
Heaven and Back

Maisie Aurora Phoenix is the daughter of the powerful East Coast vampire clan leaders, but they weren't always like this. There was a time, when Maisie was just a small girl, that the family lived peacefully in a small suburb with a cat and friendly neighbors that would watch her while her parents went on their weekly date nights. It wasn't always bloodshed and acts of power. She craved the normalcy she had growing up. So, when Kai Preston, Alpha of Venus Pack, approaches her with an offer with the word 'Freedom' written all over it, how could she ever think of turning it down?

etherealmae · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter Three:

Jaydn and I are sprinting out the door without another word. Cadence is standing in the main lobby, yelling something inaudible to my ears. I'm moving too quickly, my mind swirling with fear. I cannot be late. I have to get back and I have to get back now. My mother will be knocking on my door any minute now, making sure I look presentable enough to head downstairs to start greeting guests.

We hop in the car and Jaydn immediately starts driving out of the plaza, going thirty miles over the speed limit. Normally, I would scold him about going the proper speed limit, but today I encouraged it. I needed to be home as fast as possible. Too bad Jaydn didn't have the ability to teleport me to my bedroom...

As Jaydn drives with his left hand, he reaches toward me with his right and places it on my arm. I feel the warm buzz of magic thrumming through my blood as he takes away the change. My eyes water with the feeling and I squint my eyes closed tightly, hissing out through clenched teeth. I feel my body change, my stomach becoming less tight and muscle-like to its normal, slightly chubby, self. My long, straight black hair returns to its curly strawberry blonde color. Once I'm fully changed to my normal self, Jaydn pulls his hand away and focuses on driving very dangerously down the freeway.

The whole ride was silent and tense. I could tell Jaydn was a bit panicky. I don't blame him, honestly. If we get caught, not only am I going to get in serious trouble, he'll be killed. If he's lucky. Who knows? My parents are notorious for torturing creatures that did them wrong for years at a time. I would know... I have to hear the agonizing screams from the basement. No matter how many times my parents insist that this house is soundproofed, it doesn't do anything to deafen the cries of torture.

The car comes to a halting stop and I'm thrashing in my seat, gripping the dashboard so I don't go flying forward. I glance at Jaydn nervously, but he just gives me a quick nod. I jump out of the car, doing my best to quietly close the door behind me. Guests could be arriving at any minute. The last thing I need is to be spotted. I just needed to get to the backside of the estate and climb up to my room. Then, I'd be fine.

Sneaking through the woods was easy considering I had done it so many times with Jaydn, but something about the suspense of getting caught made it almost exciting. Every time we would practice, I never thought I'd have to run through these woods with the same precision and stealth I was taught. I thought all the precautions Jaydn put in place were silly, but as I'm running through the trees, I'm silently grateful we spent so much time practicing running without making the slightest of noises.

As I reach the front gates, I'm sighing in relief that no cars are parked out front. Good, I'll have time to sneak behind the estate. I check my surroundings, making sure no one is wandering the grounds, then make a beeline for the back of the estate. My hair whips violently behind me, causing a chill to crawl up my spine, but I ignore it and keep moving. How the hell am I going to get ready in time? It took us ten minutes to get here, and then another three or so for me to get on the property. I'll have maybe ten minutes to get my dress on, fix my hair, put on a bit of mascara, and put away the clothes I was just wearing so the maids don't accidentally stumble upon it and report it to my parents.

I reach the back of the house and I pant, pressing my hands to my knees, bending over slightly. Come on, lungs. Don't crap out on me now. I look up at the mossy-covered bricks and bite the inside of my cheek. I hated this part; scaling up the house and climbing through my window. It's not the height that makes me so nervous, but the fact that I'm using moss and vines to heave my way up five stories. And the height. Who am I fooling? I'm terrified of how high up I have to go, but I guess it's worth the fear.

I extend my arms up, gripping the sturdiest vine I can find, and I pull with all my strength. I grunt as my arms burn, trying to push the feeling away. I am going to be so sore tomorrow... I keep ascending the vine-covered brick wall, only looking up. The vines strain from holding up the weight of me, but they don't give out. 'Just keep going, Maisie. You're almost there.' I chant silently in my head, wishing there was an easier way to get up to my room unnoticed.

