
Heaven, Earth, Me

Yasenia is a child born different from the rest, her mother, Tatyana, used an ancient technique she found to absorb the world's energy to get pregnant instead of having regular intercourse. Her objective was to create a lover for herself since the endless years of solitude and all the heartbreaks covered her heart with eternal ice. While pregnant, a strange soul seems to try to seize the body of her child to be reborn; a shame that Tatyana is someone not to be messed with. In her rage, she destroys the sense of self and memories, leaving only a husk of the soul, and uses it to nourish Yasenia. What Tatyana didn't know at that time was that this would change Yasenia in ways she never expected. Consider supporting me on Patreon.com/Mortrexo Or donating on Paypal.com/paypalme/Mortrexo Uploading on Wattpad Uploading on Scribblehub Uploading on Archive of our own (AO3). Discord: https://discord.gg/RsEAYd6Xak Novel Cover: https://www.patreon.com/posts/novel-cover-2-86054319 Artist: https://twitter.com/_taaakaaaa

Mortrexo · Fantasy
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967 Chs

Chapter 349. The Portal Opens!

Yasenia and the others were currently walking around in the desert area. They'd already visited all the other regions, so they decided to have a look around on their last day. Yasenia suddenly remembered and asked Angel. "By the way, where are your sister and the others?"

Angel blinked and said. "They are in the desert area too."

Yasenia was surprised. "How so?"

Angel smiled, "I've been telling big sis in which area we are so that we can get together as soon as you tell us."

Yasenia caressed her head with a smile. "Good job, my love. Since you have everything prepared, call them. We will rest for the last hours until the time to go comes."

They moved to an oasis they spotted nearby and lay under the shade of one of the biggest trees. Yasenia made one spin and lay on the ground, leaving a spot between her limbs. Then, she used her tail to grab Angel and place her there. The others sat around them, and Sierra also lay, surrounding them in the middle of her giant twelve-meter-long body. She was like a small white furry hill.

Andrea sighed in comfort and looked at Sierra. "How do you feel, Sierra? Is the temperature in the desert too high for you?"

Sierra shook her head. "It isn't. I've realized that I'm very resistant to different temperatures."

Evelyn leaned on Sierra and was instantly surrounded by her cool fur. "Sigh, your body is so refreshing and comfortable, Sierra. It feels like landing on a very soft and cool mattress."

Sierra laughed gently. "Well, I'm happy you like it, Evelyn. Are we waiting for those people we didn't meet with after the face-off?"

Evelyn nodded. "Yes, they should be here soon. One of them is our close friend, the other is Angel's sister, and I don't know if they are with someone we know."

Sierra nodded and let the wind of the desert blow her fur.

The atmosphere was relaxing and peaceful. After so many days of constant hunting, this moment felt extremely satisfying. Angel lay on top of Yasenia and closed her eyes without falling asleep.

There were some creatures in the area, but none of them approached them. Although they were sitting there relaxed, the aura coming from their group was enough to scare most creatures in the Secret Realm.

Yasenia and the others didn't talk and just enjoyed each other's presence. Kali, Cecile, and Andrea took the chance to groom Yasenia. They caressed her scales, tail, wings, and horns softly.

Our dragoness half-closed her eyes and growled in comfort, letting the time go by.

After one hour of relaxing waiting, they heard people approaching. Yasenia lifted her head from Cecile's lap and looked around. Then, she freed her tail from Kali's arms and used it to poke the half-asleep Angel. "Baby, wake up. Someone is approaching."

Angel whined for a second but soon sat up. However, the pout on her lips was enough to let the World know that she was angry from being bothered by that comfortable position! Yasenia moved her head and licked her cheek. "Once we confirm that they are your sister and the others, you can lay on top of me again."

Angel nodded, and her pout was replaced with a smile. "Okay!"

They all laughed softly and looked at the approaching people.

Thankfully, there weren't any twists or turns, and the nine people that approached were people they knew.

Lidia, Linda, Laurina, and the other four beast leaders appeared in the distance and approached quickly. Moreover, besides those two, there were two more: a red dragon-man and a Blue-feathered Harpy.

Kali remembered who the Harpy was. "Isn't she Gahanna? The Half-step demonic dual cultivator that Yasenia fought in the Tournament?"

Yasenia's face scrunched, making an effort to remember. Then, she exclaimed. "Ah! The one I almost killed?" Kali nodded.

Yasenia asked, "What about the dragon-man?"

