
Heaven's Reach

After a major "spiritual awakening" in 2025, humans started to develop extraordinary abilities akin to superpowers. They ranged from elemental abilities to telekinesis, or even mind control. With this initial boom of powers, wars became much more violent. Powerful empires form on all sides of the world. Each one desires to be the one to unite humanity no matter the cost. Will humanity survive a world war that fuses technology with its newly awakened powers?

Curtis_Is_Average · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Ch. 10 New Feelings

"What the fuck!" Harper screamed as she slammed the door shut. She cracked the door enough for her voice to get through. "I left my phone here. Give it to me. I'm not going in there!" Harper said as she put her hand through the door. "O-Oh ok. I'm coming." Astra said as he found her phone on the floor and walked toward the door. "Eww. Don't tell me that! Just give me my damn phone." Harper yelled as she waved her arm trying to call him over. Astra put the phone in her hands. "There. I'm sorry. Please don't tell Mom and Dad." Astra pleaded as he peeked through the door. "Fine, but you owe me you pervert. YOU TOO LILY!." Harper screamed so Lily could hear what she was saying. Lily put her head into her knees and blushed. Harper quickly left after she received her phone.

"Well, that was something." Astra joked as he returned to the bed and pulled Lily closer to him. "Something? You're sister just walked in us right after we....came. I don't even want to think about what we smell like right now." Lily said as she buried her face into Astra. "Yeah, you squirted all over me. I probably smell like pee." Astra joked causing the makeup red to spread all over Lily's face.

"Oh! My favorite color." Astra said pulling Lily deeper into his embrace. If his sister didn't show up this moment would've been perfect. He looked down at Lily and she was staring at him. He felt her desire for a kiss through his power. He leaned forward and gave her a peck. "That's all?" Lily asked as she wrapped her leg around Astra's body. "Cheeky, girl." Astra patted Lily's ass. She raised her eyebrow in response. "What kind of succubus did I awaken." Astra said as he complied with Lily's wish.*Smack* "Ahhh."

-Three Days Later-


Astra was doing pushups in his recovery room. "Ninety-nine. One hundred." He stood up and started stretching. "Feels good to be able to move again." His body's recovery had been up and do these past couple of days but he's feeling a lot better. The drawback of using his power to kill someone was tough his body. Causing three brutal deaths was even tougher. The night with Lily was amazing but it didn't help with his condition. When they woke up the next morning his body ached all over. He waited until Lily went home to tell the doctors. It was a little stupid but he didn't want Lily to blame herself again. She tended to do that. The doctors couldn't help much. They could only give him some painkillers to try to ease the pain.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Come in." Astra said as he put his shirt on. 

"Hello, we are part of the OTCAI can we ask you a couple of questions?" Two male OTCAI agents walked into his room. "Oh yeah, sure. I forgot about that." Astra said as he sat down on his bed. "Great. My name is Agent Williams and this is my partner Agent Rasha. Nice to meet you." Agent Williams held his hand out for Astra to shake. "Nice to meet you too. What can I help you with." Astra said as he shook the agent's hand. "First and foremost, how are you feeling." Agent Williams wanted to start light. "Never better. I'm a little sore but it's nothing." Astra responded as he did some action to show he was active.

"Great. I'm glad you recovered quickly. Next questions. What kind of ability did you awaken? What can you do with your ability? Did you awaken multiple abilities?" Agent Williams asked quickly. "That was a lot but I think I understood what you were saying. Those two questions sound pretty similar so I'm going to answer them with one answer. I'm not sure. I can form a connection with the people around me. I can feel them and they can feel me. I can understand their thoughts and feelings but others can't do the same to me if I don't let them." Astra answered.

"What do you mean you can connect with them?" Agent Williams asked. "I really need to find a better way to explain this. I'll just have to show you I guess." Astra said regretfully. "What do you me..?" Williams suddenly stopped. Astra quickly stopped their connection. "That's what I mean." Astra said. He wasn't the biggest fan of connecting with other men. But if he had to choose between that or connecting with his sister again he would choose the agent every time. "Oh. I get why you were hesitant. You might have to do that a few more times with a few different people but we will try to make you as comfortable as possible. Can you tell us how you used this connection to kill them?" Agent Williams inquired. 

"I'll try. It's kind of like puppets I guess. When I connect with someone I can influence them externally and internally. When Devon died, I imagined his head getting crushed. And it happened right after. I saw Mason's pathetic look, I wanted him gone. He pretty much disappeared if you don't count the mush of gore and bones. And with Fatty I just wanted him to suffer. I let my instincts take over and that's what happened. Oh, I forgot to tell you I can feel what I do to other people." Astra said.

