
Chapter 53 Escape "Mandarin Duck" (Part 2)

  The noise of breaking into the woods awakened the sleeping beast, and also aroused the vigilance of Yang Guo and Huang Rong. After carefully observing the surrounding situation, Yang Guo said to Huang Rong: "This place is not a place to stay for long, let's go!" After that, Yang Guo picked up Huang Rong on his back, and performed his ghostly lightness skill in a cool and easy manner, from the junction of the Mongolian soldiers searching the woods Interspersed out.

  But not long after walking out of the woods, Yang Guo and Huang Rong saw four people in strange clothes standing in front of them not far away. Yang Guo immediately recognized these four people, smiled and said softly to Huang Rong: "The one on the far left is holding a banner for calling back souls, tall and thin, with a pale face, like a zombie, he is Xiaoxiangzi from Xiangxi; the one on the far right is Xiaoxiangzi. Very short and black, with a serious face, he is Nimoxing from India; the middle one is eight feet tall, with thick hands and big feet, with a smirk on his face, and Ma Guangzuo from Xinjiang with dull eyes; the other one has a high nose, deep eyes, curly hair Huang Xu is a barbarian, but he wears Hanfu, with pearls hanging around his neck, jade bracelets on his wrists, and jewels. He is a Persian merchant. Three generations of his grandparents have sold jewelry in Bianliang, Chang'an, Taiyuan and other places. He took a Chinese name called Make Yin Kexi."

  "Yang Guo, have you seen them?!" Huang Rong, who was on Yang Guo's back, asked curiously. Yang Guo replied with a slight smile: "I haven't seen them! But my people have long paid attention to Kublai Khan's recruiting hall, and all the people from the world he took in have a record with me! Jianghu against Jianghu!"

  "I really didn't expect Kublai Khan to be more talented than his father!" Huang Rong looked up and down the four people in front of her and said, "Yang Guo, it seems that it is not easy for us to get through here!" Yang Guo He nodded and said, "Don't worry! I don't care about the four of them!" Yang Guo continued to walk forward with Huang Rong on his back.

  As they walked, Yin Kexi and the others, who had noticed Yang Guo and Huang Rong for a long time, immediately met Yang Guo and Huang Rong and surrounded them in the middle. At this time, I heard Nimoxing ask: "You two are Yang Guo and Huang Rong?!" Yang Guo smiled slightly and said, "You know and ask! Isn't your brain crazy?! You are a second-class cripple!"

  "What?!" Nimoxing immediately jumped up, holding a knife and was about to rush up to Yang Guo to fight desperately, Yin Kexi called out, "Nimoxing, wait a minute!" Yin Kexi looked at Yang Guo, and at the same time looked at Yang Guo's back. Huang Rong, who was on the bed, suddenly became excited, and said with a lewd smile: "Yang Guo, you should just capture it! This way you will not suffer from physical pain!" "Oh?! Physical pain, what is it?!

  Or Demonstrate it to us first!" Yang Guo tilted his head and teased Yin Kexi while still paying attention to the other three people around him.

  "Since you don't eat the toast and fine wine, don't blame us for being rude! Come on!" Yin Kexi whipped Yang Guo with the whip in his hand. Yang Guo's toes were on the ground, and he jumped up high. At the same time, four sword qi flew out from Yang Guo's fingers. Yin Kexi, who was the smartest of the four, saw the flying sword qi, and shouted: "Get out of here, it's six Pulse God Sword!"

  The other three people heard Yin Kexi's words, they didn't take it seriously, and they used their weapons to block Yang Guo's sword energy. It's a pity that the three of them underestimated the power of the six-meridian sword fired by Yang Guo. They were caught off guard, and the hands of the three of them couldn't hold the weapon, and the weapon in their hands fell to the ground.

  Seeing the four people in a panic, Yang Guo gave a wry smile, and quickly left with Huang Rong. Not long after Yang Guo left, the Eighteenth Dharma Protector King Kong rushed over with his people. The four of Nimoxing, who had already been angered by Yang Guo, saw the eighteen guardians coming and said angrily: "You guys are really fast! You can slow down later! It's best to wait until dawn." Come on!"

  The Eighteenth Dharma Protector King Hearing what Nimoxing said, he hummed unanimously, and then the Great King Kong asked: "Where did they go?!" Yin Kexi pointed to the north with his smiling hand and said, "That's right. Go forward! You must be fast, if you are slow, they will run away!"

  "Chasing!" The boss of the Eighteen Dharma Protectors hastily urged the horses on and off, and chased in the direction Yin Kexi pointed. After the horse team had gone far away, Ma Guangzuo walked up to Yin Kexi and said, "You won't be so kind and guide them to catch those two people, right?!"

  "He didn't have good intentions! He was afraid of those two people!" Nimoxing said angrily. Yin Kexi still said with a smile on his face: "That man just now, we have all fought against him, you can check for yourself if you are his opponent?!" Yin Kexi looked at the reactions of the other three and said: " The four of us know what kind of existence Basiba is! People who are even taboo against him, can you be his opponent just because of the four of us?! The reason why I directed them to chase those two is to plan Let's take advantage of the fact that they are both wounded, as long as we can catch those two people, it will be a great achievement, and we can live a more carefree life in the Mongolian army camp in the future! It's not like we're stuck like this!" Yin

  Kexi The other three felt very reasonable, so after making a plan, the four of them rode their horses and chased after the group. Not long after chasing, the four of Yin Kexi heard the sound of fighting coming from ahead, and hurriedly reined in their horses. The four looked at each other, got off their horses in a tacit understanding, and walked towards the direction of the fight.

