
Heaven's Reach

After a major "spiritual awakening" in 2025, humans started to develop extraordinary abilities akin to superpowers. They ranged from elemental abilities to telekinesis, or even mind control. With this initial boom of powers, wars became much more violent. Powerful empires form on all sides of the world. Each one desires to be the one to unite humanity no matter the cost. Will humanity survive a world war that fuses technology with its newly awakened powers?

Curtis_Is_Average · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Ch. 11 A Different Kind of Man

Astra opened his eyes and he was floating in space. Beautiful colors filled his view as countless stars almost blinded him. He turned away and a planet filled his view. It looked like Earth but a lot bigger. He had seen many pictures and videos of Earth and knew this planet was bigger at first glance. He felt someone connect with him. 'What the fuck. Someone else has my ability.' He thought to himself. He tried to sense the person who connected with him but couldn't. 


Astra turned around and saw a masked man. He tried to react but he couldn't move. He could only look at the intimidating mask resembling a demon with massive tusks. The masked man pointed to the world making Astra look in that direction. The man forced a connection between Astra and some people on the planet. 'What?' Astra was confused until he felt something familiar. He could sense his family, friends, and Lily. 'How did he do that?' Astra could only think to himself as he tried everything he could to move. He didn't have very long to process his thoughts. His head was turned to face the masked man and the planet. The man lifted his hand and squeezed. 


Astra's ears bled as he went deaf. The planet's atmosphere burst open. The gravitational force holding it together exerted all its force on him as the masked man held him in place. His bones turned to jelly as his organs were shredded. His skin and a couple of vital organs were protected. Astra could no longer think. He had never experienced so much pain in his life. He would rather be skinned, tarred, and burned than this. 


The masked man snapped his fingers. Astra's conscience was pulled back. His eyes were unrolled as he was forced to look at the planet. He had never seen so much mass moving at such a speed. Before he could admire the sight, something snapped. Each connection he had with everyone on Earth quickly ended. As they died he could hear their screams. "Why Astra?!" Lily's voice rang through his head. "How could you do this?!" Harper said. "It's ok. I will love you no matter what." Cecilia's cries echoed in his brain. After the thoughts came the pain. He felt all his friends and family burn alive at the same time. It multiplied the pain he felt as his eyes were forced open.

The once massive planet was once a small mass of bright red lava. It reached a point where the collapsing slowed down but it didn't stop. The masked man pointed up. Astra's hand went forward and he started to help. This man could force him to use his power whenever he wanted. With Astra's help, it didn't take long for the planet to get to about 1 km wide. Astra once again felt his bones and insides move. The gravity from the planet's condensed mass became too strong. It was trying to pull Astra with all its might. The masked man waved goodbye. 


The mass looked like it disappeared. Less than half a second later a massive explosion erupted. Astra was vaporized.

"Ha...hah...ha" Astra quickly sat up. Lily was looking at him with a worried expression. "A-are you ok? Something woke me up and I saw you breathing heavily. You looked like you were paralyzed. Then you started screaming, then you cried, and then you stopped altogether. When you stopped I felt our connection shake and my whole body hurt. It wasn't that bad but it was noticeable. You started shaking when that happened. Not much longer after, you woke up." Lily said as she hugged Astra tightly. Her shirt stuck onto Astra's sweaty body. 'This was something more than a nightmare. What was that? Was that showing me what I'm capable of? Or was it a warning? Maybe both?' Astra was lost in thought. 

Lily kissed him on the cheek. "It's ok now. It was just a dream." Lily said trying to comfort him. When he heard her voice, he remembered the dream. The connection he felt with Lily was the same as this. His mind started spiraling as he thought about all the deaths. A single tear rolled down Astra's cheek dropping onto Lily's head. She looked up and felt a sudden burst of sadness and defeat. "What's wrong?" She asked as she wiped the tears off him. "It's nothing." Astra blankly said. "Are you trying to lie to me while we still have an open connection? I felt you're sadness...and grief. What happened why are you acting like this?" Lily pushed Astra into opening up. "I can never say no to you, if you tried hard enough." Astra gave up trying to hide this. His control over his powers was too weak right now. Lily would be able to tell whenever he was lying from the connection.

-Ten minutes later-

"That's intense. Are you sure that was just a dream?" Lily asked. She rubbed Astra's back trying to calm him down in any way. His mind was still wondering after he recalled the dream. The reality of his powers set in. If he was right. He could do that eventually. He didn't know who the masked man was but he wasn't worried about that right now. He had a feeling that his powers could be more devastating somehow. But that power seemed so far away. He still wasn't able to connect with someone without the connection going both ways. Luckily people couldn't detect his thoughts if he didn't let them. He has to figure out how that happens and try to apply it to the whole connection.

