
‌Chapter 34: In the Great Martial Hall; Crown Prince Meets Crown Prince (Part 3)

Xie Lian was silent and Jun Wu shook his head, "I didn't think you would know."

The Martial Heavenly Emperor slighted his head, gesturing for Xie Lian to follow, and the two walked slowly towards the chambers behind the hall. As they walked, Jun Wu, with his hands cradled in front, commented, "Xian Le is all grown up now."

Naturally, Xie Lian didn't dare speak to that comment. Jun Wu continued, "Eight hundred years ago when I sent you down, I told you to keep periodic communication with me so you won't be rolling in the mud all by yourself, but the moment you went down, all communication was cut, and you had to go torment yourself. You've ascended for some time now, but not once have you reported in to the Great Martial Hall. If anyone else was this impertinent, the Palace of Ling Wen would have reproached them directly."

Of course Xie Lian's "I'm sorry" earlier wasn't directed to this matter, and Jun Wu knew this too. "If your apology was for those few sword stabbings, then let it go. You said so yourself, after stabbing, everything can be forgotten."

Xie Lian grimaced, "...How could I forget?"

"Then look to the future. There's still much we need you for," Jun Wu said.

Xie Lian rubbed his forehead, "Xian Le is but a lowly rubbish god without power. There is no need for me. I only ask not to be burdensome."

"Why depreciate yourself? Didn't you perform splendidly in the last two cases?" Jun Wu said.

"Except I may have offended General Pei."

"Ming Guang is fine, I'll watch over him, you don't need to worry. However," Jun Wu turned around, "Tell me, what kind of extraordinary character did you engage with when you descended this time?"

Xie Lian raised his hand, "My lord, I swear I did nothing. Just, one day by chance I encountered an interesting child on the road, and we spent some time together. I didn't think much of it."

Jun Wu nodded, "Chance encounter, child, Supreme Ghost King. Xian Le, you do know that if Ming Guang was to question you further and you had confessed this in front of the other officials, what the consequences would be? No one would believe you."

"Xian Le knows," Xie Lian replied woefully, "So I am grateful for My lord's timely intervention. My lord, you're not actually going to interrogate me, are you? I wouldn't collude with the Ghost Realm. This is all absurd concerns."

"Naturally, I know you would not intentionally collude with the Ghost Realm," Jun Wu said.

"I am grateful for My lord's trust," Xie Lian replied.

"However, with things thus, it may no longer be appropriate to send you to investigate an important matter that has surfaced."

"What is it?" Xie Lian inquired.

At this time, the two of them had reached the chamber behind the great hall. The great hall and the back chamber were separated by a large mural, the front depicting the golden palace towering through a sea of clouds, radiant and brilliant. The back side of the mural was another depicting mountains and valleys of over ten thousand miles. On the map there were many tiny pearls like stars.

Each of these stars marked a Great Martial Temple in the mortal realm. A pearl embedded on the map means there was a Great Martial Temple built there. Eight hundred years ago when Jun Wu brought the Xie Lian who had ascended for the first time to the back chamber, the pearl stars on the mural weren't as dense, but now, the shimmering jewels seemed to be plentifully bestrewn, overwhelming in their radiance.

Jun Wu stood before the mural and spoke, "Seven days ago, many saw with their own eyes, a dragon of fire abruptly soaring to the sky from a forest in the east."

Xie Lian's face grew serious hearing those words.

Jun Wu, with one hand behind his back, used the other and softly knocked on the mural once, "That dragon of fire lasted for two incense time before burning out. Do you know what that means?"

"The spell for the Ascending Fire Dragon emits intense flames that do not harm. It's a call for help," Xie Lian replied.

"That is correct. It was a distress signal, and it came from a heavenly official," Jun Wu said.

"It's no ordinary call for help, it's one of desperation," Xie Lian added.

This Ascending Fire Dragon spell with its intense flames that would not harm took an immense amount of power, and if the casting official was not careful, they could very well implode and destroy their spiritual core. Therefore, if not out of desperation, very few would go this route. Now that it appeared, it meant a heavenly official had fallen into grave danger.

"Are there any officials whose whereabouts are unknown recently?" Xie Lian asked.

"The matter with the Banyue Pass was not the only reason all the officials were summoned back to court this time. The main purpose was to use this chance to investigate everyone's whereabouts. Other than those who usually do not show like the Rain Master and the Earth Master, even those who couldn't make it back had reported in," Jun Wu replied.

Xie Lian hummed for a moment then speculated, "Maybe it wasn't any of the officials from this term? Could it be any one of the retired officials?"

"If that's the case, then I'm afraid our perimeters will largely expand. Many of the retired officials have long lost contact with the heavens. It would be difficult to determine who is the one in peril," Jun Wu said.

So this was probably why Ling Wen and many of the civil officials had dark circles under their eyes; they were busy working on this case, and certainly wouldn't have the time to investigate that boy with the human face disease from Mount Yujun.

"To corner a heavenly official to the point of using such a self-destructive spell, it must be the doing of great evil. Are there any demonic gatherings or lairs in that area?"

