
Heaven-Devouring Dragon Emperor

In the depths of despair, Jiang Tian, once ridiculed for his bloodline, finds an unexpected twist of fate! Fueled by a mystical heirloom from his mother, he merges with the primal essence of the dragon, rising to vanquish all adversaries! But amidst his triumph, he confronts a landscape fraught with complexity, unveiling a tapestry of conspiracies and enigmatic truths lurking within the shadows of the world!

crinix · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 7 "Pill Medicine Pavilion"

Confronted with Jiang Man's ever-changing demeanor, which seemed as unpredictable as flipping through the pages of a book, he felt the urge to strike her down mercilessly. Yet, memories of their past friendships lingered in his heart, momentarily clouding his resolve and preventing him from acting ruthlessly.

"Jiang Man, I'll spare your life today. But mark my words, if there's a next time, it will be your last mistake!"

With a thunderous roar, Jiang Tian unleashed a burst of cold light from the dagger in his hand, piercing through the training stone ten yards away in a single stroke!

Witnessing the scene unfold, Jiang Man's eyes twitched involuntarily, her heart gripped by a mixture of disbelief and fear.

Could it be that he was deliberately hiding his strength?" A flicker of doubt crossed Jiang Man's eyes, but she swiftly dismissed the thought.

The loss of the medicine and the cancellation of the marriage were undeniable. No matter how reckless Jiang Tian acted, he couldn't stoop to using such matters to demean her.

With this realization, a sense of relief washed over her.

"Hmph! Trash will always be trash. Spare me today, and you'll regret it!" Jiang Man's words dripped with a mix of defiance and confidence as she rose to her feet, brushing off the dust from her buttocks.

"Get out! Don't let me see you again!" Jiang Tian's mood was extremely sour, and he roared in fury.

The sibling bond of many years paled in comparison to a mere pill, a stark revelation of the harsh reality he faced, leaving his heart thoroughly chilled.

Jiang Man sneered, hobbling out of the yard clutching the strand of broken hair, ready to cash in on her completed mission with Jiang Yuan.

"With the Spirit-Building Pill, I can awaken my bloodline spirituality ahead of schedule. Then, I won't have to fear this useless fool anymore!" Despite returning injured, Jiang Man couldn't contain her secret satisfaction.

With the Spirit Building Pill in hand, she's freed from the obligation of next year's family competition; even if she were to compete, securing the top spot would prove challenging.

Driven by this realization, she didn't flinch from confronting Jiang Tian, their once-close bond now severed by animosity.

In the confines of Tianbao City, Spirit Building Pills are prized possessions, their scarcity accentuating their value.

Despite the Jiang family's wealth, their annual production of these pills falls short, leaving demand unmet.

"Spirit Building Pill! Hmph!" Jiang Tian's expression darkened as he forcefully expelled a breath of anger.

While his supply of Spirit Building Pills had been stripped away, he found himself no longer reliant on such remedies.

Subconsciously touching his left earlobe, Jiang Tian was greatly astonished. Within this brief span of time, the wound had already begun to heal!

"Could it be that this, too, is a result of the changes brought about by the Purple Profound Pearl?" Jiang Tian couldn't help but feel profoundly amazed.

You should understand, even though this injury is just a surface wound, it doesn't typically heal so rapidly. It's simply impossible for it to completely mend within just two or three days.

Yet now, the wound is visibly scabbing over, and unless intentionally provoked, I can scarcely feel any discomfort at all.

Jiang Tian nodded slowly, but suddenly, his expression shifted!

"That was close! Thank goodness Jiang Man didn't lace the blade with poison, or the repercussions would have been dire!" A shiver of fear ran through Jiang Tian as he uttered those words.

The human heart is treacherous, and his alertness is sorely lacking.

It's hardly surprising though; just a few years ago, he was lauded as a prodigy within the Jiang family, adored by his kin. Today's upheavals must be profoundly disorienting for him.

As he grappled with these thoughts, Jiang Tian's turbulent emotions gradually subsided.

"Live and let live, but cross me, and I'll repay with interest – tenfold, a hundredfold!" With resolve coursing through him, Jiang Tian straightened his robes and strode purposefully towards the medicine pavilion.

In Tianbao City, every esteemed household boasts a Pill Pavilion, and naturally, the Jiang Family is no different.

