
Heaven's Tribulation

When the Heaven Spirits descended, all that bore witness thought of it as a blessing. Only those that survived knew that it was a curse, shackles in place to monitor all beings within Heaven's Code, limits imposed to suppress all beings. Sheng Tian, who's talent transcends even that of the Absolute One, desires to break out of the confines of the Heavenly World and establish his own sanctuary. Will he fall facing the Guardians of the world? Will he stay true to his original intentions? Only time will tell. Operation Revision is underway! I will slowly but surely go back to my earlier chapters and revise them, using the experience I gained to patch up the holes. Any chapter that I have revised will be stated at the bottom in author's thoughts. Current progress: Chapters 1-10

DaoistWenMing · Eastern
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295 Chs

Good Job


The Primordial Chaos Tyrant Lightning flew out at Sheng Tian's behest, striking Yang Qi Ye squarely in the chest.



Tyrant Lightning formed a net around Yang Qi Ye and entered through his wounds. Slowly but surely, Tyrant Lightning invaded his meridians and was making its way into Yang Qi Ye's Dantian.


A mouthful of blood erupted from Yang Qi Ye's mouth, to which Sheng Tian responded with a stomp to the chest.

He leaned down slightly, "Let me guess, you wanted to challenge me, hopefully defeat me, and use that as an excuse to take the title of Prince"

Sheng Tian snorted, "As if you could have defeated me in the first place"


Sheng Tian reached down and grabbed Yang Qi Ye by the antler, his eyes red with killing intent, "While I want to kill you here, that would cause a bit of trouble for my sect. Remember this Yang Qi Ye, my wives are not objects"