
Heaven Devouring Blood God

When he was born, an anomalous heavenly pheonomena occured all over the world. His destiny was exceptional and transcendent. He was fated to become the strongest of the world. Countless powerhouses were alarmed and came out of their secluded cultivation. Knowing that this child will be a threat to their status and glory, all the powerhouses of the world plotted to kill him when he was still child. Seeing through their schemes, his parents sacrificed themselves and sent him to another world. In that world, he dominates everything with his talent and courage. Anyone who adheres him shall live and ascend but all those who defy him will be killed and a river of blood will be formed in his rage. Accompany Ashmus Ruler as he defies the way of the heavens and annihilate everything in the oath of his revenge.

Blooddevourer2394 · Fantasy
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93 Chs

Chapter-23- Pierced to the core

"Mo**er fucking bastard." The large man roared at him for a long time and dashed at him. He started attacking Ash in a frenzy.

Ashmus, quickly tried to dodge his deadly strikes.

Because the person had large body, his speed was affected by his weight quite a lot. He was as much as 2 time large as Ashmus.

Ashmus could barely avoid his powerful strikes in a flustered manner. If he gets hit by that person even once, it will surely break two or three of his bones.

As he frantically dodged his attacks, he was starting to get used to this person's attacking patterns.

But he knew that, he couldn't keep doing this forever, he has to strike back or this fight will never end.

When he was trying to find a hole in this person's attacking patterns, he noticed that, there were a lot of small craters being formed by his powerful attacks.

He carefully tried not to step into one of those and get killed by this gorilla of a person in front of him.

But his opponent was still too mad to mind his surroundings. He didn't even notice his own creation on the ground.

As he was in a frenzy, he stepped in a crater he had formed himself. His body was imbalanced and his attacks halted for a second. But this second of pause was enough for Ashmus.

He didn't let this chance go to waste and garbed this large man's right hand and pulled out his body towards him.

But because of his large weight, he couldn't pull this large man's body, but instead his own body was pulled towards the large man.

The man, who saw this, sneered because of Ash's unsuccessful attempt. He didn't try to stop Ash, who was getting pulled towards him.

He swung his left arm at Ash to land a strike on him. But he was quite tired from all the frenzy attacking from earlier. So his speed was even slower than before.

When the swing was about to land, Ash twisted his body like a snake and avoid his swing and climbed onto this large man's body.

He was now on his shoulders. He was sitting there like, it was a comfortable sofa.

The man, who hadn't expected this was enraged once again and reached out both his arms to pull Ashmus down.

But just as he rose his hands, Ashmus took out a long sword and stabbed that thing directly into that person's head.

Ash stabbed the entirety of the sword into the man's head. Only the handle of the sword could be seen from the outside.

Eira, who saw this, felt nauseous, but she suppressed this feeling. She quickly covered Luna's eyes, who was also watching the fight excitedly.

When her eyes were covered, she frantically tried to struggle from Eira's grasp.

But what can a 6year child do to Eira, who was determined to not let her see this gruesome scene.

When the sword pierced into his head, that man's entire body froze up. A while later, he started falling down.

Ashmus who was still sitting on his shoulders, pulled out the long sword and jumped down from the top of his body.

Both Ash and the large man landed on the ground at the same time.

One landed by his foot, while the other one... Well, by his entire body.

Ash's entire sword was covered by thick red blood but he didn't care anything of it and Frantically put his sword back to his storage bag.

The sword he used was the spiritual artifact, given by the blue haired girl. He didn't want anyone else to know about having a artifact.

These type of artifacts are extremely rare. He has only seen a single one from the white masked person. But his artifact was a lower level than this one.

If these assassins knew that he had such a high level artifact, they wouldn't care about any fair game and attack him all together to get the artifact from him.

If more than 50 people attacked him all together, then no matter how powerful his artifact was, he still would die in less than a second.

Both the lecherous man and the feminine person were shocked when they saw their mid stage qi absorption realm fall down. They didn't see how he had died.

Because, from the time Ashmus climbed onto his head to the time he jumped down, he had his back towards them this entire time. So no assassin could see how he had taken out his opponent.

The feminine man looked at the other man and asked," Did you see, how that brat killed that person?"

"No. He had his back towards us the entire time. No one could see what had happened." The man answered with furrowed brows.

"What about the men who had surrounded the villagers?" The feminine man asked again.

"Nope. I had them retreat after they poisoned the villagers. Since all of them are unconscious, they don't have to watch over anyone anymore. So i had them come back." The man said.

"Then how do we know, how our man died."

"The only ones who knows of what happened, were them." The man pointed at Eira's side.

"But we don't have to worry about that. We'll know about it in a bit. When we send someone stronger than the last one, he would have to use what he had used before. " His furrowed brows relaxed when he said this.

"I guess you are right." The feminine person said. 'But what was the spiritual fluctuation, i felt for a second. Was that my imagination?' He thought to himself but he didn't think about it anymore.

Coincidentally, the other person was thinking about the exact same thing. He also felt a little bit of fluctuations but it was just for a second so he didn't think too much about it.