
Heaven Chronicles: The Awakening of Shivaay

A boy named Shivaay is born into a different world inhabited by many powerful figures. In this world, every 7-year-old receives a blessing from different gods and goddesses of all mythologies mainly Hindu, granting them various weapons and powerful skills. Shivaay's blessing from a high god becomes the envy of someone incredibly powerful. Can he overcome these hurdles? If you are reading this note from an amateur writer, thank you for your support. I've done my best to address errors and plot holes in the story, but if any reader notices anything, please reach out to me. Shivaay is an ordinary boy, sometimes timid, sometimes brave, and sometimes foolish. Bravery and cleverness come from experience. Together, you and I will follow Shivaay on his journey to achieve greatness. Please share your suggestions; I'm eager to improve myself. Note: The image was taken from http://evolvinglaunda.com/2020/08/lord-shiva-images/

Super_Knight · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


"I am dirt poor," Shivaay lamented. 

As a transmigrated character in this new world, he found himself facing a significant challenge. While he could choose to acquire some low to mid-level skills, he knew that the only place to find high-level skills was the tournament Arya had mentioned.

"Let's go there, maybe I can find something" 

Shivaay reached the location Arya had mentioned and was immediately astonished by the scene before him. The tournament had drawn participants from all corners of the kingdom, creating a bustling and vibrant atmosphere.

Without wasting a moment, Shivaay swiftly joined the queue to register for the tournament. The anticipation in the air made the waiting feel like an eternity, but finally, he completed the registration process and received his participant number. Despite his impressive skills and unique weapon, Shivaay was acutely aware that he had started his journey in this world from a disadvantaged position. For now, he was still at the 7th level of the Root chakra, a level significantly lower than many of his fellow participants. His cultivation progress had been painstakingly slow compared to others, and he had fallen behind by a year.

Shivaay had only awakened with his newfound abilities at the age of 8, while his companions had done so a year earlier. During that first year after his blessing, he had faced countless challenges and hardships just to survive. Now, in this tournament, he was up against competitors who had awakened and honed their skills in the same year. His first match was scheduled to begin in just 30 minutes, and with a sense of urgency, he hurried toward the fighting ring.

His initial opponent was a young boy who possessed the ability to control earth. As soon as the match started, Shivaay swiftly drew his weapon and fired a shot at the boy's body. The boy had barely a moment to react before he fell unconscious. Shivaay had demonstrated remarkable control over the lethality of his weapon, adjusting the speed of the bullet by regulating the current output. This precision had spared the opponent from more serious harm.

The audience, along with the judges, was left astonished by Shivaay's abilities. They had never witnessed such power before—an otherworldly character with a strange-looking machine that could shoot projectiles with unparalleled accuracy. The bullet had struck the boy in the chest, and moments later, the spectators erupted in amazement, their shouts filling the arena.

"Huh, that boy is not bad for a freelancer" Master Kai said, taking a puff from his cigarette..

"But, this should be limits" his butler besides him spoked. Master Kai didn't say anything and continued to watch his match closely.

After a brief pause, Shivaay moved on to his second match, which he also won handily. This time, his opponent was only blessed with a fire-type pseudo-god blessing, and Shivaay's superior skills allowed him to secure another victory. His string of victories continued, and his ranking swiftly rose above the top 100 participants.

"Oh, who is this person? Look at his ranking; it's rising at an astonishing pace," one spectator commented.

"Ha! He hasn't faced anyone from the four great clans yet; that's why he's been winning. But once he enters the top hundred, he's sure to encounter disciples from the great clans," the other replied knowingly.

As Shivaay progressed through the tournament, his reputation grew with each victory. He continued to face opponents with various blessings and abilities, but his precision and control allowed him to triumph in each match. However, the challenges were becoming increasingly difficult, as he was now pitted against competitors who had the backing of the prestigious clans.

In the midst of the tournament, Shivaay caught the attention of many, including some influential figures. News of the mysterious contestant who could control a unique weapon spread like wildfire throughout the tournament. They all watched how Shivaay defeated one by one all of his opponents before they could react.

Alast this fast progression stopped, with the first opponent appearing from one the great clan. He was earth blessed person, as soon as a match started he maked a defensive layer around his entire body.