Gripping the edge of my windowsill, I feel all the breath leave my lungs as I take a peek below me. "Holy hell," I mumble under my breath, craning my head up so I'm facing my window once again. I give it a good push and it opens with a slight creak, making my heart pound against my chest. I heave myself through the window, almost falling to the ground as I do so. I rub my clammy hands against my palms, shut the window tightly, and rush toward my closet.

The dress I'm supposed to be wearing tonight hangs on the door handle of my closet, dauntingly. It was a beautiful dress, but under these circumstances, it was one of the last things I wanted to put on right now. It was a long, burgundy gown that went to the floor and then some. It was a sleeveless dress, the straps going off the shoulder slightly. The only thing off-putting about this dress was the plunging v-neck that would surely show way too much cleavage.

I threw my clothes off, shoving them to the corner of my closet, and grabbed my dress. This was going to be a pain in the ass to get on in less than five minutes, but I couldn't think about that right now. I just needed to focus on getting ready. Carefully, I step into the gown, making sure not to step on it as I shimmy the velvet fabric up my body. I slide my arms through the straps, letting them rest below my shoulders.

On my bed rested a pair of matching burgundy heels, and to my surprise, matching satin gloves. I rush over, chucking the heels to the ground and stepping into them carefully. My feet ache from the blisters already forming on my heel. Another three hours or so hours in uncomfortable shoes. I grab the elbow-length gloves and make my way towards the vanity to fix my hair and attempt to put some color on my face. The last thing I would ever want is to blend in with the cold-blooded creatures I have to play nice with.

I've never really been good at doing my hair. As a little girl, if I ever wanted anything done to my hair, I'd just ask my mother and she'd do it. She was always looking for an excuse to play with my hair. But since I was only seven when everything changed, I didn't get the opportunity to learn all her tricks. I learned the few things I know how to do from maids that used to do my hair when I was younger.

So, I decided to keep my hair mostly down. I sprayed my frizzy hair with water and braided a chunk of my hair, wrapping it around the crown of my head so it looked like I was wearing a natural crown. Other than that, I didn't do anything else with my hair. It flowed down my back messily, but I thought it looked nice.

There was a knock at the door as I was sliding my gloves on my hands. Before I could respond, the door swung open fiercely, the door knob hitting the plaster with a bang. I stopped the flinch that ever so desperately wanted to take over my body. My mother stands in the doorframe, fixing her black laced gloves.

Even if my mother and I didn't have the relationship we used to, I couldn't deny that she looked stunning. She wore a black lace gown that showed way too much cleavage, but she was beautiful nonetheless. Her pale skin was luminous and her bright red eyes popped with the eye makeup she wore. I was envious of how beautiful she was, even if she was technically dead.

Her eyes are raking me and I feel my cheeks start to turn pink under her scrutiny. Her eyes start at my face, probably checking to make sure there weren't any 'imperfections' or marks that might make me seem less appealing, then her eyes dart lower, staring at my chest for a few long seconds. She nods her head, her gaze continuing downward. She swirls her finger and I turn, letting her examine my back. I stand there for a few minutes, waiting for her to say something, but she doesn't.

"Come on," She sighs and I turn around. She's already heading out the door. "We have guests to greet."

I follow her down the hallway and towards the stairs, descending them with her a few steps ahead of me. My heels screamed in agony with each step, but I bit the inside of my cheek and kept up with the pace, not wanting to get in trouble. I took deep breaths, preparing myself for the night ahead of me.

My mother raced down the last flight of stairs while I waited, as I have been taught, for my signal. This part was by far the most cliche event of the evening. I could hear the clattering of plates, the clinking of glasses, and the chattering of others talking amongst themselves. I shake my hands, hoping that the nerves will fade, but they don't. My heart is racing, my hands clammy at my side. I felt like I was drowning in this dress. It was heavy and warm.

The chattering stopped suddenly and I knew it was almost time for my grande entrance. I took one last final breath as the music started playing. I wait. One... Two... Three... Go. I grab my skirts, place a smile on my face, and start walking down the stairs.

Everyone is staring at me as I match my pace with the song. I can feel their eyes boring into me and I want to run back up the stairs, lock my bedroom door, and never come out again, but I don't. I lift my chin, continuing my descent. I felt like someone straight out of a shitty Hallmark movie, but I didn't have a choice in the matter. Mother always gets what she wants.

When I reach the foot of the staircase, I'm being swarmed by dozens of people. A man, probably about thirty or so, reaches me first. He grabs my gloved hand and brings it to his lips, kissing it longingly. His eyes flare a dark red and I give him a polite smile. My hand feels cold from his lifeless touch and I'm thankful for the buffer between the icicle touching me.

