
Heaven and Back

Maisie Aurora Phoenix is the daughter of the powerful East Coast vampire clan leaders, but they weren't always like this. There was a time, when Maisie was just a small girl, that the family lived peacefully in a small suburb with a cat and friendly neighbors that would watch her while her parents went on their weekly date nights. It wasn't always bloodshed and acts of power. She craved the normalcy she had growing up. So, when Kai Preston, Alpha of Venus Pack, approaches her with an offer with the word 'Freedom' written all over it, how could she ever think of turning it down?

etherealmae · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter One:

Growing up, my mom always told me stories about romance hundreds of years ago. She told me how young girls would go to a ball and pray to find the man of their dreams. Boys would line up to dance with them, call on them a few days later to give them gifts and affection. They would promenade in the country with a supervisor to ensure neither party lost their honor.

In this day and age, some might find all of this pointless, but I thought it was romantic. I thought the prospect of a man courting me was special, but obviously, I would not have that luxury. Well, that's what I thought.

Every third Friday of each month, my parents, Grayson and Liliah Phoenix held a ball in my honor. Guests from all around the Coast would travel for the event. Everyone dressed at their finest and danced. Then, all the guests that wanted to participate, which was about seventy percent of the crowd, would bring gifts and present them to me. I'd sit on my throne at the very front of the ballroom and men and women would grovel on their knees, trying to impress me with kind words and expensive gifts.

Maybe I would've been impressed if they weren't all pining to drink my blood at the end of the night.

Yes, drink my blood. I am one of the few humans that ever comes in contact with the East Coast vampire clan. The same clan that both my mother and father are in charge of. The only other humans that existed in the clan were subjugates that select elders owned. Subjugates weren't allowed to attend clan meetings unless the elders owned the subjugate for a long time. But since most of the younger vampires in the clan get bored easily, they go through subjugates like water. Hence why it's mainly elders who have subjugates that are permitted at parties.

Of course, vampires interact with humans on a daily, but something about my blood made them more enthralled with me. From what I've been told, my blood has one of the sweetest scents many vampires have ever come across. I know, that's exactly what a girl wants to hear, right? It makes them act more... feral. They lose all sense of sanity at the very scent of it. I mean, what sane person would go through so much just for me? I've seen vampires bring me gifts worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. Just for an opportunity to have a taste of my blood.

I didn't come up with this idea. It was my mother who thought it could be beneficial for their reputation. That and they made thousands of dollars on me. It cost money to enter the ball. $500 to be exact. Then, if you were to even think of talking to me, you must have a gift that was 'deemed worthy.' Meaning the gift must either be expensive, rare, or beautiful. Ninety percent of the gifts I received didn't go to me, but "nobody needed to know that," says my father.

But that's not what's on my mind right now. Now, I was thinking about how I was going to sneak out of the house for my dance class without anyone spotting me. The house was filled with servants and caterers who were getting the estate ready for the party. My parents were no doubt down there as well, yelling at some poor servant that didn't hand the lights up properly. The only good thing about them organizing the party was the fact that they wouldn't be searching for me anytime soon.

Hell, who am I kidding? They wouldn't be searching for me anyway.

My phone vibrates in my back pocket and I wince, knowing it's most likely Cadence asking me when I'd be showing up for classes. I pull on my black heeled boots and head towards my bedroom window. Why, out of all days, did I have to teach a class today? With a slight groan, I push the window up, swing my legs out the small opening, and stand on the roof of the estate.

I close the window behind me with a quiet click, sighing with relief as the wind tickled my skin. My legs wobble in my heels and I curse silently. Carefully, I sidle down the roof, trying not to lose my balance as I go. Once I was a few feet from the edge, I start sprinting at full speed. As my feet reach the edge, I jump as far as I can, extending my arms out. The rushing wind makes my eyes water and my vision blur, but I've done this so many times I could do it with my eyes closed.

