
Heaven Defyer Wants to Lead a Peaceful Life

A man whose very mention of name would make anyone cower in fear. A man so talented that even the monstrous prodigies in their domains would pale in comparision. A man whose very existence defies heavens and fate. This is a story of a man who reincarnated into the future and decides to lead a peaceful life. PS: This story is a fan-fiction of 'I Will Kill The Author'

Araski · Others
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58 Chs

5th District

While waiting for the train at the train station, I glanced around me.

There were quite a few teenagers who looked like they belonged from a high background, much like myself, waiting there patiently.

Well, I guess that's to be expected since this is the Global City.

80% of the population here are cadets who are either training to become soldiers or studying to become magic technicians.

I didn't think of it much before but this situation is quite depressing and tragic.

At the age of 18, anyone who can use mana is asked to go through a mandatory military education for three long years.

And then they have to serve four years in the United Military.

This world is throwing children into a full-blown war between planetary-level civilizations.

And if that wasn't enough, those who are not cut to fight aliens are tasked to fight vampires in the north.

And those who can do neither have no meaning in their life. All they can do is become magic technicians.

These children who should be enjoying their youth while fooling around with their friends and work hard to achieve their aspirations are being thrown into a war. 

What's even worse is that the government is running a propaganda that those who do well in war are guaranteed good lives which is essentially brainwashing the children.

The truly free people in this world are the people who can't use mana. They won't have to throw away their youth and are not forced to fight either.

They can't live their lives happily under the protection of the Central Government and Union Military provided by the sacrifices of teenagers who are forced into a war.

This generation is seriously messed up.

True, there at a war with a space civilization much more advanced than the humans and a supernatural race hell-bent on taking over the world. 

To win, Earth needs to use all of its resources.

But that is no excuse for the government to burden the younger generation with their responsibilities and what's worse is that the people in higher positions are just as corrupt as they were 700 years ago.

Currently, the situation isn't too dire. Vampires and humans have been at a stalemate for centuries and Kalis have almost exhausted all of their resources. 

In theory, if Earth manages to hold off Kalis for another five years, they will win. Then they would only have to worry about vampires in the north.

But of course, reality is different from theory and most of the time it doesn't play out like planned.

Honk-! Honk-!

A loud deafening sound of the horn announced the train's arrival while I was lost in my thoughts.

It was a flying train so it didn't make even a tiny bit of sound while stopping.

Honestly, it's a stretch to call the thing in front me a 'flying train' when all it was doing is to float a few inches above the ground. 

While being disappointed again at the today's generation I entered the train after the doors opened and occupied an empty seat. At least the interior was good.

Right when I sat in my seat, a blue screen popped in front of me.

[Hello, dear passenger. Where would you like to go?]

•4th district

•5th district

•8th district

[If your destination is not among the above given options then you have boarded the wrong train.]

I clicked on the 5th District and leisurely slumped back in my seat as I closed my eyes and rested my head on the seat's headrest.

"Sir, would you like a drink?"

"No thanks"

A female voice fell into my ears but without even bothering to open my eyes I dismissed the train attendant.

For what I am about to do, I needed to be at the my peak both physical and mental condition. 

It is going to be a very dangerous situation and with my current body, I would need every bit of my concentration to pass this hurdle. 

Lucas had learned some martial arts but that was it. His physical body is absolutely weak and I needed to fix that first and that is what I am going to do now.

I already have all the experience and power I need and all that's left is to train my body so that it could handle that power.

I will have to train my body to the maximum in the coming 14 days.


[Dear passenger, you have arrived at your destination]

Reading the message in front of me, I got up to leave.

A few passengers also got up to leave but I just ignored them and walked out of the train.

The Global City is divided into 20 districts. I was currently in the 5th District. This whole district was one huge forest and also bordered the ocean.

This district was created for the cadets to hone their skills in the wilderness.

It also serves as a hunting ground for cadets to gain merit points since this forest has several mana beasts inhabiting it.

From I got know through Lucas's memories, mana beasts are just animals who evolved through time and learned to wield mana to strengthen their physical capabilities.

Right in front me lay tall trees as far as I could see with the naked eye. The chirping sound of insects and the calm atmosphere of the forest gave a tranquil look to it.

Despite its calm and refreshing atmosphere, what lay deep inside inside the forests were dangerous beasts.

Most of the beasts lived in the hunting grounds of inner region and the outer region was relatively safer with barely any beasts in it. But these distinctions meant nothing to me who has to cross the entire forest till I reach the other side.

Even then those mana beasts meant no threat to me no matter what rank they were. Heaving a tired sigh, I continued to walk towards the entrance of the forest, where a chubby guard was standing.

Perhaps because this was the admission season, the guard seemed to doing his job diligently. 

Disregarding the guard, I walked to the forest entrance.

Before I could step inside the fencing gate, the guard called out to me. 

"Oi, it's almost closing time." He said while scanning me up and down.

"None of your business." I replied quickly "Move out of the way."

Annoyed by my response, the guard asked a question in an irritated tone.

"Hmm. Are you a first-year?"

"I will be in about 14 days." I answered indifferently.

"You can't enter unless you are at least a firs-"

Before the guard could complete his sentence, I spoke up while directly looking in his eyes.

"I am entering the forest. Now out of the way."

Confused , the guard frowned upon my words and tried to say something but soon stopped himself.

He stood there dazed for a few seconds and moved to the side away from me.

"You can enter the forest." The guard said in a mechanical way as if he was possessed.

Without wasting a second, I crossed the entrance and disappeared into the forest.

It was only after Lucas had left that the guard snapped back to reality and looked around his surroundings.

"Strange...What was I doing just now?" The guard asked to himself but couldn't come up with an answer.

"Whatever, I have to close the gates now." 

Somewhere in the outer region of the forest, standing while leaning against a tree was Lucas Morningstar. 

"I guess even this is too much for my body." Right after he said that, blood started to ooze out from his eyes. His eyes which were crimson in color were now shaded in crystal blue.