Andrea smirked. "He is Argon. He fought against me in the Tournament and defeated me. He is a very skilled and honorable warrior."

Yasenia nodded. "If he managed to beat you, he must be strong."

Lidia was at the front, shouting with excitement. "Munchkin! I can finally meet with you."

Angel stood up and also ran toward Lidia. Soon big sister and little sister entered each other arms in a hug. Lidia began asking "mother" questions like, how did the secret realm go? Are you okay? Did you eat nicely? Were there any problems? Did Yasenia bully you?

Angel chuckled and answered with a happy smile from within her arms. She felt very nice and comfy.

Linda and the other seven approached our group. Yasenia greeted them calmly. "Hello, it has been a while."

They saw how relaxed all of them were, so they nodded and didn't cause a commotion. They just sat around them, and Yasenia lay back on Cecile's lap, resting her wings on Andrea's lap and her tail on Kali's lap.

Linda smiled and said. "You made quite the commotion, Yasenia. I didn't expect to see your birth."

Yasenia turned her head to look at them without leaving Cecile's lap and smirked. Then, she said. "Well, it was quite unexpected even for me. I had the luck to gain the treasure that would let me complete it, and in the middle of being surrounded, I realized what I was missing. Not wanting to lose the momentary enlightenment, I went forward and happened what you all witnessed."

Linda nodded.

Yasenia looked at Laurina and asked with amusement in her voice, "Miss Princess Dragon, you are looking at me quite passionately. Anything you want to say?"

Laurina blushed and coughed. She placed her emerald green hair behind her ear and said. "Well, I was admiring Miss Yasenia's majestic body. It is truly worthy of being the supreme Ancient Beast bloodline. If you didn't already have a mate, I would've tried to mark you...."

Cecile's eyebrow twitched. 'Dangerous woman.'

Yasenia smirked, "Well, I'm very happy with Cecile, so I would like for you to stop similar thoughts. I don't want her to become uncomfortable." Laurina didn't take offense and nodded.

Yasenia saw that she had a good attitude, so she proposed. "How about I call you Laurina, and you call me Yasenia? We are quite close in age, so let's forget about formalities. We can begin as friends since it appears we will often have communications for a while."

Her eyes moved toward the other beast leaders and said. "All of you can also do the same."

They all nodded.

Yasenia's eyes moved toward the naked Harpy and the Dragon-man and asked. "So, why are these two with you?"

Argon stepped forward and said quite loudly. "Miss Yasenia, let me present myself. My name is Argon Firon, and I come from the [Fire Dragon-man] clan! I'm the future patriarch of my species, so I was getting to know our junior leaders when Miss Angel communicated to Miss Lidia to meet. Since I had previous interactions with Miss Andrea, I thought about approaching to greet her. She is one human warrior I respect."

Yasenia looked at him up and down and nodded. "Good bearing, good strength, good personality. Worthy of someone who Andrea admires. Don't be so formal; you can call us by just our names."

Argon smirked, showing off a sharp row of fangs, and nodded. "With pleasure."

Andrea chuckled and said. "Argon, how about a small spar at the side? I've become very strong, so you must be careful."

Argon laughed loudly and took out an enormous three-meter-long club. "I couldn't ask for anything better!"

Yasenia was speechless. "Is that a pillar or a club?" Kali nodded. "It is enormous, and it also looks extremely heavy."

Andrea and Argon moved to the side and began exchanging blows.

Cecile and the others were extremely impressed when their strength was similar. Although Andrea had an advantage, she was also one level higher than Argon, so it could be said that, without using trump cards, their strengths were evenly matched.

Frisk, the [Lightning Quilin] Junior Leader, said, impressed. "I didn't expect his tribe to foster such a talented man. I'm not much stronger than him."

Even Razar, the rash [Mountain Slashing Tiger] junior, nodded. "If he isn't too exhausted, I would also like to fight with him."

Sirae, the [Ice Phoenix] junior leader, said. "It seems that the [Fire Dragon-Men] are going to enter quite a prosperous era."

She was a smart woman, so she knew that a race could climb the ranks quite quickly with a strong leader.

Gorena, the [Island Turlte] leader, was quite a big woman with a muscular body. However, her temperament was calm and relaxed. She smiled gently and said. "That's good. The stronger, the younger generation, the better for Yasenia. We are all her followers, after all."

Yasenia looked at Gahanna, and the woman froze for a second. Yasenia chuckled, "I hope there aren't any bad feelings from the past. How about we also restart as friends?"

