
Heaven's Reach

After a major "spiritual awakening" in 2025, humans started to develop extraordinary abilities akin to superpowers. They ranged from elemental abilities to telekinesis, or even mind control. With this initial boom of powers, wars became much more violent. Powerful empires form on all sides of the world. Each one desires to be the one to unite humanity no matter the cost. Will humanity survive a world war that fuses technology with its newly awakened powers?

Curtis_Is_Average · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs

Ch. 9 Dream or Nightmare

-Central District, Medical Facility 5-

*Beep* *Beep* *Beep* 

A heartbeat monitor rhythmically rang through one of the hospital rooms. Astra laid unconscious on a care bed with some wires attached to his head, arms, and chest. Most of his broken bones have already been healed with advanced healing ParaTech. Injuries were a lot easier to treat than ever before. Healing and regeneration powers forever changed the medical field. Care was more focused on the fastest ways to cure someone than how to treat them. The average time for a cancer stay at one of the medical facilities was about a week. Trails are going on that could shorten that time to just a couple of days. Most humans have become a lot more careless as a result of this.

Lily sat next to him resting her head on the bed. She had been there for about an hour. It didn't take Astra long to pass out after that couple saw them covered in blood. She pleaded with them asking them to call an ambulance while she was naked and covered in blood. The couple was hesitant at first seeing all the blood and gore around them but Lily's cries quickly changed their mind. UEF police and paramedics arrived at the scene in about five minutes. Lily went into the ambulance with Astra while they went to the hospital. When they arrived she was given some spare clothes and immediately questioned by the police. Astra was rushed to a room to begin treatment and see what was wrong with him. 

Lily was very nervous the whole time as she was still recovering from what just happened. The police didn't question her for long because they had camera footage from almost every angle. It was pretty hard to go somewhere in the central district without being seen by at least one camera. They had eight different angles with audio. Devon, Mason, and Fatty were all the ones at fault. Astra and Lily acted in self-defense and no charges we put against them. Astra's awakening was different than most.

Most people naturally awakened kind of like puberty. The only difference is that people could awaken anytime between being born and 18. Only some people awakened from extremely stressful situations. These people generally had very unique powers and were called catalyst awakened. Their powers were typically more potent and unpredictable. Only about one percent of the population awaken this way. 7 out of the 15 S+-rank awakened were catalysts awakened. This showed just how powerful catalyst awakened were. 

*Knock* *Knock*

Lily woke up as the door to the room opened. Cecilia, Adrian, and Harper walked in with worried faces. Harper quickly ran up to Lily and hugged her. "Are you guys ok? What happened?" Lily didn't respond and began lightly crying into her shoulders. "It's ok, you don't have to tell me right now." Harper let Lily cry for a couple of minutes until she calmed down. Cecilia and Adrian stood on the other side of the bed and patiently waited for Lily. Lily pulled back and took a deep breath.

"Here's what happened." Lily proceeded to tell them everything that happened including every minor detail. They were glad she told them but they weren't excited to hear about all the bloody details. The longer she went on the more worried they got. Astra not only was a catalyst awakened but he also killed three people when he did. Even though they were innocent, they figured it had to be traumatizing to Astra and Lily. Harper gave Lily an even bigger hug squeezing Lily as hard as she could. A couple of tears landed on Lily's shoulder. 

"I can't believe Devon and Mason did that. I knew they were assholes but I never thought they would do something like this. If Astra didn't kill them, I would have myself. I should've opened a portal for you guys. Goddamnit." Harper said as she rested her head on Lily's shoulder. "Sorry, let's not talk about that right now. I'm glad you guys are safe now." Harper realized she was being selfish right now and didn't help. "Don't worry about it. None of us thought something like this would happen. I could barely do anything myself. I don't won't to think about what would happen if Astra wasn't there." Lily started to shake a little. 