(R18-Sexual Content you can skip)

"Hey, you still with me?" Lily looked at Astra. He could see that Lily was still worried about him. "Yeah, I'm fine now. Thanks, you helped calm me down." Astra said as he hugged Lily and plopped back onto the bed. "Well, since we're up now. How about we have some fun? I have an idea for your powers but it's pretty vulgar. Can I tell you?" Lily rubbed Astra's chest as she leaned into his ear. "Go ahead." Astra encouraged. Lily got as close to his ear as she could. "I want you to fuck me. Then cum inside me. Then I want you to use your powers to stop it from reaching my womb. Can you do that for me?" Lily started to suck on his earlobe.

They were both virgins. Porn and other media gave them enough knowledge to do the basics but something was different. Lily's personality flipped. The once cute and innocent girl was now a seductress. He couldn't believe she was still a virgin. 'Was she always like this?' He thought to himself. "Of course I can. but I think you have the wrong idea here." Astra said as he removed Lily's hand from his throat. "Huh?" Lily said as Astra took both her hands and put them above her head. Astra turned them over and went above her. He took both her hands into one of his. He pulled her up using his power. Lily felt her throat squeeze a bit. She could breathe a little but she was getting lightheaded. 

"I take the lead." Astra said tightening the grip around her throat just a bit. "Ahhhh." Lily gave in. Astra could know her deepest desires. He should know what will make her feel the best. Lily felt a tingle on her pussy. She looked down and saw Astra rubbing his clothed boner on her panties. "Let's see if I can do the last thing you asked." Lily gave a confused look. "A-aHAh." She felt her cervix move on its own. Her womb felt like it was being massaged. This was a feeling she never thought possible. She couldn't describe if she wanted to.

"Guess it worked." Astra joked as he bent down and started kissing Lily. "mmMMmm" Lily felt Astra take her panties off. He was rubbing his bare cock on her. Astra pulled back and looked her in the eyes. "Are you re.." "Yes!" Lily said as she pulled Astra back into the kiss. He chuckled a little as he positioned himself. His penis was about nine inches and girthy. He knew to take it slow. Especially considering Lily was a virgin. He pushed his hips forward. She was so wet that a visible spot was forming on the sheets. His tip slid in and quickly met resistance. 

His powers revealed another thing. He felt the pleasure that Lily felt and she felt his. They both jolted a little at this sudden foreign pleasure. "Wow." Astra said pulling his lips far away enough so he could talk. "Yes. Keep going." Lily tried to pull Astra back into the kiss but he didn't budge. "Huh?" Lily looked into his eyes confused. "AHHHHmmhmhmhmhm" Astra wanted to look at her face when he broke her hymen but he forgot they weren't the only people home. He hoped no one heard but he didn't slow down. He kept going until he was about 3/4ths of the way in. Lily squirmed around in pain and pleasure as Astra still held her hands above her head. 

Astra covered Lily's mouth with his spare hand as he pulled his lips away. "Last push ok." Astra could feel Lily's shock and anticipation. She knew he was big when she jacked him off. It was a whole other beast when he put it in her. Every inch stung with a mix of pain and pleasure. When she started feeling Astra's pleasure, it sent her over the edge. She was already cumming by the time he asked that. It took a second but Astra felt her orgasm too. Not only were the walls of her pussy pulsating and gripping his dick but he had to resist with all his might not to cum as well. It was a difficult task to do when his penis was getting massaged at the same time."Holy shit!" Astra yelled trying to hold back. Lily's eyes shoot wide open. Astra yelled very loud. She was worried someone heard. 

*Stomp* *Stomp* *Stomp* *Stomp* 

"Fuck." Astra said as Lily was still cumming. His door swung open. His sister stood with a beat red face. "I can hear fucking everything. Do me a favor and shut the fu...." Harper tried to say. When she opened the door, Astra panicked and unintentionally fully penetrated Lily. Lily's dying orgasm resumed with double the pleasure than before. Astra's grip on her lips loosened. "hA-a-ahhaha-ha." Lily's moans became choppy as her whole body violently trembled. Astra wasn't any better. He couldn't hold back anymore and came deep inside Lily. His whole body shook. "Ah-ah fuck." Astra couldn't help but moan a little himself.

Harper came here to tell them to shut up but her sleepiness made her forget that she could be walking in on something bad. And bad it was. She saw her brother and Lily both having tiny seizures and moaning. "W-wha.." Harper didn't know what to say. She closed the door and walked back to her room. She was questioning every decision in her life.

"Huh. Huh. Huh. Let's just ignore that happened." Astra was still recovering from the double orgasm. He let go of Lily's hands and rested on top of her. "Do you think that was it? You just put it in me." Lily pushed him over and straddled him. "H-huh?" Astra started to get worried. "Use your powers and make yourself hard again. Now" Lily reached down and started playing with his dick. "Y-yes ma'am. I guess maybe I am a switch." Astra joked as he made his penis get hard again. 'How did I never think of that? I really need to be more creative.' Astra thought to himself. "Pay attention to me." Lily grabbed his face and made him look at her. He was only distracted for a second and she immediately noticed. "Wow." Astra was a little stunned. "Hehe." Lily chuckled and gave Astra the wildest night of his life.

