
Heaven Official's Blessing: The God-pleasing Crown Prince

During his time as Crown Prince of Xianle, Xie Lian was at the forefront of the Lantern Festival Heavenly Procession, an event to celebrate the heavens and symbolize the nation's peace and prosperity. However, the performance was suddenly cut short when Xie Lian broke character to save a child falling off the palace walls. Book 2 is set 800 years before the third ascension, and depicts Xie Lian's time as the beloved Crown Prince with his closest subordinates Feng Xin and Mu Qing still by his side. Yet once he ascends to godhood, the civil war and Human Face Disease are bound to bring ruin to his kingdom.

SevenToSmoke · LGBT+
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31 Chs

Praying for Rain; The Rain Master Lends the Rain Hat

That young boy was completely and utterly stunned.

Meanwhile, Feng Xin and Mu Qing both wished they could grow several more arms and legs to smother Xie Lian. With great difficulty, they finally pulled him down.

Yet, Xie Lian effortlessly pushed them away and said, "Alright! I'm done! I know I violated the rules, but you just pretend you've heard nothing and all will be well. As long as you guys don't say anything, no one will know. Just this once. Don't say anything, you hear me?"

Mu Qing looked like he'd been forced to eat a sock and shook his head, muttering, "I can't believe you...saying something like 'live on for me' with such confidence, you're really..."

Xie Lian didn't think what he said was much of anything, but hearing Mu Qing, now it sounded like it was quite the something indeed, and he flushed a bright red colour. Feng Xin immediately frowned, "Enough. His Highness already said not to speak of it, so why are you still talking about it?"

Yet the corners of his lips were twisted. Xie Lian couldn't stand it anymore and defended himself.

"What, what? What I said clearly worked! Look!"

That young boy sat dazedly for a long while, but when no more of Xie Lian's voice came, he rubbed hard at his face, reached for the offering plate on the altar, held it in his arms, and started munching at the dried-out fruits and refreshments. He chewed and chewed vigorously, looking like a small animal both vicious and pitiful. Xie Lian bent down to watch him, a smile appearing on his face.

He said to the other two, "You see? It worked. He refused to eat before, but now he's eating."

"Alright, fine. It works. Because you're a god," Mu Qing said.

"Right, right. It works. Because you're a god," Feng Xin said, too.


Xie Lian straightened and became serious once more. "That's right, I am a god. I called you both over because I've indeed come to a decision."

In an instant, the relaxed atmosphere turned heavy again.

"What do you want us to do?" Feng Xin asked, while Mu Qing questioned, "Are we still minding this matter?"

"We are. It's simple," Xie Lian said. "There's not enough water in the Kingdom of Xianle, so we'll go to the kingdoms outside Xianle."

"Go to the other kingdoms?" Mu Qing asked, hesitant. "Wouldn't that be too far? We'd need to borrow water-creating spiritual devices from some water god, and impose ourselves in the territories of other heavenly officials. They might not be willing."

Of course, Xie Lian had considered this. "I'm going to give it a shot. It's still better than doing nothing. You two stay and continue to watch over Yong'an. Assist the worst affected areas and I will return to the Heavenly Court. Any problems?"

"No problems. I've got your back," Feng Xin said.

Mu Qing gave it some thought and questioned: "Then what about all the prayers from the devotees at the Temple of the Crown Prince, Your Highness?"

"I was going to get to that," Xie Lian replied. "Pick out the important ones and take care of them for me. The not-so-dire ones can wait."

Mu Qing didn't look too optimistic, but still acknowledged, "You're the Crown Prince, we'll listen to you. But, I'd advise not to let them wait too long."

Xie Lian patted their shoulders. Feng Xin and Mu Qing bowed then departed, leaving only Xie Lian and that child in that small shrine. Xie Lian exited the shrine, and took a glance back, but didn't stay another moment longer; rushing straight for the Heavenly Court.

Initially, he was going to pay a visit to the few heavenly officials that controlled water, but strangely, a number of them were away from the Heavenly Court, and only the Rain Master, who didn't reside in the heavens, was around. Xie Lian was hurrying down the streets of the court and bumped into a black-clad woman official with a number of scrolls in her arms.

She smiled. "Your Highness, you're finally back."

Xie Lian immediately asked, "Nangong, you've come in the nick of time. Do you know where the Rain Master's residence is located?"

This black-clad woman was named Nangong Jie, and was a low-ranking civil official from the Middle Court. After Xie Lian had ascended, much of the grunt work and errands were taken care of by her. This individual was well-informed of news and handled affairs well, so Xie Lian thought well of her.