"Hey! Don't think like that. Astra and you are both safe so that's all that matters. You did everything you possibly could. You fought and survived. You aren't a coward or anything like that. What kind of coward would keep fighting back when she knew she couldn't do anything? You're a strong girl Lily. I'm so proud of you." Cecilia walked around the bed to hug Lily as well. Cecilia broke the straw on the camel's back and Lily started balling her eyes out. Her cries echoed throughout the room. Her grip on Harper and Cecilia tightened, squeezing them. "There you go let it. You looked like you needed a good cry." Cecilia didn't stop Lily's grip and let her cry.

She cried for about fifteen minutes. By the end, Harper and Cecilia were practically drenched in tears. Lily pulled back while wiping the tears off her face. "I'm ok now. Thank you." She said. "Of course, you can always use us as a shoulder to cry on." Harper patted Lily's shoulder. Cecilia nodded in agreement. "Thank you," Lily said. 



The heart monitor's pace started to increase. They looked over and saw Astra slowly open his eyes. He slowly sat up and looked all around him. His family and Lily stood around him. "Hey," Astra said. Everyone blankly looked at him. "That's all? Not 'What happened? Is Lily ok?'" Lily teased. Astra quickly pulled Lily toward him and hugged her. "I'm so glad you're alright. I don't know what I would do without you." Astra said as he gave her a peck on the lips. "Your family's here," Lily said as she sunk her face into his chest to hide her blushing. "Now you care? Back in the club, you guys were practically fucking on the dance floor. Hahaha." Harper teased making Lily's face turn to her infamous makeout red. "Lily, you're going to break the poor girl if you keep teasing her like that." Cecilia joked. Adrian who didn't say much this whole time gave his son a thumbs up. Like father like son. Cecilia saw that out of the corner of her eye and glared at Adrian.


Adrian looked away in panic. He whistled like a cartoon character who got caught doing something but wanted to look innocent. "We'll talk later." Cecilia said as she turned her attention back to Astra. "Do you feel any different?" Harper asked. "Yeah. It's really strange. It's like this weird feeling that lets me connect to my surroundings. When I....connected with Devon. I could feel every inch of his body and I mean EVERY inch. His small dick was disgusting. But then I felt his emotions too I think. Feelings of extreme lust and anger overwhelmed me. I couldn't control myself when that happened. I wanted him to die as soon as I felt that. And he did. and then Mason. Then Fatty. I don't know how I was able to keep going. I felt everything they felt. My head exploded. My whole body was crushed from the feet up. My arms and legs. I don't even know how to describe that feeling." Astra stared off into space as he recalled everything that happened.

Cecilia and Harper joined the hug with Lily. They didn't know what to say to him. The only thing they could do was let him know that they were with him. Astra's power felt like it was begging to be used. A strange feeling built up inside of him as he tried to resist it. He didn't want to use this power on his family. What would happen if he did something to them? The feeling got more and more intense until Astra finally gave in.

He immediately connected to all three of them. Emotions of sadness and gratefulness rushed into him. He could feel all the love these people had for him. The girls received Astra's emotions in turn. They couldn't feel the pain he felt but they had a very good image of it now. The pain and agony that was still ringing throughout his body echoed in their souls. It sounded like something out of hell. Astra's screams were quickly replaced by something soothing. The girls could feel the love and appreciation that Astra had for them. They all hugged each other tighter. Adrian stood to the side. He was happy that Astra had this support but he wasn't connected to the pile. 

All these strange foreign feelings felt nice. Cecilia felt her bond deepen with her son. Harper felt his brotherly love. Lily felt his feelings for her. Astra couldn't describe his feelings this well to them even if he tried. His powers let him emotionally connect with people on a whole other level. These emotions started to fade as they were replaced by something else. Astra's connection with Lily was the deepest right now so he fully connected to her first. She suddenly felt all of Astra's body without touching most of it. She blushed as she remembered that he could feel her too. Astra started to sense another body. He then remembered that he was still connected to his sister and mother and quickly tried to break free. 

