
What is Love?

I often think about what is love. Is it a feeling that can never go?? even if you try hard. I may not know a lot about love but I think love has no boundaries. Even an Angel can fall in love with a Demon no matter how much can one resist. It cannot be questioned or reasoned with. Love is often described as a connection between two souls for Eternity. Like in Greek Mythology love can convert into seven different forms:-Eros that show passion towards your partner. It teaches that love is endless. Agape love tells us that love is all about the fatherly love between God and humans. it is as pure as snow. Ludus show us the color of youth and fun. Playful is its other meaning. Philautia means love for self or self-love and regard for one's happiness. Philia love tells us about friendship or affection. It is the highest form of love. Pragma is built on commitment and understanding. It is all about accepting each other's feelings and desires. And last but not least Storge is natural that comes from parents and their offspring. It is the purest form of love. Love happens with nothing but a simple introduction and love at first sight but not all love is as simple as Eros finding Psyche. Even they had trouble in their love too. There is always an Aphrodite in the path of love. But this love story is not like the old folk tale or classic love tragedy or even love triangle. This is a story of love

beyond the power of beauty. It is the power of true feelings, not everyone holds it in their heart and is hard to find. But what is true love?? Is it that we hold dear and always want to be beside them or is it always because of the seven Deadly Sins known as 'Pride', 'Greed', 'Lust', 'Envy', 'Gluttony', 'Wrath' or 'Sloth'. Who knows love can be tricky sometimes as one doesn't know how to express it or even feel it. But this story is not about 'the Seven Sin' but 'the Seven forms of love'. Because I feel like the world is filled with sins there must be some ray of light. Some may find this story emotional but it's 'not', it's filled with stages of love and their true meaning in one's life.