My fingers grasp at the tree branch and I feel my body relax as I let my body hang. Taking a deep breath, I shimmy down the tree and onto the dead grass of my front lawn. Immediately, I duck my head in case anyone's around. I can hear plates clattering in the kitchen. My phone buzzes incessantly in my back pocket and I hiss out, startled, and pull it out as I move towards the front gate. I turn off the vibrations, nervous that someone might hear the faint buzzing and come looking for the source. Vampires' hearing was extremely heightened.

I make sure to duck past any cameras that hide in the trees on the estate. I spent many hours studying the layout of the land, finding any hidden cameras or traps that would alert my parents of uninvited guests. I remember once, I accidentally walked in front of a motion sensor alarm and the noise that surrounded the whole property was dreadfully loud. It sounded as if they had tortured an innocent animal to death.

And let's not forget about the brutal punishment I received for sneaking around the grounds. I was locked away on the fifth floor without being allowed to even make my own food. I had maids that would bring my meals and I always had a servant with me at all times. They even watched me sleep. Creepy, I know.

I arrive at the front gate unnoticed and slide through the bars with a bit of difficulty. It always hurt my ribs and I felt like I was suffocating for at least two minutes after I escaped since I had to suck in so much. Once I'm off the main property, I immediately make my way toward the woods that surround us. I finally glance down at my phone, looking at the dozens of texts blowing up my phone. Cadence. She was mainly scolding me for how I was going to be late. I just rolled my eyes, placing my phone inside my back pocket.

"Boo!" A hand slaps my mouth and I fight back a scream, fighting the body pressed against my back. It's shaking and I realize the creature is laughing.

I'm set free and I immediately turn around to see the one and only; Jaydn Cole. I groan at him, slapping my hands against his chest. He playfully raises his hands in surrender, taking another step back.

"Gotcha," His cocky smirk made me want to slap him again, but I refrained. "Come on, don't pout Mai." He says softly and I can't help the smile that spreads across my lips. Idiot.

"Whatever, jackass," I murmur, kicking my feet at the ground.

We start walking toward the main road without another word. The silence was welcomed, but I could tell that Jaydn was waiting for the right moment to start rambling on about whatever was new in his life.

Jaydn was my only 'friend' ever. If you could call our relationship that. I met Jaydn at one of my courting parties a couple of years back. He approached me and I figured he was another one of my many suitors. So when he took me to the dance floor, I didn't question it much.


My hands were sweaty as I gripped the back of this boy's jacket. He twirled us around the ballroom floor expertly, but something was different about him. He wasn't trying to swoon me with chivalry and he wasn't complimenting the sweet scent of my blood. When he twirled us to the corner of the ballroom, he leaned in close to my neck and I felt my whole body tense. Was he going to try to get a taste now? Does he realize he'll be killed before he can even sink his fangs in?

"You are quite a curious thing, indeed." He whispered and I shivered, hands trembling with fear. He must have felt my hands on his back because he pulled away slightly, looking into my eyes. I saw his blood-red eyes turn golden and I gasped, which made him lean closer again. "Do not worry, I'm not one of them." He reassured quickly yet softly so no one would overhear us.

I felt my feet stumble as he continued to move us swiftly around the dance floor. He didn't say anything as we moved again. He just stared at me with those eyes. They spoke for him. They said, "You have nothing to fret about." Something about the way his eyes glowed gave me comfort. He leaned forward as the music was starting to slow down, signaling that this dance was almost over, and whispered in my ear, "Meet me in the bathroom."

The song ended and my mother and father were swarming me within seconds. I stared at the man, watching as those golden eyes turned back to their original blood red. But then, I realized that it wasn't just his eyes that were changing. His whole face morphed and I felt my throat tighten. Lance Wesley. The son of Killian Wesley, an Elder and my father's best friend and second in command. It couldn't be...

