
Heaven Defyer Wants to Lead a Peaceful Life

A man whose very mention of name would make anyone cower in fear. A man so talented that even the monstrous prodigies in their domains would pale in comparision. A man whose very existence defies heavens and fate. This is a story of a man who reincarnated into the future and decides to lead a peaceful life. PS: This story is a fan-fiction of 'I Will Kill The Author'

Araski · Others
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58 Chs

The Talking Tree

"I guess it's too early for me to be using these techniques." I thought to myself as blood flowed from my eyes. 

What I did just now was hypnotize the guard so that I would be allowed to enter the forest.

The easiest way to use this magic was through my eyes but even then it was too much burden for my body which resulted in me bleeding from my eyes. I was once again reminded of the urgency to strengthen my body.

For now I decided to rest while continuing to lean against the tree. There are still a few students here which might become a problem if someone sees me, for better or worse Lucas Morningstar is quite famous. Since the forest is about to closed I wouldn't need to rest for a long time.

Just then, I felt something move on my back. Without wasting a second, I jumped away from the tree and looked towards its trunk.

A human face seemed to carved on its face as its eyes began to squint and open fully after a few seconds. But instead of pupils or iris there were just holes in his eyes.

I don't know what it was but it was definitely something abnormal. Even 700 years ago I haven't heard anything about this.

Oblivious to my confusion, the tree slowly began to open its mouth.

"Human, what's your name?" a deep voice resounded directly in my head.

"Lucas Morningstar." I answered briefly still not letting my guard down one bit.

"A good name. Lucas means bright and Morningstar means the sun. Your name means a Bright Sun." The human-faced tree commented.

"That's new to me." I didn't know that my name had such meaning and I am pretty sure even those two idiots didn't think much while naming me.

"Hahaha. Sure." The tree laughed without caring about my response.

"So, shall we begin the test?" It said, "Since you found me and intentionally woke me up from my slumber, it is clear that you know what I am."

'What test?' I didn't know what it was talking about and nor am I interested. I already wasted too much time fooling around with this thing.

"No need. You woke up after I leaned against you. It was nothing but a coincidence, you can go back to your slumber or whatever." I turned around not interested in continuing this talk any longer.

"Now now, it might be fate that led you to meeting me. All you have to do is answer 3 riddles of mine and you can get any of your wish granted." The tree continued to speak even though I was walking away.

But a few words of it caught my attention. Despite there being a good chance that it wasn't what I was expecting it to be, I nonetheless decided to humor this piece of wood.

"You say some interesting things. I wonder if fate led us to meet each other. And are you really capable of granting any of my wish." 

"All you have to do is answer 3 of my riddles and consider your wish granted." The tree replied without hesitation.

Only numbskulls would fall for that trick. There is no way some no name piece of wood would be do that. 

"There is no way it is that simple as you make it to be. What's the catch?" 

The raised its eyes a bit as if amused by my response.

"Your are quick-witted. Yes, there is indeed a catch. If you fail to answer even one of my riddles consider your lie forfeit." The tree said as an evil grin appeared on its face.

As if that trash would be able to take my life. Its already pretty clear that this is all a ruse. At best it would reward the winner on of the possessions it already has. 

"Before I take part in this game of yours. Let me ask you this, can you really grant any of my wish?"

"Of course."

"Even if it meant to turn back time for 15 years."

"..." The tree was momentarily left speechless as if he couldn't comprehend what I asked for. 

"Are you joking with me?" Eventually it asked a question dropping all the pretenses it had shown till now.

"I am 100% serious. So can you do it or n-"

"Of course I can't!!" The tree shouted without letting me finish.

"Then I have no business with you." I once again turned back and continued to walk away. 


The tree kept on shouting before it stopped at once. The entire forest which was giving a refreshing feeling until moments ago was now dreadfully silent.

The furious expression the tree had until now was replaced with a look of utter terror and fright. If not for it being a tree, beads of sweat would have started to form on it.

The reason it wore such an expression is obvious. It had picked a fight with the one being it shouldn't have.

The very same person who the cause for its terror stood still with his back turned towards it. He didn't move an inch nor did he used any magic. All he did was was release his killing intent that made this tree tremble in its roots.

"Consider yourself lucky that I am busy right now and has no time to waste on garbage like you. Otherwise you would have been dead." That was all Lucas said before continuing to move forward. 

The tree which was still shaken by the tree was only able to relax after Lucas disappeared entirely from its sight.

Without wasting any time it closed its eyes and resumed its slumber not wanting to risk becoming charcoal.

'I will never wake up again. Blast it! Forget about tests and riddles. I will just entrust this artifact to the next person I meet'

The tree thought to itself as it recalled the terrifying experience it has been through mere moments ago. 

It is ambiguous whether any person will stumble on this tree in the future, but whoever it maybe, will get a priceless treasure without having to go through any trials. All thanks to a certain silver haired teenager.

Lucas on the other hand has already started to sprint towards the ocean in the uneven forest terrain oblivious to the fact that his actions has already start to affect the fate of the world.