"Wow," He whispers breathlessly, turning to the man standing next to him. His companion looks a bit older, maybe mid-forties, but he still looks handsome for his age. "She smells divine." The man next to him just grins, nodding his head.

"I know, Ryan. I told you this ball had an exquisite hostess."

Faces come and go and I can't remember half the names I've been told. My head is already pounding from the amount of conversation I've had to endure. There were a good amount of regulars, but for some reason, many new folks were showing up for tonight as well. It made me feel more unsettled than I normally do. And it wasn't just vampires showing up. There were a handful more warlocks, faeries, and werewolves.

The estate was packed by the next hour. Everyone was talking, drinking champagne or warlock delicacies. I stood in the center of the room, wishing I could find an escape. A man, in his mid-sixties, was talking my ear off about how unfair it is that we must hide our existence from the mundanes. I hated how he tried to include me with them. I was not a vampire and I never would be. I was perfectly content with living out my mundane life and dying of something like old age or cancer.

I was spacing out as the man kept rambling on about how he was superior compared to weak humans when it felt as if time had just stopped. I felt my skin prickle and my heart thrum rapidly in my chest. I place my hand on my chest, feeling as if the oxygen in my lungs was just stomped out of me. The man noticed, rolled his eyes, then walked away. He picked the closest person that wasn't already indulging in conversation and started on the same rant he gave to me.

My feet were moving before I could think it through, eyes scanning the room frantically. Something's wrong, but I don't know what. I've never felt this kind of emotion before. It's so overwhelming I feel like I could pass out at any moment. Or maybe that's because of the sheer exhaustion. No, it can't be. I've been exhausted before and it didn't feel this... exhilarating?

I can't concentrate properly. It's too loud in here, too hot. There are too many people pressing up against me. I feel a hand on my shoulder, someone asking me for the next dance, but I can't even turn around to face them. I jerk my body out of their grasp, moving closer to the entrance of the ballroom.

"Why did you drag me to this, Stells? I despise creatures like this." I know that voice. I weave through a couple dancing inappropriately and they shoot me a quick glare, but I'm not paying attention to them.

"Because," The girl sighs. Where are they? "You never leave home. You sit there, staring at blank google documents because your little author mind hasn't had any ideas since you published. You need to get out."

"I don't need to 'get out' at a stupid vampire party like this-" The man was cut off suddenly and I finally lock eyes with the two.

Serenity's uncle; Kai.

Kai is here.

Kai isn't human.

His eyes immediately find mine and I freeze. The girl standing next to him, Stells, is snapping her fingers in front of him, trying to get his attention. As I'm staring at him, I realized I never actually got a good look at him earlier. I was too fixated on his eyes.

He's tall. I knew that, though. Just by the way he was standing in the doorframe earlier. But now, he practically towers over everyone here. He's wearing a grey t-shirt that hugs his muscular biceps and black jeans that fit him perfectly. I notice his long, brown hair that is half tied up. It looks fluffy.

He's looking at me with confusion and I wonder if he can tell that it's me. I want to approach him, explain that I'm Mai, but I feel a harsh hand gripping my shoulder and I turn around to see my mother, smiling tightly at me. I feel the slight excitement I was feeling dissolve immediately.

"It's time for your next dance," Her voice is clipped as she leads me towards the middle of the room. People swarm me instantly and I can't help but search the room, hoping to find those eyes somewhere in the crowd, but I can't see him anymore.

Great, I've probably scared him off. He has to know. Maybe he's a warlock that can see through the change? Not that I think that's possible, but how am I supposed to know? I feel hands on my hips, but I just allow the hands to guide me as we start waltzing around the room. Luckily, the man that is swirling me around the room isn't interested in conversation. His face is buried in my neck, smelling me like I'm his drug.

Wait, I am his drug. I am every vampire's drug.

When I was younger and we first started doing these balls, people would explain their fascination with my blood as drug addiction. "The smell is exquisite. It makes my head spin with excitement and need. It feels like I might die without it. And when I get a taste, I'm never going to want to stop." Exactly what a fourteen-year-old wants to hear, right?

"Excuse me," I snap out of my reverie, feeling my feet stop. I look up, seeing someone I've never seen before. He looks uncomfortable in his suit, pulling at the collar. "I insist on having this dance." The man clutching at my waist growls lowly, pulling away from my neck.