"I think you guys should let go now." Astra said trying to get them to stop touching him. It was a lot easier for him to connect with someone if he was touching them. "What are you talking about I'm enjoying the love of my son. You never say it out loud." Cecilia said as she hugged Astra tighter. "Oh god, please stop." Astra said in a panic. Right after he fully connected with Harper. "AHHHH. Gross." Harper quickly let go as she screamed. "I tried telling you guys but you didn't listen. I thought you could understand my thoughts better like that." Astra said as he was disgusted as well. He not only "felt up" his sister but she connected with him too. The two siblings never wanted to know each other this well. "Goddamnit. Hold me closer Lily I want to forget that forever." Astra said as he pushed his mom away and pulled Lily closer. 

"Haha. If you think I don't know every inch of your body, you'd be wrong. I think you forget who changed your diapers and showered you every day." Cecilia said as she faked a hurt expression. "Gross Mom." Astra said. "HAHAHA." Cecilia couldn't stop herself from laughing. Adrian looked around in confusion. The sweet moment suddenly turned chaotic. "Can I get a hug from my son too?" Adrian asked. He also felt extremely worried about Astra but he wasn't very vocal about it. "No!" Astra screamed causing Adrian to jump a little. "Oh, um. I mean no thanks. Remember what I told you about my powers and Devon's tiny penis?" Astra asked. "What are yo... Oh." Adrian looked down at Astra and Lily. They were still hugging and Lily's eyes were closed. She was breathing heavier and her face was getting redder. She was too immersed in this intimate connection with Astra to remember where she was. 

"Ok. It looks like you guys are feeling better so we better let you get some sleep. We'll come by tomorrow." Adrian began walking out the door ushering out Harper and Cecilia. "Oh ok, bye Astra see you tomorrow. Love you, sweetie." Cecilia said as she walked out with Adrian. Adrian looked back at Astra and gave him a wink. Astra smiled and nodded his head in recognition. "What was that?" Harper asked as she looked between Adrian and Astra. "It's a man thing don't worry about it." Astra said. Adrian gave a cheeky smile and walked out. Cecilia and Harper walked out right after.

(R18-Warning, sexual content, you can skip if you want)

"Lily." Astra lightly shook Lily's body. She raised her head and realized everyone left. "Where'd everyone go?" She innocently asked. "They left while you were distracted with something." Astra smirked at Lily. Her face once again returned to her famous makeout red. "Wow. I can't get over how much I love that color." Astra lifted Lily's chin as he went in for a kiss. They have been friends for years and always flirted with each other. Astra didn't make a move because he felt powerless and undeserving to be with a girl like Lily. Lily was too shy to do anything herself so their relationship went stagnant for a while. Now everything was different. That night they already decided to date before Astra awakened. His awakening was the cherry on top.

Lily was originally embracing him while standing beside the bed. Astra lifted her over as she continued the kiss. She lifted the covers and joined Astra. The longer they kissed the hotter they got. Astra's power was making their feelings for each other intertwined. Both of their emotions and feelings blended into each other. All their wants and desires were completely made bare to each other. "Wow, I didn't know you were so freaky." Astra teased as he nibbled on her ear. "I-I'm not. I just have a unique taste." Lily shyly responded. "Really?" Astra gave a questioning look. Her feelings said something very different. Astra continued the kiss as he raised his hand and smacked her ass. 