The Jiang family's Pill Pavilion stands tall as a two-story structure, serving as the sole provider of medicinal concoctions for all its members.

Across the Qingxuan country, alchemy holds sway as a revered profession, with alchemists commanding respect surpassing even that of martial artists of equal stature.

Elder Jiang Mu, the guardian of the Pill Pavilion, stands as the solitary alchemist within the Jiang clan, a fact that evokes both pride and responsibility within the family.

As Jiang Tian stepped into the Pill Pavilion, he felt the weight of numerous glances from fellow clan disciples.

Just earlier, they had treated him with reverence, but now their demeanor turned cold, some even purposefully avoiding him.

The world's cruelty knows no bounds, and the fickleness of human hearts is a bitter truth!

Though Jiang Tian remained stoic, he couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment.

In the grand scheme of things, the indifference of these individuals paled in comparison to the heartbreak of parting ways with Ye Wuxue.

Jiang Tianli paid no heed to the chatter around him and marched confidently into the Pill Medicine Pavilion.

"Why would Jiang Tian, this worthless individual whose bloodline and spirituality remain dormant, even bother coming to the Pill Medicine Pavilion? Does he dare to persist in his futile cultivation endeavors?"

"Hmph, he must think he can create miracles with those pills!"

"Creating miracles? Pfft! What a joke! The elder has made it clear; no amount of spirit-building pills can awaken his bloodline spirituality. Jiang Tian is completely beyond redemption!"

"Let's go, don't get mixed up with him, it's bad luck!" Several people sneered and briskly walked away.

Before Jiang Tian reached the counter, he respectfully bowed to Elder Jiang Mu.

"I greet the elder! I've come to collect the cultivation pills!"

Upon hearing his voice, several disciples by the medicine stand turned to look.

These individuals held moderate status among the younger generation, with respectable strength. However, upon spotting Jiang Tian, they abandoned their previous deference entirely, their expressions turning scornful and cold.

"Hey! Isn't this the 'big genius' of our Jiang family?"

"Hehe! I mean, Jiang Tian, you can't even activate your bloodline spirituality, so what's the point of coming to the Pill Pavilion?"

"Exactly, with your talent, it's pointless to consume more pills. It's better to leave them for the clan's disciples; it's also a way of accumulating some virtue!"

These individuals spoke with cutting words and icy demeanor, leaving Jiang Tian feeling increasingly incensed.

But he didn't lose his temper, simply uttered a sentence without turning back, leaving these individuals with extremely unpleasant expressions.

"Whether or not I'm worthless, it's not your concern, you bunch of failures!"

These individuals had just been defeated by Jiang Tian in the family martial arts competition, and in terms of strength, they weren't even fit to tie his shoes.

"You... scoundrel!"

"Absurd! Jiang Tian, do you still fancy yourself as that genius? Wake up, you're nothing but a laughingstock now, a disgrace to the entire family!"

Today, Jiang Tian is nothing but a failure. Being scorned and mocked by this "waste" is utterly intolerable to them.

With a strange smile on his face, Jiang Tian's piercing gaze swept across the crowd like a razor.

"A joke? A disgrace? Hmph! There will come a day when I'll make you all see who the true joke is, who the real disgrace is!"

Jiang Tian uttered coldly, then brushed them off.

He couldn't afford to waste time bickering with these scoundrels; he'd better refine more pills to awaken the Purple Profound Pearl swiftly!

"Jiang Tian, you're insufferably arrogant!"

"Jiang Tian, just you wait! When we activate our bloodline spirituality, you'll regret it!"

After a few menacing threats, these individuals averted their gaze, too intimidated to continue their outbursts.

Jiang Tian's prowess was undeniable. Pushing him too far would result in more than just a beating; it would be a costly mistake.

Although these individuals are morally bankrupt, they are not willing to suffer any immediate setbacks.

"Jiang Tian, what kind of pill are you here to collect?" Behind the counter, Elder Jiang Mu furrowed his brow, a hint of disgust flickering in his eyes.

Alchemy is such a noble profession! How can the pills, crafted with such painstaking effort, be squandered on someone like this "waste"?

From the moment Jiang Tian entered the Pill Medicine Pavilion, Elder Jiang Mu had no intention of granting him any pills.