Williams looked at Astra with surprise. "You're telling me that you're still sane after dying three separate excruciating deaths. I'm impressed kid. But we still know nothing about your abilities. Please go to your local OTCAI office and tell them I sent you. We'll teleport over as soon as we can. You don't have to answer any more questions for now. We'll see you later." 

Agent Williams turned around with Agent Rasha and walked out of the room. Agent Rasha gave a nod toward Astra on his way out. "He didn't talk at all." Astra said as they left. Not long after, Lily walked in. Her long blonde hair went about halfway down her back. Her hair was naturally straight but she liked to curl it. She was wearing her natural hair as she walked in. "Were those agents from OTCAI?" Lily asked as she entered the room.

"Yeah, they are. You must be pretty familiar with them since you got recruited a little bit ago." Astra said as he hugged Lily and kissed her on the forehead. "Not those guys specifically but I recognized the uniforms." Lily quickly wrapped her arms around Astra. "You know that you have visited me than my own family, right?" Astra sighed as began the connection between them. "There it is. I can't get over this. I love knowing what you're thinking and feeling. I love knowing that you know the same about me. I love you." Lily looked up into Astra's eyes. "Wow, that's a little fast." Astra didn't know how to react right now. "Is it? We both know that we've liked each other for years now. We've been flirting with each non-stop. We spent almost every day together in school. I fell in love with you long before we started dating." Lily pecked Astra on the lips.

"You convinced me. If you insist. Lily Patel, I love you. I'm so in love with you. I hate that it took me this long to say this to you. My cowardness made me too scared to act. It's only now that I'm awakened that can I see that it didn't matter. I know you would love me no matter what. Let's try to make up for as much lost time as we can. I think we'll be pretty busy when we get to advanced training." Astra confessed his deepest feeling he's hidden for a while. Lily teared up and gave Astra a deep kiss. "Mmmmm." Astra teased her a little with his power as he continued the kiss.

"Oh my god! Not again. How horny are you two?" Harper and his parents stood at the door. Harper had a look of disgust. Adrian looked proud while Cecilia saw Adrian and gave him a light punch in the stomach. "Argh." Adrian held his stomach. "Sorry." He apologized. "Hmph." Cecilia walked away from him and entered the room. Astra's hands still gripped Lily's ass. Lily quickly pulled away from Astra. "It's ok. You don't have to worry about us sweetie. As you can tell from his father. We used to act like you guys when we were first in love." Cecilia said as she hugged Lily. "Yeah until we got married. Bingo!" Adrian held his hand up for Harper to high-five. "And you go for the high five? Could you have made that any more corny?" Harper scoffed and turned her attention away from her father.

"So, what brought you guys here?" Astra asked. "What? A mother can't see her son?" Cecilia quipped. "Just kidding. The hospital told us you would be released today so we came to pick you up. It looks like someone heard before us." Cecilia said as she joked toward Lily. "Wow, you're so cute when you blush like that." Cecilia pinched Lily's red cheeks. "Ok Mom, enough with the teasing. I'm pretty much ready to go. Are we going to take a porta-Harp home?" Astra could feel Lily almost explode with embarrassment. He couldn't help but give a little chuckle. Lily glared at Astra as she felt his enjoyment of this. "I told you not to fucking call it that. Just say portal. Be a normal fucking person." Harper was very annoyed with Astra right now. So far she had walked in on them twice. She knew every detail of Astra's body and he knew hers. She never wanted to be this close to her brother.

"Gotcha, portal it is. Are we taking a portal home sweet sister?" Astra sarcastically said. "Not if you keep that up." Harper snapped at Astra. "Ok. Ok. You win. I'm sorry." Astra turned to look at Lily. "Do you want to come home with us?" Astra asked her. "Yes!" Lily quickly said. "Slow down there lady. If you act like that we may never let you stay the night." Cecilia joked. "S-sorry." Lily apologized. "Haha. It's so easy to mess with you. If you want to date Astra you gonna have to get used to it. Our whole family is filled with pestering people like me." Cecilia joke. "They really are, she's not joking. Sometimes they make me regret giving them my number." Harper said from the side. "Thank you peanut gallery." Cecilia replied. She knew their family was different than most but she embraced it. 