"The Lord Rain Master's new palace hasn't finished construction yet, so the current residence is temporarily situated at the Kingdom of Yushi in the South," Nangong Jie said. She gave him the address to the Rain Master's residence, then added, "Why are you looking for the Lord Rain Master?"

"For urgent business. Thanks for your help," Xie Lian said. He was about to leave, but turned back and cleared his throat, sounding embarrassed. "Nangong, you're more familiar with the heavenly officials of the Upper Court. Can you tell me if the Lord Rain Master...likes anything?"

Usually, when a newly-appointed heavenly official ascended, the clever ones would pay a visit to all the palaces of every official and greet them with gifts as a form of social salutation. This was pretty much an unspoken rule, but Xie Lian ascended too suddenly, and when he first arrived no one taught him. It was only afterwards that Guoshi reminded him, but by then it was already too late, and things would have been awkward. Also, something like this felt too much like backhanded bribery, and as a Crown Prince, Xie Lian didn't appreciate the practice; in the end, he decided to just go about things naturally, hoping for a chance to build relationships with the other officials through more genuine means.

It was an admirable act, but now he'd turned back on it and proactively asked after what a heavenly official would like; sounding quite obvious, like he was about to bribe someone, so he couldn't help but blush with shame. However, he had no other choice. The other gods who resided at the Heavenly Court communicated through the spiritual communication array, and that would have made negotiation much easier. The Rain Master was involved in none of these interactions, so for a first visit, Xie Lian didn't want people to misunderstand that he'd be borrowing spiritual devices for nothing.

Nangong Jie immediately understood. "Regrettably, I'm afraid I can't help Your Highness in this. The Lord Rain Master is quite low-key; not just me, but there's probably no one in the entire heavenly realm who knows this lord's personal interests. Sorry."

Xie Lian reddened. "No worries, don't take it to heart. Thanks."

Nangong Jie added, "But, if my lord has anything the matter, it won't hurt to pay a visit directly. By the Lord Rain Master's temper, you might still very well be received."

Xie Lian thanked her again, and followed her direction going southward, arriving at the temporary residence of the Rain Master.

It was a small village, the mountains green and the waters clear; a land of picturesque scenery, but Xie Lian had no mind to appreciate it. He crossed through the ridges of fields, and finally saw a stone slate with the word "Rain" engraved on it. This meant that, after passing the stone slate, it would be the temporary domain of the Rain Master, and those working within it should all be the Rain Master's subordinates. But as Xie Lian walked, it was only lush green fields all around. In the fields were oxen mooing, mills turning, assiduous farmers planting rice, and next

to the fields was a small, crooked thatched cottage. There was neither trace nor signs of divinity, and Xie Lian wondered if he'd gone in the wrong direction. Wasn't this only an impoverished, small farming village?

While he was doubting himself, a black ox from a field farther away suddenly moo-ed twice. It stood back on its hind legs; the forelegs stretched, and it helped itself remove the plow from its own back. That strong and solid body narrowed, that long oxen snout shrank, and within a blink of an eye, it had transformed into a barebacked farmer from a buff black ox.

That farmer was tall and strong, his muscles well-defined, his expression stubborn; his nose had a steel nose-ring hooked through like that of an ox, a long weed hung from his lips. The other farmers witnessed this extraordinary transformation, but continued to work like it was nothing. Thus, Xie Lian concluded that no one there was mortal and approached, raising his hands and folding them into a polite fist.

"Fellow cultivator, may I inquire if this is the temporary residence of the Lord Rain Master?"

That black ox farmer pointed to the field-bank across and replied, "Yeah. The Lord Rain Master lives there."


Xie Lian looked around several times before confirming that in the pointed direction, there was indeed only that thatched cottage that looked like it would topple from a mere breeze, and for sure leaked on a rainy day.

Even his most shabby, decrepit shrines looked more solid than that little cottage. Xie Lian was full of wonder. They said the Lord Rain Master was of royal descent like himself, from the Kingdom of Yushi. It was for this very reason that he didn't bring any precious gems or rare treasures as a greeting gift, thinking perhaps that the Rain Master felt the same way he did in regard to those things; which was disdain. Why such destitution after ascension? Maybe it was another form of cultivation?

Without forgetting his manners, Xie Lian thanked the farmer and approached the little cottage, calling with a loud and clear voice, "Lord Rain Master, please forgive this Prince of Xianle for making this abrupt visit without prior notice."

There was no response from within the cottage, and that farmer came forward, hauling the plow.

"Oh? You're that Crown Prince who ascended at the age of seventeen?"

"Regrettably," Xie Lian said.

"It's nothing regrettable. It's the truth," that farmer said. "But, the Lord Rain Master doesn't like meeting people and was injured recently, so I'm afraid you won't be received today."