Gahanna's eyes widened, and then a beautiful smile spread on her face. "Yes! Thank you, Yasenia!"

Yasenia nodded. Then, she thought for a second and took out eight pairs of communication devices. They had a total of twenty-four pairs, so it wasn't that much. "These are communication devices we made. We can communicate in the future if you want. However, I hope you don't use them rashly. Also, they can't work if they are in spatial rings or if you are in dimensions with spatial fluctuations."

They all took their devices and thanked Yasenia. Yasenia looked at Sirae and asked. "How is Feng Yuan doing?"

Sirae's lips twitched. "He is constantly burning in the prison of our Phoenix race. After one thousand years of punishment, we will execute him."

Yasenia's eyes didn't change, and she nodded. "Good. He is lucky."

The others began sweating. 'Lucky? What is unlucky for this person then!?'

Kali looked at them and commented. "Remember who her mother is, and you'll have your answer."

The cold and elegant face of the Death Empress crossed their minds, and they began sweating cold. 'In fact, he is quite lucky.'

Speaking of Tatyana made Yasenia excited to return. She hadn't seen Tatyana for so long and missed her dearly.

Her warmth, her gentle red eyes, her pampering, her voice, her touch, her scoldings, and her beautiful laugh. She missed everything.

Cecile lowered her head and kissed Yasenia's eyes softly. "Don't worry, my love. We'll see Tatyana soon." Yasenia nodded and snuggled in Kali, Andrea, and Cecile's embrace.

Angel and Lidia had already returned and sat with the others. Then, they all began speaking about their adventures in the Secret Realm.

Time went by quickly, and the hour to return was approaching.

Yasenia's excitement grew, but she also had a strange face. The reason?

Well, her claws weren't even touching the ground at the moment. Andrea, Evelyn, Cecile, Angel, and Kali were hugging the dragon as if she was a plushie. "Hmm, dears? Can you let me down?"

A well-coordinated "No" followed her request.

Yasenia asked weirdly. "Why?"

Angel was hugging Yasenia from between her limbs, so she looked up and said. "I don't want to be separated from you again!" Yasenia sighed.

You have to remember that Yasenia wasn't too big at the moment. She had indeed grown since the day she entered the Unification realm. It could easily be seen compared to before. However, she had gone from a small tiger to a normal tiger in size.

Her tail was longer than her body, and her wings reached almost five meters in wingspan, but they were very retractable and could fold quite nicely.

Even then, when five women latched onto her body tightly, there almost wasn't enough dragon for everyone.

Yasenia laughed, "You can hug me all you want, but how about I hug you? My wings have grown enough to surround most of you."

Another collective "No" followed her statement. They were very comfortable hugging Yasenia as a plush toy.

Although her body was scaled, they discovered that she was very soft when she wasn't combat-ready. The feeling wasn't any worse than hugging her human form. It was just somewhat different.

Of course, one woman complained from time to time, "This would be perfect if you had dragon ti-?"


Leaving the woman with a red forehead aside, the others were calmly waiting while feeling Yasenia's smooth scales. Laurina and the others looked at them amusedly. Although they thought of Yasenia as a sacred creature, they wouldn't be stupid enough to intervene in their relationship. They could see that, although Yasenia made a symbolic "struggle," she was letting them do as they wanted.

Angel sighed, "Your scales are so beautiful, Yasenia. It is like they have stars glittering inside."

Andrea nodded, "Your right wing is my favorite. The Sun on the wing looks powerful."

Cecile said, "I think the Moon in the left wing is better. It looks elegant."

Kali also shared her opinion. "I think the golden horns curving like a crown gives her a beautiful, attractive, and authoritative feel.

Evelyn smirked and said, "To be honest, I like her long neck the most. It is very comfortable to cuddle with her neck resting around me. Moreover, scratching her there seems to make our dragoness happy."

Yasenia felt happiness as they described her, and she smiled contentedly, her tail wagging rapidly. The women around blushed, finding her too cute. And the men thought that it was a shame she didn't like males, so a sigh escaped their mouths.

Suddenly, they felt their bodies being pulled by an invisible strength, and they saw a green portal big enough for Sierra to go through the opening in front of them. Evelyn and Andrea asked Sierra and Ebirah if they also sensed it, and the answer was positive.

By the way, Sierra was carrying all of them on her back, and Ebirah was latched with her legs on Andrea's back.

Laurina and the others didn't bother and waited around Sierra.

Like this, all of them were prepared.