"Wait your turn, asshole." The man mutters, turning us away from the other, but he's standing in front of us again.

"I said, I insist." His voice is rough and low, causing me to tremble slightly. The man I was dancing with huffs, ripping his hands away from me. He glares at me, then the man, and stalks off without another word.

I'm waiting for my mother to come over and intervene, but she doesn't. She's staring at me with a smirk, nodding her head appreciatively. I look over at the man and he gives me a sheepish smile, placing his hands awkwardly on my waist.

It's quiet. I was expecting him to start talking immediately, trying to woo me, but he's looking at someone else. I try and catch his gaze, but I can't. He sighs so quietly that I almost don't hear it, but I do. His eyes find mine.

"Okay, so this is weird," He stammers out, stumbling as we make our way across the dance floor ungraciously. "But Kai insisted that I dance with you since he can't. He wants to talk to you." I stare at him, nodding my head.

I felt another set of hands on my shoulders and I turn around, seeing the man that I was dancing with before. His eyes are sparkling and he seems more excited than he was earlier. He grabs my waist, yanking me out of the other's grasp. I gasp softly as his fingers dig into my waist tightly. His face nuzzles into my neck, his cold teeth grazing my neck.

"I've been waiting for years to taste you," He rasps against my skin and my heart stops. "I will not wait any longer. I do not care if it kills me."

Oh god.

His teeth sink into my neck and I feel the sting immediately. The music stops and my parents are rushing toward me, but they're not fast enough. Hundreds of vampires are swarming me, unable to control themselves at the scent of my blood. I cry out, bringing my knee into the man's crotch. He groans, but not in pain like I was hoping. He just smirks, going in for another taste.

Hands are reaching for me, grabbing me roughly. I'm being thrown around roughly and I can feel the bruises already forming on my skin from the carelessness of their hands. Tears are streaming down my face as I try to push my way out of the circle of vultures trying to get a taste of their prey. I get away from the man that did this, but I'm just grabbed by another who starts sucking the blood out of me.

I'm ripped away from the creature and my skin tingles at the touch of warm hands enveloping me. I glance up. Kai. He's got his arms wrapped around me possessively, growling at anyone that steps too closely. He starts taking slow steps away, making sure to be subtle with his movements.

"Maisie!" My head snaps towards Jaydn who's trying to make his way toward me. I stare at him pleadingly. His eyes are wide as he pushes past everyone to get to me. He's standing in front of me, but Kai growls again.

"Get the fuck back." He rumbles loudly and I whimper, shaking my head.

"Jaydn," I whisper.

"Who the fuck do you think you are, anyway?" Jaydn challenges, reaching toward me. Kai was about to growl again, but I look up at him.

"Please. He's my friend." Kai stares at me, then looks up at Jaydn, who's glaring at him.

Kai reaches forward and grabs Jaydn roughly by the shirt. Then we're moving. Fast. Out the ballroom, down the corridor, and out the front doors of the estate. We're moving towards the gates, but a couple of straggler vampires are right on our heels, desperate for the taste they never got.

Jaydn turns around, ripping himself out of Kai's grasp. He's frantically searching his pockets until he pulls a small baggy out of his jacket pocket. He dumps the powder into his hands, taking a step towards the vampires tailing us.

"Night night, bitches." He blows the powder into their faces and they crumble to the ground immediately. Kai stands rigidly, still holding onto me for dear life.

Jaydn turns around, staring at the two of us. "Why are you two still standing there? Come on! We need to keep moving. More are bound to come out." Kai nods and we pass through the gates. Hundreds of cars are parked everywhere. Kai is searching the lot, probably trying to find his car.

"There. My car is there." He points to a black Jeep parked at the edge of the driveway. Jaydn nods, rushing ahead of us.

I feel Kai's hands move from my waist to under my legs. He scoops me up with ease. I want to protest at being manhandled, but I can't speak. I can feel the tears still streaming down my face. My whole body hurts, but especially my neck. It stings terribly.

"Shhh, it's okay." Kai's voice is whispering in my ear, but my head is spinning and I can't focus on anything. My eyes droop slightly and the thought of sleep becomes too appealing to push away. I let my mind turn off and my eyes close fully.

Does this chapter feel a bit rushed? I don't know. Hopefully not, haha. I'm trying here.

etherealmaecreators' thoughts