
Heaven Devouring Blood God

When he was born, an anomalous heavenly pheonomena occured all over the world. His destiny was exceptional and transcendent. He was fated to become the strongest of the world. Countless powerhouses were alarmed and came out of their secluded cultivation. Knowing that this child will be a threat to their status and glory, all the powerhouses of the world plotted to kill him when he was still child. Seeing through their schemes, his parents sacrificed themselves and sent him to another world. In that world, he dominates everything with his talent and courage. Anyone who adheres him shall live and ascend but all those who defy him will be killed and a river of blood will be formed in his rage. Accompany Ashmus Ruler as he defies the way of the heavens and annihilate everything in the oath of his revenge.

Blooddevourer2394 · Fantasy
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93 Chs

Chapter-83: Inexplicable Feelings

When Ashmus closed his eyes, the people dearest to him, dearest to his life appeared in his mind one after another.

First was his caring and gentle mother, who always loved him greatly and took care of him for all these years like he was her own flesh and blood. She always did everything she could do to make him happy. He then thought of his kind and respectful father, who had taught him all kinds of things from childhood. And, his strict but amiable grandpa, who had first taught him about cultivation and imparted all his experience of his entire life....

Then his cute, little sister's innocent face appeared in his mind. She was the one, with whom he had spent most of his times with. That girl would always cling onto him no matter where he went and whatever he did. She was most pampered and mischievous girl in the whole village. A small but sad smile appeared on his face as he thought about all her naughty acts.