
Second coming

The whole world was in awe at the beauty of the angels except Deanna. Her face was contorted with disgust. She looked around and felt out of place, the presence of the angel made her uneasy.

"Josiah those things are disgusting aren't they" Deanna tugged at his shirt. She turned to him after not getting an answer from him. All she was the fascination on his face as everyone else except there golden glint in his eyes.

"What you mean disgusting DD, they're beautiful. I want to touch them so much" He responded. It was as if he was in a trance but it didn't feel bad, it was like being coddled by his mother. A warm embrace by a divine entity as its light shined on him.

"Snap the fuck out of it okay" Deanna slapped all of the taste out of his mouth

With that Josiah finally regained his senses, and a pounding headache replaced the sudden infatuation. He looks at Deanna rubbing his face and contemplating whether to thank her or have an attitude.

"You good now?" she asked again

Against his better judgment, he thanked her, "What just happen to me? I felt so good but I wasn't all there you know"

"I wonder if this she was warning me about," Deanna thought, her eyes were still burning but there was no pain. Every one of her instincts was telling her to leave as soon as possible- Deanna looked up at Michael unknowingly wondering what was going to happen now.

Michael himself looked over the crowd of people and smiled. Everyone's eyes were on him hanging on his every word. He wonders why his father forbids them from going to earth in the first place.

"This is the current humanity huh- look at how they have grown. Seeing it up close is almost breathtaking, But they need to be corrected before they destroy everything" Michael thought to himself, "Brother and sister I am seraphim Michael, I came here to save all of you from yourselves and we angels shall personally help you to whatever we have too" Michael said

"Yeah right, you're angel like we supposed to believe that so easily" A person spoke up

"How dare you speak like that to your savio—-" Angel was creaming until Michael raised his hand.

"It's understandable that you don't believe us so let me prove to you that we are what we claim" Michael smiled. He raised his hand out and some people started to glow and then started floating in the air. "All of you have some kind of aliment that has plagued you for a long time. I'm sorry that we didn't do this sooner", after a bright flash there all healed of whatever was ailing them.

The people were placed on the ground with everyone waiting in anticipation to see what would happen. "I can see again, I can see ha ha ha ha" An old man laughed, "Oh my god I can see I never thought I could see again" he exclaimed. The tears of joy ran down his face as everyone watched in awe.

Even though a miracle was performed in front of her, Deanna couldn't feel any joy, she felt nothing but dread. As if their fate was sealed and they won't have any choice but to obey these things.

They weren't just doing this as proof of what they are it was a demonstration of strength. She immediately got herself lost in the crowd. She found herself pushing through people trying to run but didn't know why. It was only instinct telling her to run, run as far and as fast as she possibly can because if she didn't things would get worse for her.

Michael took all the praise from these people feeling proud of himself. He suddenly got a scent of a demon. It was too faint to tell where it was but also got the scent of the divine, the two scents mixed seamlessly.

"Did one of them get away from hell or was it her already? It doesn't matter it will soon be eradicated" Michael thought to himself, "Speaking of evil things that must be eradicated," he said looking to one of his generals.

The general shook his and took off with at least a thousand angels and flew off. As he took one last look at humanity he smiled and then flew off. The rest of the angels flew down to greet the humans. Some of them cried because some of the angels were past family members, and different emotions filled the area.

Everyone was extremely happy but Deanna wouldn't take part in this happiness. She away where no angels were and hid. She crouched behind a garbage bin burying her head in her lap, tears streaking down her face. Her whole body was trembling and only thoughts of her destruction filled her head.

A hand touched her shoulder and she froze, a shiver went through her spine and her pores raised so much it hurt. She dared not look up, her tears ran down her face faster- thoughts of her life flashed before her.

A soft and gentle voice called down to her, "Are you okay miss" it said, Deanna looked up slowly and saw hazel eyes with a warm-hearted smile greeting her. His hair looked soft and golden brown. His pale skin reminded her of the luscious snow in her inner world, all the fear she felt slipped away and her face felt bright red.

"I..I.I.I.II.I. I am okay" she stammered

"Are you sure? Because it seemed like you were having a panic attack," he said looking at her worry

"I've been a little stressed lately but I'm fine now. I just need some time to calm down a bit but I'm fine now" she responded nervously

"I don't mind taking you to the hospital if you want" he offered

"That won't be necessary but thanks for offering though" Deanna blushed a little

"Well okay get home safely okay," he said before walking away

As he left, Deanna forgot what she was worried about, to begin with. The only thing that was going through her mind was "he smelled good". She got her act together reminding herself of the danger of those so-called angels flying around. After that began walking home trying to avoid as many angels as possible.

Now consumed by black muck, Ciara struggled to breathe. Clawing at the sludge trying to escape its grasp. It slowly starts to meld to her skin and it burns, she screamed for it to stop but it burned even more.

Her blood-curdling scream echoed throughout the void. As it fully assimilates with her skin, she saw some things. A throne with obsidian lilies around it and above it was a chest hovering above it.

Everything goes black and she wakes up falling out of her chair. She starts grabbing her throat trying to get the muck off her. She soon realizes that it was just a dream until Ciara feels a searing pain on her lower abdomen.