"There is," Jun Wu replied, "And it's very close by. Do you know of the Ghost City?"

Xie Lian thought about it and replied, "I've heard of it."

The Ghost City was the most prosperous place within the ghost realm, situated right at the crossroads of the mortal and the ghost realms.

This was where all manners of spirits, ghosts, demons, and monsters gather by the swarms to conduct trades and exchanges. Cultivators of certain levels would also go to do business or seek information. Sometimes, there would also be heavenly officials in disguise, mixing in for curiosity's sake or other unknown reasons. Of course, there were also those who'd enter by mistake and would either be eaten alive or scared to death.

Ever since ancient times — although not as ancient as Xie Lian — there had always been many tales of the Ghost City in the mortal realm. Xie Lian remembered one of the stories had a man traveling at night who saw a bustling market before him with large red lanterns and colorful signs. He entered the market in high spirits but found that everyone around him had a mask, and if not hooded, then extremely ugly, very curious!

He didn't think deeply about it, bought a bowl of noodles, and sat down to eat, but as he ate the food didn't feel right, and when he looked closely, the noodles were actually squirming strands of hair!

Xie Lian brought himself back to the present, and Jun Wu continued, "After seeing that column of fire, I immediately sent officials to go investigate the area, but there was no evidence of anything, so it's very possible that they've moved to the Ghost City. However, the Heavenly Realm and the Ghost Realm have always drawn very clear borders, so without enough proof, we cannot intrude the Ghost City. Which is why this time, I need someone to descend in secret and probe the Ghost City."

"We can't alert the enemy and have them move again. Is that why this couldn't be discussed openly at the great hall with everyone and let too many know?" Xie Lian said.

"That is correct," Jun Wu replied.

"Then My lord, pray give Xian Le the command."

"The first candidate I had in mind was originally you," Jun Wu said, "But for this, it may be inconvenient for you to go."

"How would it be inconvenient?" Xie Lian asked.

"First, the east is ruled by Lang Qianqiu. If you should go, you must cooperate with him," Jun Wu said.

Xie Lian responded, "That would not be a problem, please do not worry."

"Second," Jun Wu continued, "Do you know whose territory the Ghost City sits in?"

Taken aback, Xie Lian said, unsure, "Is it Hua Cheng?"

Jun Wu nodded slowly. Xie Lian suddenly felt at ease, but something else came to mind.

That column of fire in the eastern forest blazed up seven days ago. Coincidentally, it was seven days ago when Hua Cheng left Puqi shrine. The timing was impeccable. Was there a connection between the two events?

"Looks like your relationship with him is not bad," Jun Wu said, "If you accidentally run into him, then all may still be well. However, should he have any connection to this case, if you feel awkward then do not force yourself. If you have any other suggestions do let me know."

However, Xie Lian still said, "Let me go. I don't think that Crimson Rain Sought Flower is a disingenuous individual."

Jun Wu looked at him, "Xian Le, I know you're very capable and know what you're doing. However, I also know you always think the best of everyone."

Hearing his words, Xie Lian gave a small smile, "Please don't say it like I'm a princess who has never left home. Those words really don't suit me anymore."

Jun Wu still shook his head, "I shouldn't comment on the friends you make, but I will still say this: be careful of Hua Cheng."

Xie Lian lowered his head in a bow, and said nothing. He should've responded with "Yes, My Lord,"; after all it's all a habit by now. Yet, somehow, he really didn't want to say this "Yes".

"Be especially careful of that wicked blade of his," Jun Wu continued.

"What do you mean?" Xie Lian asked, curious.

"The Scimitar E'ming. It is a cursed blade, a blade of misfortune. An evil weapon such as that would need a terrifyingly cruel sacrifice and a bloody determination before it could be forged. Do not touch it, and do not let it injure you either, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable," Jun Wu replied.

Xie Lian couldn't tell where his sudden surge of confidence came from, but he didn't think Hua Cheng would hurt him at all. Still, he responded, "Xian Le understands."

Jun Wu nodded again, "I will naturally be at ease with you taking this case. If you don't feel any awkwardness, then even better. But still, going on this mission by yourself may be too much. Are there any other officials you'd like me to appoint to this case?"

"It really doesn't matter," Xie Lian said after some thought, "But preferably someone easy to get along with. It'd be good if they're powerful so they can lend me some spiritual power from time to time."

Jun Wu smiled, "You struck out both Nan Yang and Xuan Zhen with the first condition."

Truly, no one could say that the Feng Xin and Mu Qing now were personalities that were easy to get along with, and Xie Lian started chuckling too. "How goes between the three of you? Have you spoken with them yet?" Jun Wu asked.

The Heavenly Emperor himself never entered the communication array, and thus naturally was unaware of the buzzing chitchats that went on among the officials. "We spoke a few words," Xie Lian replied.

"It's been so many years and yet you have only spoken a few words?" Jun Wu inquired, "Oh, that's right. I heard when you ascended this time, you destroyed many of your fellow officials' palaces and properties, and one of them was Nan Yang."