Shivaay, taken aback, aimed his first bullet at the opponent's legs. The bullet struck the outer defensive layer, causing the opponent to flinch, but it didn't do significant damage. Shivaay quickly fired another shot at the same spot, this time with a faster bullet, creating a hole in the defensive cover. The opponent, realizing he was in danger, charged toward Shivaay, attempting to finish the match quickly.

However, before the opponent could reach him, Shivaay took his shot. This time, the bullet hit the opponent's chest with immense force, sending him flying out of the ring and coughing up blood. Clan members rushed to check on the injured opponent, their hands trembling with anger and humiliation. None of their Earth clan members had ever suffered such injuries or coughed up blood in such a small tournament. Shivaay didn't care, what they though, sure he will start making enemies if he wants to become strong. There is no running away from it.

Amidst the stunned silence of the onlookers, one person in the stands began cheering loudly. It was none other than Arya, shouting, "That's my brother! That's my brother!" . The Earth clan member just stared at him, all the people were silent and only he was shouting. While Shivaay stopped ,looked at his direction and smiled.

"I didn't think that kid could defeat a member from the Earth clan," Master Kai's butler said in astonishment.

"Incredible! What a powerful blessing, " Master Kai exclaimed, but soon calmed down with a smile on his face. 

After a few moments, the tournament continued, and Shivaay advanced to the quarter-finals. Now, only the disciples of the four major clans remained in the arena as Shivaay prepared for his next match. His new opponent, armed with a fiery sword, seemed stronger than the previous challengers, possibly at the initial stage of Sacral chakra.

As the match began, the opponent wasted no time and charged at Shivaay with lightning speed, swinging the fiery blade in a deadly arc. Shivaay's tracking skill allowed him to pinpoint the opponent's vital points, and he swiftly moved to evade the first attack. With impeccable timing, he fired a shot that grazed the opponent's arm, causing a searing burn.

Undeterred, the opponent pressed on, launching a barrage of fire-based strikes. Shivaay deftly dodged , his skill proving invaluable. He couldn't afford to take a direct hit from that fiery blade.

The audience gasped as the battle intensified. Flames danced around the combatants, creating a spectacular and dangerous spectacle. Shivaay realized he needed to end the fight quickly before he became overwhelmed by the opponent's relentless assault.

With a calculated move, Shivaay aimed carefully and fired. The gun unleashed a bullet with an electrifying surge of power, striking the opponent's ankle and disrupting his balance. As the opponent stumbled, Shivaay seized the opportunity, launching another high-powered shot that hit the opponent's chest. The impact sent a shockwave through the opponent's body, causing him to convulse and drop his fiery sword.

The audience erupted in awe as the opponent collapsed, defeated. Shivaay had won the match, but not without a fierce battle. He stood triumphant, his clothes scorched and his body covered in sweat. With this match he qualified for semifinals.

Simultaneously, other candidates were being eliminated one by one. In the end, only four members remained. Shivaay's next match was against the elder brother of the Earth controller he had injured earlier.

As soon as the match started, Shivaay's opponent created a massive wall of earth and sent it hurtling towards Shivaay. Caught off guard, Shivaay was unsure of what to do. The wall covered the entire stage, leaving him with no room to maneuver. In a desperate move, he fired a bullet at the wall with full force, creating a hole just big enough for him to jump through. However, the force of the impact caused the surrounding wall to crumble, and blood began to flow from Shivaay's shoulder. He stood on his feet, injured but determined, while his opponent wore a confident smile. It was evident that his opponent held a higher rank than him.

Shivaay relentlessly continued to fire his gun, bombarding his opponent with bullets. His opponent, however, skillfully blocked the incoming attacks with swiftly formed earth pieces and retaliated by hurling sharp-edged earth projectiles toward Shivaay. Shivaay dodged the projectiles with nimble footwork but did not cease his barrage of bullets.

Despite his determined efforts, Shivaay's opponent managed to construct a formidable shield of earth that enveloped his entire body, reminiscent of his brother's defense but considerably more robust. Within this protective shield, the opponent could move effortlessly, which posed a significant challenge for Shivaay.