I blinked a few times, staring at the spot where the man and I had just been dancing. Did I imagine that? Did I just imagine some random man dancing with me? Was that really Lance Wesley? My mind swirled with possibilities, trying to decipher what was real and what was fantasy. I needed to clear my mind and find a way to prove that I wasn't losing my mind. I needed to meet him in the bathroom. The question is: how am I going to get there without seeming suspicious or dying in the process?

I knew it was going to be almost impossible to get to the bathroom without either getting attacked, swarmed by ten guards, or just being denied in general. If I disappeared without telling my parents, they would get annoyed with me. I really didn't want to test them. And if any of these vampires saw that I was alone and unguarded, I'm sure they'd take their chance and attack me right then and there. The best chance I had was to ask one of my parents and hope to God that they said yes.

I couldn't bring myself to ask immediately. I thought if I asked to be excused right after dancing with that man, it would seem a bit suspicious. I waited patiently by the punch bowl, watching as the yellow-colored drink fizzed with warlock powders. It was fascinating to watch but deadly to drink in my case. If humans indulged in warlock delicacies, it could end up muddling my mind to nothingness and I'd lose my mind. Literally.

Ten minutes went by and I finally found the courage to approach my mother and ask to be excused. She was annoyed at the idea, asking if it was possible to wait until later, but I persuaded her after a few minutes. With a huff, she sent me on my way with only one guard. I didn't remember her name. Was it Madeline? Mary? I grabbed at my skirts and made my way out of the ballroom and down the corridor towards the ladies' restroom.

Matilda followed me into the restroom, only a few steps behind me, but when the door closed behind her, powder was getting blown into her eyes and she slumped against the door with a hard thud. My eyes widened, my own pale hands coming up to clasp my mouth shut. The man huffed appreciatively, moving towards Milly and grabbing both her boot-covered feet, dragging her away from the door. He slumped her against the wall, locked the bathroom door, and traced his fingers over the wooden door.

My head swims as I remember that night; the night my normal life turned into this. Blood-lusting creatures salivating over my every move. Even my own parents.

The man with the golden eyes turns to face me and I feel my lungs tighten with nerves. He gives me a reassuring smile, taking a few steps toward me. He raises his hands as if I were a frightened deer and he was scared that the slightest movement would cause me to bolt out the door and scream for the nearest guards.

"My name is Jaydn," He states loudly, making me flinch. My eyes glance back at the door, worried that someone might hear us. He just gives me an innocent smile, taking another step toward me. "Don't worry, I placed a silencing spell on the door. Any noise we make In here will not be heard from out there."

I feel my eyes start to water slightly, fear coursing through my veins. "What do you want with me?" I stutter out, feeling my legs buckle underneath me. He takes one more step forward, placing his hands on my hips to steady me.

"I'm here to help you," He whispers and I feel my heart sink to the bottom of my chest. I gasp softly, staring wildly up at him. "Don't get the wrong idea though, love. I cannot help you escape, but I can make things easier for you. I can help disguise your identity if you ever wanted out of this smelly estate for a couple of hours." He explains, taking away his hands from my hips, and turning around. "God, do you not have any good cleaning supplies? I can smell the putrid smell of rotting corpses still." His words make me flinch.

It's silent for a few minutes as he checks a watch that rests crookedly on his left wrist. I stare at him, astonishment written all over my features. I've been imprisoned in this estate for the past seven years. Not one person has ever offered to help me with anything. I remember when I was really young and we had just moved into the house. Maids and servants would try and give me attention, color with me in my living room on the fifth floor. They whispered about how unfair it was to keep a child locked away in this house, exposing them to this kind of lifestyle, but when my father heard of the whispers, he killed whoever was saying such things.

Everyone has always just... watched. It wasn't all vampires here. Werewolves came to watch these stupid courting parties take place. They'd snicker at our antics over a young girl's blood. Faeries pulled pranks and danced half-naked with one another, some even decided that there was no such notion as PDA, warlocks watched and sniffed their powders, and even the subjugates watched without saying anything. You would think they might have a bit of sympathy since they were in a similar situation as me, but no. They watched and smiled, obeying their master and allowing them to drink as much blood as they pleased. Most even enjoyed the feeling of their master's fangs puncturing the skin.

