharp as a sword.

Of course, applying it to fingernails is not very practical in terms of combat power. It's still better to have a sickle.

But... even if it's not practical, it can be deceptive.

If the "Sharpness Technique" is applied to the fingernails, a swipe of the fingertips can be as sharp as a sword, which is quite intimidating.

Sword cultivators, are you afraid?

Considering the current environment, having an intimidating presence is still effective.

After all, at the sect's residence, one won't usually encounter vicious incidents like murder and treasure looting. Instead, there's often more bullying and snatching...