(End R18)

-The Next Morning-

Astra opened his eyes. This time he saw his room. He was worried a dream like that might happen again but he was fine. He felt a weight on his chest. A naked Lily was staring at him while cuddling his body. "Morning, Beautiful." Astra couldn't believe this was what he was waking up to. His virgin life was no more! Lily giggled and gave Astra a peck. "Morning. We need to shower soon. It's getting late and you need to go to the OTCAI office today. Your sister is not going to be happy today. She is going to rush us." Lily said as she sat up and got off the bed. She stared into Astra's eyes as she put her panties back on. "Don't do that or we will definitely be late." Astra said as he put his underwear on as well. "Wanna shower together?" Lily asked as she walked to the door while swaying her hips. "Oh lordy." Astra said as he quickly went to shower.

It took about thirty minutes for both of them to shower. They got a little distracted but it wasn't anything too bad. Showering with two people proved to be a little more complicated than they thought. They walked down the stairs after they were fully dressed and cleaned. His whole family was quietly sitting around the dinner table. Harper heard them walking down. "Hurry up. I'm not waiting forever." She said and got up from the table. She went to the living room as she put on a show. "Well, isn't she in a good mood?" Astra commented as Lily and he sat at the table. Cecilia had set their places already. "The food looks amazing Cecilia!" Lily said as she began scarfing down freshly made pancakes. "Of course, I knew that you would need a lot of food after expending so much energy."

Lily's fork stopped halfway. She froze from embarrassment. "W-what...?" Lily didn't want to process what Cecilia just said. "She saying because of your noisy fucking all night, you might need some calories after burning so many!" Harper yelled from the living room. Lily's face turned fully red. "I think that's the fastest I've seen her blush." Cecilia joked as she continued eating. "You should've seen her last night. Heyyo!" Astra said as he gave his dad a high-five. Cecilia blankly stared at both of them. Lily's reaction wasn't much different. "What the fuck!" Harper screamed. "I think it's about time you guys leave before anything else happens." Adrian said as he got up from his seat and began clearing the table. "Yes sir." Astra said as he stood up saluting. "Finally." Harper dramatically said.

Lily, Harper, and Astra stood next to each other. "Good and stand right there." Harper said as she made Astra and Lily stand shoulder to shoulder. "W..." Lily couldn't even get a word out before a portal appeared below her and Astra. "AHHHHHH." She screamed as she started falling. They fell for about five seconds and slammed onto the pavement. "Arggh" Astra winced as he sat up. Lily was lying on his chest so he broke her fall. "That wasn't so bad." She said as she stood up. Astra was very tempted to make Lily feel the pain he was feeling. Harper walked through a portal that appeared right next to them. "Oops." She coldly stared at them. "N-no problem. Thank you very much for taking us, Harper." Lily said as she walked up to Harper and thanked her. Harper almost broke when she saw Lily's puppy dog face. 

"We're here Astra. Go inside I don't want to wait long." Harper looked over to Astra and demanded. "Ok, ok, I will." Astra quickly started walking into the OTCAI headquarters. Since Harper's portal range was pretty long she could create a portal to the central district with ease. She didn't bother going to their local office. The headquarters was closer to the school anyway. Astra could be seen entering the building as Lily and Harper stood silent. Lily didn't know what to say after last night. "I-I'm sorry about last night." She apologized. "It's fine what's done is done. I'll get over it. Eventually. I never wanted to see what my brother looked like naked, let alone hard. Now I'll have that image stuck in my head forever.....unless." Harper got close to Lily's face. "U-unless what?" Lily started panicking. 

Astra walked into the lobby of the OTCAI headquarters. He looked around enamoured by all the beautiful interior. "Hello, how can I help?" Astra was pulled out of his wonder as the front desk worker greeted him. "Hi, sorry I was distracted by this place." Astra scratched the back of his head. "No worries, it happens all the time." The receptionist said. "I'm here because Agent Williams said that I needed to come back for more testing." Astra answered. "Excellent. I'll let Agent Williams know. He should be down shortly." The receptionist responded as she started calling someone. "Great, thank you." Astra said as he sat in the nearby lounging area. 

A couple of minutes later Agents Williams walked out of an elevator. Astra stood up and greeted him. "I didn't expect you to show up at the headquarters. That saves resources for another teleportation, so it works for me." Agent Williams said as he gestured for Astra to get into the elevator. "Great. Could you tell me what I'm going to be doing here?" Astra asked as Agent Williams pressed a button on the elevator close to the top floor.

"You're case got some more attention. So we are going to see someone with a lot more power than me. Both politically and physically so don't mess around. By the way, I'm a B rank." Agent Williams informed as the elevator doors opened. Astra was a little surprised. He didn't expect someone like Agent Williams to be so powerful. He had severely underestimated the power of the OTCAI. Astra assumed most of the high-rankers were with the UEDF. 'If the OTCAI has agents that were B rank, what rank are the higher-ups?' Astra thought before stepping out.

I know there was an R18 chapter recently, but I wanted to add more. We are about to get to a spot in the story that won't have much of that. I wanted the characters to have some fun before reality fully sets in. I hope you like it! Until next time on Heaven's Reach :)

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