
Heaven's Tribulation

When the Heaven Spirits descended, all that bore witness thought of it as a blessing. Only those that survived knew that it was a curse, shackles in place to monitor all beings within Heaven's Code, limits imposed to suppress all beings. Sheng Tian, who's talent transcends even that of the Absolute One, desires to break out of the confines of the Heavenly World and establish his own sanctuary. Will he fall facing the Guardians of the world? Will he stay true to his original intentions? Only time will tell. Operation Revision is underway! I will slowly but surely go back to my earlier chapters and revise them, using the experience I gained to patch up the holes. Any chapter that I have revised will be stated at the bottom in author's thoughts. Current progress: Chapters 1-10

DaoistWenMing · Eastern
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293 Chs

Fusion Method

As the pill fragrance wafted through the air, the disciples felt their stagnant cultivations rise steadily even more. Even Long Chen felt a slight increase in his cultivation as well.

"I'll make sure the medical properties stay for a few days before training them in some combat"

Long Chen walked up to Sheng Tian, "Where'd you learn all this, if you don't mind me asking"

He tried to feign ignorance, "Hmm? What do you mean?"

Long Chen sighed, "If its some secret then you don't have to tell me"

Sheng Tian waved his hand, "It's nothing, I just managed to receive guidance from an expert before I had entered the sect. He left me with some secret techniques and whatnot, though he was of little help elsewhere"

Sheng Tian could hear Wu Di's voice in his sea of consciousness, 'The hell do you mean I am of little help?!'

Sheng Tian ignored Wu Di and began making small talk with Long Chen.

"I see, you must have been very lucky. Now, how do you plan on making these disciples resistant to bloodline suppression? If I recall, such a feat can only be achieved with a higher quality bloodline or an impressive will"

"Naturally I will temper them with my own"


Long Chen shrunk back slightly when he felt the draconic aura from Sheng Tian's body. However, he was even more surprised by the nature of his bloodline.


Sheng Tian perked up, "You know about mixed-bloods master?"

Long Chen stroked his beard and nodded, "I've read a few old tomes about mixed-bloods. They are powerful entities who can cultivate 6 paths at the same time. Do you really have beast energy centers?"

He nodded. Though he had nearly forgotten about his extra energy centers because they don't provide much of a boost in power, they still provide an abundance of energy for Sheng Tian to draw from.


Sheng Tian lit up all 6 energy centers for Long Chen to see. He inspected them with his spiritual sense for a while.

"A Core, Neidan, and a Nucleus. It seems that they are separate from your human centers of power which means that they are reduced to a power bank"

"Is there a way to fully utilize its power rather than simply letting it go to waste?"


Long Chen went into thought, "I don't recall any concrete solutions, however, they have recorded a few theories"

"Such as?"

Long Chen began listing the theories people have made on how a mixed blood can utilize all 6 centers of power.

"One way is that you can create your own unique cultivation method"

Sheng Tian immediately discarded that choice, after all, he had the 13 Heaven Chaos Scripture, "Pass. That method would take too long"

"Well another way is to let one of the centers of power devour the other. This should allow the center of power to be strengthened to a terrifying degree"

Sheng Tian thought about this method for a while before discarding it as well. He didn't want to get rid of any of his centers of power for a bit of strength when he could potentially keep all the sources and get a huge power boost at the same time.

"The final method is fusing the centers of power to create a completely new type of center. Theoretically, this is indeed the best method with the best outcome, however, it is also the most risky method with the highest chance of death," he warned.

Sheng Tian however, was not afraid of failure and asked for the exact way of fusing the centers of power, only to be met with disappointment.

Long Chen shook his head, "I don't think anyone knows how to fuse the centers of power. Like I said, these are all theories made by past experts, I'm afraid you'll have to explore this on your own"

"I see"

Sheng Tian sat down in a chair he had taken out of his spatial ring and Long Chen assumed that he was going to think about his options. In reality, he was asking Feng Wu Di, who resides inside his sea of consciousness.

'I'm sure you heard everything, Master. Do you know the method of fusing together centers of power?"

Wu Di appeared in front of Sheng Tian inside the sea of consciousness and shook his head.

"I don't"

"But didn't you say that you've met 2 others who are mixed bloods while you were alive?"

Wu Di waved his hand and 2 figures appeared inside the sea of consciousness. It was 2 men who had rather peculiar features.

He gestured towards the first one, "This is someone I met in passing while in the Immortal Realm. He a mixed-blood with the bloodline of a Fire Qilin"

"While he did look powerful, I sensed that his centers of power were kept separate. it seemed that he didn't try to manipulate them in order to obtain a higher level of power"

Then he pointed at the second man, "This is the Sea Emperor, he is the ruler of several sea beast races in the Divine Realm. According to several records, he started in the Immortal Realm and managed to create his own unique cultivation technique after 10,000 years of seclusion. Then, he soared up into the Divine Realm"

Wu Di waved his hand and the 2 figures disappeared, "As you can see, neither of these 2 mixed-bloods dared to fuse their centers of powers. Now the question is if you are willing to go down this dangerous path"

Sheng Tian answered without hesitation, "Of course!"

"I will choose whichever method grants me the most power in the long run. While creating my own cultivation technique sound good, it will be limited to myself and will not be as powerful as the 13 Heaven Chaos Scripture"

Wu Di nodded, "Since you've decided on this path, I won't stop you. However, I also can't help you with this. Everything will depend on you own ability"

Sheng Tian cupped his hands, "I am grateful for everything Master has taught me. I will find the right way to fuse the centers of power by myself"

And with that, Sheng Tian's spirit returned to the outside world. He opened his eyes as the disciples started to stir from their meditation.