
Chapter 57 - Drama For Covering Up *NOT EDITED YET*

"Well, is that your favorite menu or just what you want to eat right now?" she asked.

 "I just want to eat that. How about you?"

 Erren smiled. She looked beautiful since Leo often met her. It was as if Erren had purposely beautified himself for Leo.

 "I like spaghetti, Leo. And Lemon tea... well, I guess it's the simplest drink besides sparkling water."

 Leo began to secretly remember his favorite food and drink. For some reason it felt like he was so immediately attracted to Erren. Maybe because he was worried about his feelings when Erren presented him when Aleya lost her memory partially.

 Since getting to know him and knowing some of Erren's life, Leo has been curious, does Erren have a girlfriend with a job like that? Even Leo didn't know, he also didn't dare to ask because it felt impolite.

 "The food here is good," said Erren appraisingly.

 "Well, we'll be here often then."

 "Oh, no. I'm afraid I can't, Leo."