  "Yang Guo! Find a way to separate the eighteen of them! Otherwise we won't be able to leave!" Huang Rong, who was on Yang Guo's back, said anxiously.

  "I know! Don't worry! Even if Ba Siba comes, they still can't keep the two of us!" Yang Guo was heartbroken and flew out of the encirclement on the eighteenth Dharma Protector's weapon, at the same time He dragged Huang Rong to the front, put one hand on Huang Rong's back, and reminded: "Calm down! Guide my inner strength to protect myself!" Yang Guo followed the lion's roar method and started to scream.

  The Mongolian soldier without skill was knocked down to the ground by Yang Guo's cry, bleeding to death from his seven orifices; the slightly skilled Mongolian soldier rolled his hands on the ground twice with his hands on his head, and finally died of bleeding from his seven orifices. After a stick of incense, except for the Eighteen Dharma Protectors and the four Yin Kexi who arrived not long ago, who were still struggling, all the other people and all the horses were reimbursed.

  After receiving the power, Yang Guo carried Huang Rong on his back, heaved a sigh of relief, jumped up, and disappeared into the night. After running for an hour, Yang Guo, who was struggling to hold on, finally couldn't hold on anymore, and fell to the ground gasping for breath. At this time, Huang Rong got off Yang Guo's back, helped Yang Guo to the side of a big tree, and asked anxiously, "Yang Guo, are you alright?!"

  "I'm fine! I just collapsed! I'll be fine after a short rest!" Yang Guo stretched out his hand, wiped away Huang Rong's tears, and said like a ghost: "Silly girl, I'm not dead! Why are you crying? Don't worry, Mongolia It is impossible for people to catch up in a short time, we can rest here for a day before leaving!"

  Huang Rong, who came back to her senses, wiped her tears with her hands and fought with Yang Guo: "Who is a silly girl! According to your seniority, you should call me Auntie!" Huang Rong puffed out her chest as she spoke, as if an elder wanted to teach a younger generation a lesson. Seeing Huang Rong's appearance, Yang Guo coughed twice with a smile and said, "You're wrong! I'm talking about friendship with Huang Yaoshi and Hong Qigong. You are Huang Yaoshi's daughter and Hong Qigong's apprentice, right? You should be my junior?! Did I call you girl wrong?"

  "Then it's wrong again! You call Xi Du Ouyang Feng your adoptive father, then you and I should be of the same generation!" Huang Rong also felt confused when she said that . In the end, Huang Rong used her advantage as a woman to mess around and called Huang Rong's sister, and then she finally put the matter through.

  In the early morning, a group of Mongolian patrol soldiers passed by the place where the night was fought. Seeing the corpses scattered all over the place, the leader of the team immediately frowned and said to the corporal beside him, "Take someone there to see if there are any alive." "No!" The corporal immediately got off his horse with his men

  , He quickly ran to the corpses and checked them one by one. When the Eighteen Dharma Protectors Vajra and Yin Kexi were found, the Mongolian soldiers shouted in unison: "Shizhang, there are live people here!" Hearing the cry, Shizhang immediately rushed over with the rest of the people.

  As soon as he walked to the side of the Eighteen Dharma Protectors, Shi Chang heard the weak words of the Dharma Protectors: "Quick... quickly... take us back to the barracks of Prince Kublai Khan!

  " Wait!" Shi Chang didn't dare to be careless, and immediately called two soldiers to find some carts from the homes of the nearby people. Near noon, Shi Chang arrived at Kublai Khan's barracks with the eighteen Guardian King Kong and Yin Kexi. Kublai Khan, who was eating with Ba Siba in the camp, immediately put down the knife in his hand after hearing the report from his subordinates, and ran out of the tent with Ba Siba.

  Walking outside the tent, Basiba frowned when he saw the Dharma Protector King Kong lying on the cart, and when he was about to ask, Kublai Khan said, "Teacher! Let them have a rest, and don't ask any more questions." Late!" Kublai Khan said to his attendants: "Send them back to the camp immediately, and then ask the military doctor to check them!" "

  No!" The attendants did not dare to be careless, and immediately directed the soldiers to carry the people on the cart. left.

  After all the people dispersed, Kublai also returned to his camp. Just as he picked up the wine bowl, Kublai Khan heard Basiba behind him say: "It seems that I underestimated the two of them, especially that Yang Guo! Tomorrow I will set off in person, and I must bring them back!" "Teacher!

  I Let's put this matter aside!" As he spoke, Kublai Khan poured another bowl of wine, turned around and looked at Ba Siba, and said, "The army has already launched an attack on Xiangyang, but I don't have any masters in hand now. I hope the teacher can help me and join me with the army outside Xiangyang City!"

  Ba Siba hesitated for a moment, calculated the road and time and said: "Give me five days, after five days, no matter whether you catch me or not." I will come to you and help you, what do you think?!"