
Chapter 12

Leo stood looking out the window as day broke. The time is drawing near for a great battle and he didn't know if they could even win. He didn't know what Lucifer was planning but it has be something good. As the sun took its spot high in the sky, Leo began his chores around the apartment.

"I, A prince of hell doing chores is insane" He grumbled as he swept. Leo woke up Deanna and made her breakfast. He asked, "Deanna you noticed anything different about yourself, anything at all"

Deanna looked at him with a confused expression but began to think anyways. It took her a bit but she answered, "I've been feeling stronger and more energised lately. I don't know what's your secret but whatever it is don't stop"

Leo looked at her and smiled. Deanna didn't know what to make of this but he's been asking her this since he began cooking for her. She wonders if Leo was trying to poison her or something.

While he was doing the dishes Deanna left for work. He stopped as soon as she left his aura changed. Black markings spread across his skin and his right eye turned pitch black- he cracked his neck.

"It feels good to stretch a bit, looking human all the time is tiring. I need to find others to spread the word around. I know some demons were on earth before everything happened so I should have a workforce. The only problem is those angels and if they would be able to detect me. Well, there's only one way to find out" Leo shrugged

There was a knock on the door and Leo instantly reverted to his human form. You could see the fear in his. He wonder if the angels were able to find him, and he walked slowly over to the door. With all the caution in the world, he open the door- he saw Mrs Coleman standing outside with a pie.

The look he had on his face said, "I rather it was angels" but still greeted her with a crooked smile.

"Mrs Coleman what can I do for you today," he said

"Oh, I wanted to give you guys this pie. Is Deanna home with you today" She asked

Leo looked at her with a blank face because he knew where this was going. He thanked her for bringing over the pie and took it from her. She gave him a mischievous smile and said. "I want you to give me a pie"

"A pie?" Leo was confused

"Yeah, cream pi–" Mrs Coleman was cut off because Leo slammed the door in her face and walked away.

A few moments later there was another knock on the door. Without any hesitation, he flung open the door screaming "LADY THIS SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND I WILL CALL THE AUTHORITIES"

"Is this about that time again? Sorry I thought you were someone else jeez" a woman huffed

Leo hand a look of surprise and immediately dropped to one knee, "Lady Lilith I didn't know it was you"

"This one of the princes were looking for. Not what I was expecting" Ciara said peeking from behind her

Leo saw her and then looked at Lilith. Lilith gave him a stare and he understood what was going on immediately.

"Hello there Miss, I'm Asmodeus the demon prince of Lust" he smiled. His smile was almost intoxicating to her. She started thinking of different she wanted to do with him. Lilith smacked him in the head.

"You know better than do that" Lilith scolded him

"I apologise for my behaviour miss but I want to test something" Leo apologised

"What do you mean you wanted to test something" Lilith was intrigued

"My ability doesn't work on the person I want as my vessel" He explained

"That's impossible that would be mean" Lilith processed the information

"Yeah I can't be sure yet but I'll figure it out," Leo said

"Interesting but let's get back on track" Lilith still in shock, "Tell me about the current situation"

"Yes ma'am" Leo shook his head

Deanna walked throughout the city feeling lighter than usual. Her vision, hearing and even taste were feeling enhanced. The world felt brighter than usual but then all that bliss disappeared- her senses turned on her.

She could see the black aroura of man, hear pain and suffering leaving an awful taste in her mouth. This was the usual thing that happened every time she went out these days. This disgusted her. These feelings would choke her until got away from a group of people, that morning it was worse than normal

She walked quickly with her hand covering her mouth as she tried to shuffle through people. Deanna bumped into someone. Their smell intoxicated her, and nothing but calm washed over her. Subconsciously, she hugged them tightly nestling into their body.

"Is everything okay?" they asked, "Oh wait I know you right…. Dumpster girl right"

Deanna regained her senses letting go of him. She looked at him and recognised who it was immediately. Her face felt warm and was a tingling feeling in her stomach, she wanted to speak but the words wouldn't come out.

"Are you okay? You're kinda holding on tight just now" he asked

Deanna was about to answer but she saw something. She saw something behind him a black cloud with glowing white eyes. Her eyes burned causing her to grab them, she winced in pain. The man walked over to her trying to console her, Deanna looked up and saw that cloud had disappeared.

"I'm sorry I have to go to work" Deanna trying to get away

"Wait" the man called out giving her a piece of paper, "Here's my number if you know if you need to talk"

Deanna cautiously took the paper and walked. While heading to work she cursed herself out for acting the way she did. She never acts like that around anyone else before this. Deanna turned around one last time. The image of the man was now burnt into her brain and a feeling of joy lingered

"She saw me" Someone whispered into the man's ear

"What so does mean she's a vessel as well Belial," he asked

"I don't know Jason, she seems different for some reason. But I sense the blood of a prince inside of her. Keep her close just in case" Belial said

"Understood" Jason complied

Josiah stood in a black space. He floated around searching for a way out looking for a way out of the void. He finally stopped for a second to think for a bit. The void around him grew hotter, sweat poured down his face. Then the roar of the flames filled the air and heat increased exponentially.

The flame took a humanoid form and walked up to him. It looked female as it approached him, it touched his face. He winced preparing for the burn but it didn't- it was warm, kind and loving.

Tears fall from his eyes because this felt familiar to him. It wiped his tears and then it embraced him holding him tightly. The warmth was nothing he ever felt before suddenly he jumped out of his coma.

"I went from a void to a white room" Josiah grumbled

He looked around the room look around and saw nothing. The hairs on the back of his neck began to tingle. He spun around and saw Michael standing there, instinctively he launched a giant fireball at him. Michael dodged it easily and got in closer instantly. He grabbed him by the wrist and lift him off the ground.

"Calm down I don't want to hurt you" Michael trying to calm him down

"If you're trying to calm me down it's doing the opposite. Just put me down and we'll talk this out" Josiah pleaded

Michael put him down and continued explaining the situation to him

"What you're telling I'm a wielder of ancient flame that cleanses demons and you need my help to fight them. Also, you want to train me as well….hmm did I get everything" Josiah in a sarcastic tone.

"Yes," Michael said

"No," Josiah said walking off

"Where are you going" Michael called after him.

"I'm going to find my way out of here" Josiah answered

"I understand if don't want to be a hero but at least let me train you" Michael called after him

"Why should I let you train me?" Josiah walked further away

"Because if you don't get that power under control it will kill you" Michael explained

"It'll kill me" Josiah stopped in his tracks