Xie Lian argued back, "I paid back that debt! All eight million, eight hundred and eighty thousand merits! And for this, I need to thank My lord for giving me the opportunity to go to Mount Yujun."

"Thank Nan Yang," Jun Wu replied, "I heard Ling Wen say it was he who privately approached her to clear your debt of his reconstruction cost."

Xie Lian was stunned. "This... I didn't know about this at all."

No wonder those eight million, eight hundred and eighty thousand merits were so easily repaid; so much of it was already forgiven. Yet at the time, it was the palace of Nan Yang that was the most damaged; they say half of the golden roof had collapsed.

"Nan Yang made sure Ling Wen would not tell you, so naturally you were unaware. Since he did not want you to know, then it would be best to keep pretending to be ignorant," Jun Wu said.

Xie Lian didn't know how to feel about this. Complicated and bittersweet, his mind was clouded and all over the place. At last, he sighed soundlessly and thought, 'Truly, in this world, the words "don't tell anyone" are all empty.'

Jun Wu contemplated then said, "If Nan Yang and Xuan Zhen will not do, how about the Wind Master?"

Xie Lian pondered the option, "The Wind Master is good, but I don't know if she would want to go on this mission with me?"

"The Wind Master is powerful," Jun Wu said, "A lively person who enjoys making friends, and thus matches your first condition of easy to get along with. After the business with Banyue, the Wind Master has a good impression of you as well. I think you two will be alright. If you do not have any other questions, then descend with the Wind Master and investigate the Ghost City. Also,"

"Yes?" Jun Wu said languidly, "Work hard, but do not force yourself."

Xie Lian was startled by those words, and smiled, "What is My lord saying? I'm not forcing myself."

Jun Wu patted Xie Lian's shoulders, "Return to the Palace of Xianle to rest for now. I'll send word to summon the Wind Master."

Xie Lian blinked, "I don't have enough merits so no palace has been constructed. The Palace of Xianle from the past has long since been torn down, so what Palace of Xianle?"

"I've granted you a new one," Jun Wu said, "You cannot possibly always squeeze in that broken-down little shrine?"

Xie Lian left the Great Martial Hall, and was led to the 'Palace of Xianle' by a junior official from Jun Wu's palace.

This Palace of Xianle was practically exactly the same as the one he had in the past; glass red walls, sumptuous and elegant. Still, he stood outside the palace gates for a long time, but not a shred of desire to enter came to him. The Scrap Immortal was still best suited for a scrapped shrine after all. A proud and glamorous heavenly palace like this wasn't a place he could stay.

He loitered outside the entrance and waited for that Lord Wind Master to come find him, but after a while, the one who appeared wasn't the lady cultivator in white, but another white-clad cultivator.

The cultivator was glowing, spiritual aura in abundance surrounding him – it was the one from the meeting at the Great Martial Hall, Qingxuan. He waved his whisk and smiled, "Greetings, Your Highness!"

Xie Lian smiled back, "Greetings, fellow cultivator."

Truthfully, he really wanted to ask what his title was, but thought it'd be rude to do so.

He was about to sneak a peek in his scroll to see just which heavenly official was named Qingxuan when the person in question walked up to him and exclaimed, "Let's go! Let's go check out the underworld."

Xie Lian was taken aback, "My friend, I'm waiting for someone."

Hearing this, the cultivator placed his whisk into the back collar of his outer robe and turned around in wonder, "Who are you waiting for?"

"I'm waiting for the Wind Master," Xie Lian replied.

The white-clad cultivator looked even more confused, "I'm right here?"

Xie Lian's brows jumped, "You're the Wind Master?"

The other flashed open his fan and started fanning, "I am the Wind Master, was there ever any doubt? Did you not know who I was? Have you never heard of my name: The Wind Master Qingxuan???"

His tone was irrefutable and absolute, as if Xie Lian not knowing his name was an impossible thing to happen. The folding fan had the word for wind 'Feng' written slantedly on the front, the backside had three inclining lines drawn – the exact same fan the lady cultivator in white had in her hand!

Xie Lian suddenly recalled; Fu Yao had mentioned that some upper court heavenly officials, under special circumstances, have the ability to transform their appearance. While at Banyue, Nan Feng had also uttered an incomplete sentence: "The Wind Master had always been..."

Had always been? Been what?

A man?!

After getting dragged for a few steps, Xie Lian still couldn't fully process this information, "Um... Lord Wind Master, you, you, you, why did you disguise yourself as a woman last time?"

"What? Was I not beautiful?" The Wind Master asked.

"Yes? But..." Xie Lian was still confused.

"If I was beautiful then there's no but? As long as I looked good!" The Wind Master smiled brightly, "Of course it's because I'd look good that I was in disguise!"

Having said that, he looked to have suddenly come to an idea, and closed his fan. He gave Xie Lian a once-over with a calculated look, and spoke after a moment, "Speaking of which, don't we need to be undercover for this mission to the Ghost City?"

Xie Lian: "???"