
Hero born

Josiah stood there waiting for him to say he was joking. Sweat dripped down his face and fear forced him in place. He looked at his hands then clenched them into a fist, Josiah spun around and attacked Michael.

With an annoyed expression on his face- he weaved out of the way of the punch. Josiah kept swinging mindlessly at Michael. His breath became heavier and heavier with thoughtless movement. His mind was completely overtaken by anger and his movements began to quicken.

"IT'S BECAUSE OF YOU" Josiah screeched

Fire erupted from the right side of his face. His pupils seemed to shrink before the entire right side exploded into flames. Michael tried to reason with him to no avail. Josiah charged at him with the ground behind him exploding- he was moving so fast that a sonic boom echoed throughout the space.

When the punch connected it caused a massive fiery explosion. Josiah let out a smirk but it disappeared when he noticed the punch didn't make contact. The smoke cleared and Michael had a barrier protecting him.

"Stop acting like a child," Michael said with scorn in his voice. He grabbed him by the throat, throwing him into the air before kicking him. He flew across the room bouncing against the ground

Josiah was out completely but still got back on his feet. Michael sighed before rushing towards him. Josiah waved his hand and a wall of flames appeared stopping Michael in his tracks, his hand reached out the wall trying to grab him.

But Michael moved just out of reach, the flame wall morphed around his arm turning into a lance. Josiah screamed jumping forward trying to pierce Michael but the angel manoeuvred out of the way. Without missing a beat Michael kicked Josiah in the back sending him tumbling forwards.

"The flames used his anger to overtake him. I guess I have to subdue him again" Michael thought to himself.

Furious, Josiah got up and shot a tsunami made of fire at Michael. Instead of concern on his face, Michael had a look of excitement. He formed a sword of light slicing the wave straight down the middle. The wave crashed into the sides, and Michael gripped his sword and rushed towards him.

Josiah clenched his fist as his fire grew even hotter, the flames grew so bright that a normal person would have thought he had the sun in his hands. Michael swung his sword at him and he threw his punch.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you" Michael said right before clashing with him

The space filled with light on one half and engulfed in flames on the other. The two struggled for supremacy. Inside Josiah mind, he floated in darkness suddenly he felt a warm hand on his face. He weakly opens his eyes to someone or something covered in gold brightening the area around him.

"There it goes again," He thought. This warmth, this care it felt so familiar. Josiah open his eyes and saw that it was a golden person. It had no facial features and no obvious gender, he remembered he met this thing before.

He tried talking to this thing but got no answer from it. Even though it had facial features he couldn't be more interested in its face. He reached out his hands trying to touch its face, thinking that he could get some answers. But he was stopped before he could. The creature stopped his head before shaking its head

It then pointed towards something, confused Josiah turned it and saw a bright flash. Meanwhile in the clash with Michael. Josiah relented and Michael took advantage of this overpowering him and sending him flying into the air.

Josiah floated in the air with his flames going out. Michael raised his hand creating orbs floating around him. The orbs crashed into him exploding and sending their victim into the ground as a smoking husk.

Michael thought he had killed him but was relieved to see he was breathing. He pierced the ground with his sword and sat down letting out a sigh of relief.

"Those flames you wield are strong. If anyone else got to you before I did you would have been a problem. It wasn't too hard taking you down this time but if you had the proper training and control of that power this would have been harder to do" Michael sighed

Josiah jumped out of unconsciousness looking around. To the surprise of Michael who thought he would take several days to wake up again. Josiah turned towards Michael with a scowl on his face.

"Sorry I had to get a little rough with you but if I hadn't things would have gotten worse. You didn't burn yourself did you" Michael said with a smile

"What happened to me? All I remember is... wait why can't I remember anything except waking up the first time" Josiah in shock

"You let your anger control you and the flames consumed you" Michael explained, "I knocked to you the first to prevent you from hurting yourself but then you got right back up. You were completely unconscious but you still attacked me"

Josiah got a memory flash of the golden person he saw. "Did they take over my body while I was unconscious the first time?" he thought

"What I was trying to explain to was if you kept using the flames without training you'll die" Michael assured him

"Why didn't you explain it like that, to begin with," Josiah looking at him with a blank expression

"Don't worry I'll explain what is the sacred flame, its purpose, its origin and why you, a human being has it' Michael explained to him, "Also don't worry I'll train you to control this power myself so whoever you were before this is now gone. This is a chance for you to become a better person, to become a hero"

Josiah remembered when his life flashed before his eyes. The promise he made to himself was able to be realised right here. Michael looked at him because already knew what his answer was going to be. He stretched out his hand so Josah can take it, he watched Michael's hand stretch out before him. He went to take hold but hesitated to remember all the horrible things he's done.

From the corner of his eyes, he was a golden hand grabbing his wrist. A female voice whispered into his ears "Trust yourself and grab his hand" it said. Josiah for some reason felt like he could trust them, he felt safe around them. He took a deep breath reaching forward and shaking his hand with confidence

"I don't know about being a hero or anything but not dying sounds good" Josiah smiled

"That's a start at least" Michael laughed

While shaking his hand Michael's thoughts were else, "Finally, the sacred flame is in my hands now. All I need to do now is to find Lucifer's lance and everything will finally fall into place"

In the deepest part, in the last circle of hell sat Lucifer chained up in a prison. His clothes are in tatters, and his hair is dishevelled. Two angels were in front of his prison laughing at him in his pitiful state.

"Look at you, the devil. I thought you would have been more terrifying" One of them snickered

"For an angel to be called the second strongest being in the universe, You're pretty pathetic" The second one jumped in, "We have somewhere else so stay right here"

They spat on him before heading walking away and from the corner of the cell a voice said, "Son you look like your having troubles"

"Isn't dear old dad" Lucifer responded with venom