She notices a mark she has never seen before and panics, "When did I get a tattoo? Oh my god, my parents are going to kill me. Wait it's on my stomach so they never see it but what we go on the beach. I can't wear cute swimsuits anymore, oh shit what's the time" She said looking at the clock.

It was already 3 pm meaning she slept through her study time and missed hanging out with her friends. This is where she started freaking out even more than she already has, if her parents find out she slept instead of studying she's dead.

"Ciara are you here yet, I just wanted to remind you about church later Oh MY GOD, WHERE YOU ABOUT TO MASTURBATE" Her mother burst into her room. Her mother was a beautiful short Indian woman with short straight black hair.

"OH MY GOD NO" Ciara screamed out embarrassed

"Oh, wait is that a tattoo" Her mother pointed at her stomach

Ciara tried to cover up but her mother was persistent. Pulling up her shirt and let out a gasp, looking at her daughter surprised almost horrified even. She immediately called for her father even though Ciara begged her not to. A tall muscular dark-skinned man marched up the stairs and peeked his head into the room.

"What's going on?" He asked

"Look at her stomach" Her mother pointed at her stomach with fear imprinted on his face

"Dad I can explain this okay pleased don't get angry with me" Ciara with tears welling up in her eyes.

"I'm not going to yell at you but you have to come to the church later okay? You have to meet us there at 7 pm okay? Tell the pastor it's time when you arrive okay, Come on dear," He said holding her mother

Ciara stood there in shock as the whole thing went down. Usually, they would have an aneurysm over this but everything worked okay. She stared at this mark thinking it was her good luck charm.

A few hours passed and Ciara headed down to the church. She was in such a rush that she bumped into someone. They made eye contact and held it for a little bit, Ciara apologized to him before continuing on her way.

"I wonder why she's in such a rush but she's really pretty though. Back to looking for Deanna, I can't find her anywhere. I don't even know where she lives" Josiah Scratches his head in confusion

She entered the building walking up to the pastor. The pastor was a little person with the biggest smile, as she approached him Ciara felt nervous.

"Hello, my name is" she trying to introduce herself

"Ciara I know" He interrupted her

"Yeah, umm my dad said when I get here to tell you it's time" Ciara fiddling with her fingers

The smile he had on his face seemed to dissipate, "Oh, wait here," he said and walked into another room.

"Okay this getting weird now," she thought to herself

He came out with a small sheet of paper with a location on it. Ciara took the paper and immediately knew where it was. The strange thing was she has never been there before, and at this point, things started freaking her out.

"I know you're confused but go there everything will be explained," He said

She nodded and left feeling more confused than before. She took a taxi to a hiking trail and then walked through the forest. After coming to the building in amazing condition for being in the forest.

Standing in front of it were her parents waiting for her. She smiled a little bit looking at them smiling at her. Even at her distance, she heard her dad say " I'm proud of you", she took a step forward and was flung back from an explosion.

She got her barrings and got up, Ciara saw her parents laying on the ground both bleeding. She tried getting to them but spears of light stabbed both killing them. All signs of life slip from her eyes as she drops to her knees. Two angels drop down to survey the damage

"We got them all right" One of the angels said,

"I think so wait there's one," Another said pointing at her

They both start heading towards her, one of them smiles and says, "She's really pretty so let's have a little fun before killing her"

"Yeah we've earned it" the other one agreeing with him

Ciara heard this and snapped back to reality, she tried to get away but angels chased her down dragging her head against the ground.

"Are you sure you guys are angels and not pigs" Someone with a British accent called out from the shadows. The woman from the empire state building walked into view and the angel's eyes widen. They flew back to get distance from her, the woman rubs the dirt out of her face and says, "You poor thing, you okay darling"

"Wait this could be our big brake. If we beat her we could be promoted" Of the angels smiled

"I think we should get the general for this" the other one whimpered

"You coward" he snarled and rushed towards

The mysterious woman smiled, "BOW" she commanded and the attacking angel fell and then began grovelling at her feet. She stepped on his head rubbing his face into the ground with a mischievous smirk on her face, a loud popping sound filled the air as she crushes the angel's head. His partner flew away to call the general.

'Who are you" Ciara watching in awe at her beauty

"I am–" the woman being cut off

"She is the first vampire, the true first woman, mother of monsters and demons, mistress of the serpent's tongue, queen of succubi and empress of the underworld …..Lilith" The general of the angels announced, "I never thought I would be the one to take you back to hell. Men attack" he commanded

A thousand angels rushed towards and full speed with weapons made of light at the ready. Lilith cleared her voice and said, "Be dust". Every last angel became dust and was blown away by the wind. The general was mortified by what he saw, he knew she was strong but not this strong.

She looked at him with that extremely beautiful smile and said, "I'm not in much of a mood to fight today so I'll be taking my leave", she picked up Ciara as darkness melded over them before vanishing

"So that's Lilith she's terrifying" the general releasing a breath of relief

Deanna finally made it home to find a man laying at the door of the building. At first, she thought he was a homeless person but then something was pulling her towards him. He had long silky curly hair with grey streaks in them. His clothes were in tatters and blood ran down his face and out his sides.

"Deanna what you doing girl," she said to herself as carried him inside against her better judgement. But something is telling her she should do this