"You know that's not true. They are just unique people. They may not be city slickers but they have their own charms. Plus, farming can help with stress." Cecilia was born in a poor part of the world that only produced food. She hadn't seen New Atlantis until she was 22 years old. This side of her will sometimes come out if she's stressed. "Yeah sure, whatever you say." Astra put his hands up in defeat. If he knew one thing it was not to push his mom on her family. It was a sore topic for her. Cecilia was able to learn the customs of New Atlantis but her family was different. They didn't know and didn't want to know about how New Atlantians acted and talked. They never planned on visiting the Capital so why would they bother?

"Let's go people! I can't hold this open all day." Harper said as she formed a portal the size and width of two people. "Thanks, sis!" Astra walked through while holding Lily's hand. "Thank you." Lily shyly said. She was too embarrassed by Harper right now. Harper had walked in on her and Astra twice now and they had only been together for a couple of days. This was not a pace that she wanted to keep going at. "Huh-uh." Harper answered Lily quickly. She was still disgusted by what she had seen these past couple of days. Hearing Harper's short response, Lily put her head down in embarrassment as she walked through the portal. 

"Stop teasing her so much Harp. She just joined the family." Cecilia said as she walked by Harper. "Easy for you to say. You haven't seen them..." Harper forgot that she promised not to tell what happened. "Never mind." Harper sighed. "Ok, you strange girl. I'll stop pestering you. Come on honey let's go." Cecilia pulled Adrian through the portal with her. "What kind of family am I a part of?" Harper dramatically asked. The portal quickly disappeared after she stepped through. 

*Knock* *knock*

"Hello, I'm here for the checkup before you're officially released." A doctor opened the door to an empty room. "I swear I just heard people in here. Where did the patient go?" The doctor looked around the room. He couldn't find anything out of the ordinary. "Well, he was pretty much good to go. I'll connect the family and let them know." The doctor gave up pretty fast and left to room to tend to other patients. 

-Blackwell Household, Medium Density Zone-

"Feels good to home." Astra said as he sat down on the couch. "We literally just got home and you already sit down. Go show your girlfriend around the house. I just cleaned it up." Cecilia said as she walked through the portal and stood behind Lily. "Yeah, I want to see your room." Lily excitedly said. "Calm down there, haha." Cecilia pat Lily on the shoulder as she and Adrian walked by. Lily's face turned red all over. "Hahaha. It's so fun to mess with you." Harper said as she walked through the portal and it closed behind her. She wrapped her arms around Lily's stomach from behind and looked at Astra. "I might just have to steal her for myself." Harper teased. Lily's whole face and ears changed another shade.

"Haha, you can try if you want. You won't beat me on this one." Astra responded still sitting on the couch. "Oh, really? Then don't mind if I do." Harper turned Lily around and held her body close to hers. She lifted Lily's head slightly making their eyes lock. "Can I?" Harper asked as she leaned close to Lily's ear. Lily was too overwhelmed right now. She shook her head up and down not processing everything that was happening. "Good. Told you so." Harper looked Astra in the eyes. Astra gave a dumbfounded expression. 

His girlfriend and sister started to make out in front of him. This was the weirdest boner he's ever had. "This would be a lot hotter if you weren't my sister. If you think that's enough to steal her from me you'd be wrong. Haha." Astra laughed as he watched from the couch. Even after his teasing, they kept going. Harper's hand started to go down Lily's back to her ass. Harper gave her ass a good squeeze causing Lily to pull Harper deeper into their kiss. Harper opened her eyes and winked at Astra. As Harper pulled away strands of spit still connected to them. "Ha. Ha. Ha." Lily was breathing "Thanks." Harper whispered in her ear. She smirked at Astra as she walked past him. Astra was dumbfounded. This was the last thing he thought was going to happen. Harper just stole his girl right in front of him and he just watched. 

"Well, that was something." Lily teased sitting down close to Astra. With his connection to Lily, he knew that she was referencing what he said after Harper first caught them. "You get bolder by the day. I hope you don't make a habit of doing." Astra said as he turned on the TV. Lily snuggled with him as they watched shows until dinner was ready. A couple hours went by and they both fell asleep on the couch. 

*tap* *tap*

Astra opened his eyes from the tapping. His mom stood above him as Lily was drooling on his shoulder. "Dinner's ready." Cecilia said walking to the kitchen. " Okay, we're on our way." Lily said as she got up and held out her hand for Astra. "How did you wake up so fast?" Astra said as he took her hand and stood up. "I think it's the connection. When you woke up, my body told me too as well." Lily said as she walked toward the kitchen. Astra stood still for a second. His powers had so many mysteries. The sooner he starts training the faster he'll know. "You coming?" Lily asked as she sat down at the table. "She's already more a part of this family than you are." Adrian joked as Astra took a seat next to Lily.

