

Tang Die Hua quickly ran after her sister. Sheng Tian let out the breath he was holding and felt a weight being taken off his chest. This situation was perhaps more stressful than any battle or training.

He heard chuckling and remembered that Yue Ling'er was still here. 

The green haired woman smiled, "They aren't too made at you so don't worry about it. Just make sure to make it up to them sometime"

Sheng Tian frowned, "What did you 3 talk about in there?"

"That's a secret~"


"However," said Ling'er with a smile, "I'm now your third wife, although unofficially"

She took his arm, "If you want to take more wives, you'll have to get permission from us~"

"...So what do you think of Bing Xue and Xiao Hua-"



Yue Ling'er had stomped her foot on top of Sheng Tian's foot, "At least sort out your first 2 wives first!"

"I will, but I need an answer"