
Heaven Devouring Blood God

When he was born, an anomalous heavenly pheonomena occured all over the world. His destiny was exceptional and transcendent. He was fated to become the strongest of the world. Countless powerhouses were alarmed and came out of their secluded cultivation. Knowing that this child will be a threat to their status and glory, all the powerhouses of the world plotted to kill him when he was still child. Seeing through their schemes, his parents sacrificed themselves and sent him to another world. In that world, he dominates everything with his talent and courage. Anyone who adheres him shall live and ascend but all those who defy him will be killed and a river of blood will be formed in his rage. Accompany Ashmus Ruler as he defies the way of the heavens and annihilate everything in the oath of his revenge.

Blooddevourer2394 · Fantasy
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93 Chs

Chapter- 12: Fight with the assassins


When both sides were about to clash, there came a shout from inside the infirmary and a young lady with long, light blue hair walked out.

She arrived beside Ashmus and looked at the masked person in the distance," So he hired you guys to capture me. Hah..... Who could have expected that, one day i will be hunted down by a Qi Control realm peasant. How ridiculous....." She laughed in dejection.

"Since you are going to capture me, let them go and i will go with you." She said to the masked person, probing.

The village head wanted to say something to her but she stopped him by rising her hand.

"Hehehe... Young miss. You act like you don't know how people like us do things. What can you even bargain with me?" The masked person laughed and said, mocking.

The girl narrowed her eyes and said," You think you can capture me with all the strength you have. If you don't let them go, then don't even think about taking me with you."

"Hahahahaha. Who said anything about capturing you? That person hired us to capture you if possible, but if cannot, then he told us to kill you and everyone who has been in contact with you." He said while laughing hard.

"Wha.... What did you say? How could he even dare to kill me. Has he lost his mind?" The girl's face lost colour when she heard this.

Ashmus and others were confused when they saw her expression.

"Why are you guys standing there like morons? I said to kill them all. Since i promised them not to interfere, i won't interfere if not necessary." He ordered his subordinates with a ice-cold tone.

Hearing his command, the assassins once again dashed towards the villagers with killing intent.

"Men, take out your weapons and follow me to kill these murderers. Do not fight anyone by yourself. Fight them in groups." Elder roared at the men of the village to encourage them to fight.

"Ashmus, stay here and protect the women and children of the village. Kill anyone whoever bypasses our blockade. Understand." Bevyn said with a serious expression on his face.

"Mn. I will keep them safe." Ash nodded with resolution.

"If the situation worsens, i will give you a signal, take the women and children with you and run away from here. We old men will hold them with our lives so that you can escape. Understand."

"What? But...." Ashmus was shocked when he heard his father's words. Before he could say anything, Bevyn interrupted him.

"No buts. When i give you the signal, take your mom and sister with you and run. Keep them safe. If you can survive, then i can die in peace." Bevyn's tone quivered, when his words came out.

Ashmus's eyes reddened and a tear fell out from his eye." Father, i will take care of them." He said with his lips trembling.

Bevyn turned his head towards his daughter and said," You have grown up, my little girl. Stay by your brother's side and live happily." He hugged her and gave a peck on her forehead.

"Father.... Don't leave me." Eira cried and hugged his father tightly, not wanting to let him go.

Bevyn separated from her with difficulty and looked at his wife with a loving expression and said," Dear, I'm going first. Take care of yourself."

Nabia looked at her husband with anguish and nodded in difficulty. She couldn't even find a single word to speak.

After that, Bevyn departed to kill these assassins.

When she saw that her husband is leaving and very likely won't ever come back, Nabia felt her heart breaking into thousand pieces. She couldn't bear the heartbreak and fainted.

The young girl who was behind, caught her, keeping her from falling.

Ashmus wiped the tears off his eyes and stepped forward to kill anyone who comes at him.

By now, the villagers had already clashed with the Assassins. Since they don't have the power on their side, they will make use of the numbers to fight their opponents.

More than 400 villagers with stone weapons clashed with the 100 peak body transformation realm experts with Steel blades.

More than 10 body trans. Stage villagers ganged up to fight with a single early qi absorption realm.

Bevyn had already stepped into 8th stage of qi absorption realm over the years. He took the lead to fight the 3 mid Qi absorption realm experts with some body transformation realm experts.

Elder yoel who was also at the peak of qi absorption advanced to fight with the two peak qi absorption realm assassins.

The remaining strongest body trans. Stage experts of the village went with elder yoel to fight with the two of them.