"Ahhhh. W-what did you do." Lily screamed. This was a new feeling. She liked it very much. "What you wanted to." Astra raised his hand once again and gave her another smack. Lily covered her screams by kissing him. Her body may have wanted this but she had no clue herself. She always thought that kinks were a little weird and didn't make sense. In that moment of distraction, Astra spanked her again. She once again kissed Astra as hard as she could. She didn't want anybody to come in because they heard her. "O-ok. I get. Tell me next time you're about to do that ok? I don't want someone to come in here because I-" 


"Ahhh." She gave out a scream and quickly covered her mouth. "Haha. See? Nobody is coming." Astra said as he pulled her back in to kiss. Lily's head was spinning because of all these new feelings. She gave up trying to talk and gave into whatever feeling this was. Astra pulled back her hospital gown revealing her breasts. Lily took off Astra's right after. She laid her naked chest on his and started to kiss his neck. While Lily had her arms wrapped around Astra, he took off the rest of their clothes. When she felt her clothes fully off she lifted herself over Astra. Her hands were by his head as her breasts swayed in his face. Astra was mesmerized. He looked at her face and then her whole body. "How did I find someone, as hot as you?" He asked before he started to play and suck on her boobs. "A-Ah. I should be saying the same thing. You turn me on so fucking much. I love the way your whole body feels. It's muscular but soft. The perfect build I would say. I love the way you hold me against you. I love the way you hit my ass." Lily whispered as she got closer to Astra's ear. 


"Ahhhhh." Lily didn't try holding her moans back anymore. She put a temporal bubble around the door that'll slow someone from seeing them. That should give them enough time to stop and prepare if someone came in. She reached down and felt his dick. "Wow. I had a feeling you would be big. I just didn't think it would be this." Lily said as she wrapped her hand around it. "Maybe two?" She said as put her other hand on it. "Wow, two isn't enough to grab everything? How is this ever going to fit?" Lily said as she began stroking. "Ahh, fuck." Astra said. Her hands felt so soft. She didn't even need to use lotion on him. 


He gave her another hard slap on the ass as a reward. Lily leaned forward still stroking his dick in her hands. Precum made it easier for her to do this. The longer she didn't the more came out. "You have a lot of precum, huh?" Lily teased as she lay next to Astra's ear. "AhAHAH-ahah." Lily suddenly started to spasm. Astra had used his powers on her. Not only could he feel every inch of her body, he could touch it as well. Astra was fingering her without using his hands. His powers were a lot better than he would be with his hands anyway. He could feel every part of her. Where she was most sensitive and wasn't. He only targeted the spots that felt the best. "A-aaaaHHAha! Wh-what are you d-d-doing to meeeeee." She could barely form a sentence as she tighten her grip around Astra's dick. "Oh fuck." Astra came as he sprayed all over Lily's chest and stomach. Lily squirted all over Astra. His face, chest, and penis were soaked. 

"Ha..ha..ha" Lily collapsed onto Astra's chest. Both of them just had the greatest orgasm of their lives. They didn't even fuck and it felt amazing. Astra wrapped his arms around Lily pulling her closer to him. They both were covered in all kinds of fluids. Lily kissed Astra. "That was amazing. Every expectation I had about you was shattered. I've never felt anything like that before." Lily said as she stopped kissing him for a second. Astra pulled her back after a couple of seconds. "I don't even care what happens right now. This is one of the best moments of my life." Astra said staring into her eyes. 


The door to the room started to slowly open. They both began to panic as they started to come back to reality. They were naked, covered in each other's cum. The room reeked of sex and some pillows made it onto the ground. "Oh shit." They both said at the same time. The connection between them from Astra's powers was only getting stronger. They started to think and talk at the same time. "Hahaha." This caused both of them to laugh because of the absurdity of this scenario. That caused another moment of distraction and the temporal bubble around the door popped. After a certain amount of time has passed in the bubble it'll pop. It won't pop if a person doesn't interact with it. Astra pulled Lily's body close to his and quickly put the cover on them. "I'll just tell them we don't need anything." Astra said to Lily. Lily nodded in response. 

"What the fuck?"

Even longer chapter! I didn't think this would turn into a spicy scene but it kind of ended up like that. I'm not sure what kind of romance I want this to be. Should I stick with one love interest or more? I would only have one more, maybe two more. I think it gets to convoluted when too many characters are added into a relationship. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. See you next time on Heaven's Reach :)

Curtis_Is_Averagecreators' thoughts