


We get to live once. And that is something I believed in ever since I was young. That after we die, there's nothing more to life.

Although our grandparents told us about Heaven, and how the Good Dead People go there, It made me wonder.

Where is Heaven?

When People usually talk about heaven they look up at the sky.

But what's about the sky that makes you think of Heaven?

For me. Heaven is a place where you'd find infinite happiness,and joy. You'll have no problems in life and you'll be living with your loved ones forever.

But the prices to pay for someone to go to Heaven is Heavy,and painful.

But that's my goal in life. Or so I thought. I thought that heaven was a place up in the sky where the stars in the night are.

I didn't realize that Heaven could also be located her on Earth.

I'm Lavender Cross, and this is the story of how I felt like I was in Heaven despite being on Earth.