"This is so good Cecilia!" Lily said as she quickly ate. "Haha. I'm glad you like it, sweetie." Cecilia responded. "Wow, already using her first name, huh? It's like you've always been a part of this family." Harper teased as she sat across from Lily. "Hehe." Lily laughed. "And you have a cute laugh. How did you get such a godly pull, Astra?" Harper started to rub her feet on Lily's legs. "Enough already. I get it. I can only take so much of this before I go insane. I've been connected to Lily this whole time. Even though I've been awakened for a couple of days, I'm trying to use it as much as possible. This power feels like it'll be too dangerous if I don't refine it. Look how much control I already have." Astra said as he pointed toward Lily. She was standing on the ceiling. "Ehh." Lily didn't want to panic and fall so she gave out a little scream. 

"What the fuck. How did you do that so fast?" Harper was flabbergasted. One second she was playing with Lily's feet and the next she wasn't. "I saw it." Adrian said nonchalantly as he continued with his dinner. "Thanks, Sherlock." Harper quipped at her father. "Haha." Adrian laughed. "U-uhm." Lily was doing her best not to scream as she was dangling from the ceiling. "Sorry, I got distracted." Astra quickly apologized as Lily floated back down to her chair. "I-it's ok. I'm fine." Lily said as she began to resume eating. "I'm glad you like my food so much." Cecilia always appreciated when someone liked her cooking. "As I was saying. I've been connected to Lily this whole time. So stop touching and kissing her. I don't want to feel that." Astra glared at Harper. "Okay, fine. I won't do it often." Harper sighed as she put her hands up in defeat. "Often? Why not never?" Astra was stunned. "I really liked what happened earlier. I'm not letting you hog her to yourself." Harper teased. 

Astra gave up. In just a couple of days, he had found out everyone around him were horny perverted animals. "Whatever. Before, you guys came agents from OTCAI visited me. I showed them my powers and they told me to visit my local branch as soon I could." Astra told his parents. "Great. It's a good sign when they send someone personally. Are you meeting the same agent?" Adrian asked. "Yeah. How did you know?" Astra responded.

"The OTCAI will usually assign an agent to high prospects. That means they want to train you fast and get you field-ready. In a couple of days, the UEF will announce the first interplanetary settlement mission. The secret secondary mission is to connect with alien lifeforms and see if we can diplomatically communicate with them. We've known for years now that foreign powers were being used in different solar systems. They have just been too far for us to reach. They are looking for as many powerful people as possible to represent Earth. You guys know to keep this a secret right?" Adrian asked. Cecilia and Adrian were both scientists for the UEF. Adrian had a higher clearance status than Cecilia but it wasn't by much.

"Of course. You too Lily. You're gonna have a lot more secrets now that you're a part of this weird ass family." Astra said. " 'Kay, that's fine with me." Lily said with a big smile. Her parents lived outside New Atlantis. They were a rich family that enjoyed having lots of land and big luxurious houses. Those were few and far between at the Capital. It was massive but everything was pretty compact to fit the hundreds of millions of people that lived here. She never had this kind of warm relationship with her parents but she still missed them. It's been a couple of years since the last time she saw their faces. Being welcomed into Astra's family so fast gave her a warm feeling. 

"Tomorrow morning, you should go to the OTCAI office before school. Harper will take you so you don't have to worry about missing anything." Cecilia said as she started collecting the dirty dishes on the table. "What?" Harper was defeated. "Thanks, Sis!" Astra gave a thumbs up. "My tongue will be down Lily's throat the second you leave us alone." Harper teased as she helped her mom. "W-what?" Lily's eyes shoot in every direction trying to avoid looking at anyone. Her face turned a crimson red. "Look, Astra! I made her blush harder than you." Harper pointed at Lily's face and laughed. "Why I oughta.." Astra and his sister began wrestling next to the table. "Oh dear." Cecilia said as she stepped over the kids and started cleaning the dishes. "What kind of family is this?" Lily was stunned thinking this could be the rest of her life. "The best." Adrian gave another thumbs up. "Hehe." Lily chuckled. 

The Blackwells are an interesting family, aren't they? What kind of mischieve will they get in? What will Astra's powers develop into? Until next time on Heaven's Reach.

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