Hearing this, Xie Lian felt disappointed, but still wanted to keep trying. "Then may I ask you to pass on a message for me? I have an urgent request. However, if the Lord Rain Master should feel inconvenienced by it I won't push."

That farmer chuckled. "No need to pass on word, we all know why you're here. Feels bad, right? Having no water in Xianle."

Xie Lian was taken aback. "You know about the affairs of Xianle?"

"Of course I know," that farmer said. "It's not just us here in this shoddy mountain ravine: at present, who doesn't know that catastrophe is about to befall your Kingdom of Xianle? You don't know anything about your own affairs, but everyone else watching closely understands what's going on better than you yourself, and they're probably all enjoying the show, haha. You're here to borrow the Rain Master's spiritual device for disaster aid, right?"

Those were enlightening words. It was only then did Xie Lian realize, it wasn't that those heavenly officials in the Upper Court were all gone at the same time: they all had known what his intentions were, and purposely shut their doors or left a long time ago to avoid him, not wanting to get pulled into his mess.

He sighed, thinking, "Should I maybe really have paid everyone's palaces a visit at the beginning, so it would've been easier to find cooperation amongst my peers going forward?"

It was a depressing thought. He responded in a small voice, "That's right. If it's inconvenient for the Rain Master, I won't be bothersome."

However, that farmer said, "Why not be bothersome? Because it's shameful? This relates to the survival of your kingdom, shouldn't you cause trouble and annoy us to death? Is it so hard to lower yourself a little? Young people shouldn't be so easily unnerved. Let me say something unpleasant: should the Lord Rain Master help, it's on account of kindness, if not, it's on account of duty. Lending the device to you would be based on mood; you can't complain after, either."

Xie Lian knew what he said made sense, but with such a dire situation at hand plus his unfriendly tone, a wave of anger rolled up and he held his head higher, sounding grave.

"I understand everything you're saying, and I would never complain behind anyone's back, so why must you predetermine how I am? I said I won't be bothersome simply because I don't want to do anything pointless and cause trouble for Lord Rain Master at the same time. But if the Lord Rain Master doesn't feel inconvenienced and I can borrow the spiritual device so long as I am bothersome, then it'd be nothing for me to offer up all eight thousand of my temples and kowtow one hundred times."

That farmer laughed out loud. "Angry? The temper of a child. Here!"

He tossed something; Xie Lian raised his hand and caught a verdant bamboo hat, the very one that farmer had on his back.

"What's this?" Xie Lian asked.

"That thing you wanted to borrow," that farmer said. "The Lord Rain Master already asked me to pass this to you before you came. Use it carefully. If you break it, we won't forgive you."

Xie Lian's eyes widened. "Why?"

"Didn't I already tell you why?" that farmer said. "Lending it to you was based on mood. Other heavenly officials won't help you, so the Lord Rain Master just had to. Whatever the Lord Rain Master wants to do, it shall be done."

"THANK YOU SO MUCH! THANK YOU!!" Xie Lian cried.

That farmer added, "Don't be too happy so soon, Your Highness. The Lord Rain Master may have ascended before you, but there aren't as many devotees; therefore, not as powerful as you. In addition, there are recent injuries to consider. Other than lending you that thing, the rest is all up to you. Distant waters cannot quench nearby thirst; that Rain Master Hat can move rain, but not create water. There's not enough water in your Xianle, so you must borrow from other kingdoms, and they may not be willing. Only the Kingdom of Yushi has an abundant collection over the years, and is rather wealthy in that aspect."

Xie Lian was more than aware of just how difficult it was to lend your own spiritual device to a stranger. He bowed deeply to that thatched cottage.

"That the Lord Rain Master would lend a helping hand, I am profoundly grateful. I will not forget this kindness; should there be anything I can do to help in the future, pray the Lord Rain Master does not hesitate to ask for me. Farewell!"

With the spiritual device in hand, Xie Lian immediately found a lake in the south, and ladled a large quantity of lake water with the Rain Master Hat. He crossed thousands of miles and returned to Yong'an in Xianle. He found the worst-affected village, the Bay of Lang Er, and flipped that bamboo hat from the clouds.

Soon after, a small bout of rain fell from the sky. Xie Lian jumped off the clouds, landing both feet on the ground. Those half-dead villagers could not believe their eyes; some rushed out of

their doors to cheer under the rain, and some hurriedly brought out buckets of all different sizes to collect the water.

Seeing this, Xie Lian sighed a breath of relief, and finally revealed a smile. Just then, he heard a voice call out from afar.

"Your Highness!"

He turned his head and saw Mu Qing appear from behind a tree, his face dark. Seeing his gloomy expression, Xie Lian knew something was wrong.

"What is it? Did something happen?"