Something about Jaydn though made me think he was different. Maybe even familiar? The way his voice carried in the silence reminded me of humid summer nights. Warm and slightly comforting. The way his eyes glowed with genuine sympathy made my eyes water. The kindness he was willing to offer me made me want to fall to the floor and sob.

And that's exactly what I did. My knees slammed against the cold tiled floor and I shuffled towards him, tears streaking down my pale cheeks, and I grabbed his knees like a child would when their mother said they needed to run a few errands and they were to stay behind with the babysitter. "Thank you," I choked out through my sobs, my breathing ragged and frantic. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." I repeated quietly, gasping for breath as I did.

He squatted down in front of me and smiled, rubbing his thumbs against my cheeks to wipe away the tears. "Now, let's get you back out there. Nobody can know about this, alright? Meet me in the woods outside of the front gates next Saturday. We can discuss how this will work."


"Mai!" Jaydn's voice brought me out of my reverie. I look up from my feet, seeing that we're already on the main road. His blue Toyota Corolla sits in its normal spot. He places a warm hand on my shoulder and leads me towards the passenger seat, opening the door for me and helping me inside. He rushes to the driver's side of the car and once he sits down, he grins that devilish boy grin at me. He starts the car, reverses into the main road, and drives.

"You have NO idea what's been going on," He starts excitedly and I smile, looking over at him. His eyes are glowing brightly, looking like sticky honey in the sun. His black hair is pinned to the top of his head and I realize he's already dressed and ready for this stupid event tonight. "Vincent and I were going at it last night, right, and his sister walked in. I was like, 'oh gods, this is embarrassing,' but Vince just smirked and Gwen just casually took off her clothes and joined us! What the hell, right? Right?!" He turns his head in my direction, waiting for my reaction, but I'm just staring at him with a blank face.

Why? Why must Jaydn tell me all about his sexual escapades? "Are you serious?" I question, blinking at him dumbfoundedly.

"YES! It was so fucking weird but oddly hot. She does this thing where she sucks on my ears and-"

"Jaydn?" I interrupt him and he looks over at me curiously. "Do not continue that sentence." He stares at me for a second before bursting into a fit of laughter. I can't help but giggle along with him, hiding my face behind my hands as my cheeks burn a fiery pink.

The ride from the estate to Blackwell's Dance Studio was only fifteen or so minutes, but the whole time Jaydn filled me in on his life. He told me about Vince, the guy he's been casually seeing, and how just yesterday he made him the best grilled cheese he's ever eaten. He also proceeded to go into detail about the 'banger sex' they had after. His words, not mine. I listened intently, smiling the whole time.

Every second spent with Jaydn was almost like a dream. I just wished we could spend more time together, but we're already taking too many risks with him sneaking to pick me up twice a week and coming to every one of my stupid parties.

The car stopped and I frown slightly, wishing I could spend a few more minutes with Jaydn, but I only had five minutes before my class started and we still needed to go through with the change. He extended his left hand out, intertwining our fingers together and smiling. I smile back at him and I feel the change take over me. I gasp at the feeling of magic swirling through my veins and clench my eyes closed.

When I open my eyes, my strawberry blonde hair has turned midnight black. My green eyes turn chocolate brown and the freckles that used to cover my cheeks and nose have disappeared, only leaving a sun-kissed skin. I always wished I could tan like this in my normal form, but I was as pale as a vampire. Funny, right?

"Okay, go teach some bratty kids how to dance. I'll be back in about an hour." Jaydn releases my hand and I feel cold suddenly, but I don't think much of it. With a sigh, I lean forward and give him a brief kiss on the cheek before opening the car door and getting out, making my way towards the studio.