

Among the gods of the heavens, there was a famous laughing stock known throughout the three realms. Legend has it that eight hundred years ago, there was an ancient country within the Central Plains called Xian Le nation. The ancient nation of Xian Le had vast territory, abundant resources and content citizens. The country had four treasures: delicate beauties aplenty, thriving arts & literature, treasures of gold and jewels and last but not least, their renown Royal Highness the Crown Prince. This person, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince....you could say.... was a strange man. The Emperor and Empress considered him to be the apple of their eyes. They doted on him immensely and would often proudly proclaim: “In the future, my son will surely become a wise monarch, leaving a reputable impression for generations to come .” Yet, in the regards of what came with royalty, of riches, power and honor, the Crown Prince had no interest. What he was interested in, quoting the very words he often said to himself, was—— “I want to save the common folks!” The young prince cultivated in earnest. During this time, two short stories became widely circulated. . The first story occurred when he was seventeen years old. That year, the nation of Xian Le held a magnificent Offering to the Gods parade. Although this tradition had already been abandoned for numerous centuries, through surviving ancient texts and verbal stories, one could imagine the grandeur of the event.. Offering to the Gods day, Martial God Main Street. Both sides of the Main Street were overflowing with a sea of people. The aristocrats were seated on top of high buildings as they exchanged friendly chatter; while the imperial guards cleared the way with their impressive armours clinking. Young girls danced gracefully as their snow-white hands scattered flower petals like rain, filling the sky as far as the eye could see. It made people question whether the dancing maidens were more beautiful or the flowers themselves. Melodious notes sounded from within golden carriages and floated throughout the whole Imperial City. Behind honorable guards, sixteen white horses with golden bridles walked side-by-side as they pulled forward a magnificent platform. Located on top of the tall, magnificent platform was the focus of everyone’s attention, there stood the martial artist to perform a show to please the Gods. During the festive heavenly parade, the martial artist would adorn a golden mask, don splendid garments and wield a sword in one hand. He would perform the role of the first military deity in a millennium to have subdued demonic beasts——Martial God Heavenly Emperor Jun Wu. Being selected as the martial artist to perform such a show could be considered equivalent as to receiving the utmost honour, and thus the selection criteria was extremely strict. This year, the one who was chosen was none other than His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. The entire nation was convinced that he would surely be able to become the most marvellous martial artist to perform such a performance since the beginning of time. However, on that day, something unexpected occurred. During that time, the martial god on the magnificent stage was just about to land a killing blow on a demon. This was the most exciting scene, and thus the people on both sides of the Main Street were fired up with passion. The people on the city walls were also becoming more rowdy as they started outdoing each other in sticking their heads out to see, both struggling and shoving. Right at this moment, a young child fell from the top of the city gate tower. DISCLAIMER: This story is not mine, I did not wrote or own this, I really just want to share it to everybody. I am not the translator either. If you have means to support the author please do so. You can find this novel at novelusb.com PS. the cover photo are also not mine. Belongs to Mr. Google

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Chapter 124.1: Unravel the Dead Knot; Water Master Battles Demon Xuan

Shi Qingxuan's eyes were bleary, but when he bemusedly looked to where that voice

came from, he saw it was Shi Wudu who was calling him.

He wasn't fettered by any iron shackles, but his white robes were filthy and unkempt. He

was kneeling on the ground, and when he saw Shi Qingxuan come to, he showed a

glad expression, seeming to want to come over but was instantly kicked down by

someone next to him, forcing him to kneel anew. That man stood with fists clenched at

his sides, his expression cold and sinister, his skin so pale it brought shivers, and it was

that Black Water Demon Xuan. Or rather, He Xuan.

Behind him was a divine altar, and four obsidian black and smooth urns stood serenely

upon it. Two shredded fans were thrown onto the floor – it was the Wind Master fan and

the Water Master fan.

Father, mother, sister, fiancee.

"Prostrate." He Xuan said.

Shi Wudu's eyes were fixed on Shi Qingxuan and from his lips he uttered an answer,


With that, he actually knelt before the altar and dong, dong, dong, kowtowed over ten

times before the urns soundly. Then, as he rose slightly, He Xuan stomped down on his

head and said coldly, "Did I permit you to get up?"

This stomp instantly crushed Shi Wudu's head onto the floor and he bled from his

orifices. He gritted his teeth, "...no."

The elder brother who was once so proud his head was never bowed was now being

trampled onto the ground by another. Although Shi Qingxuan knew what he had done

deserved a retribution ten times worse than this, but blood was thicker than water, and

in the end he still couldn't bear to see him like this. "Ge..."

Hearing his voice, He Xuan's chilling eyes swept over. Even if he couldn't raise his

head, Shi Wudu knew that meek sound wasn't going to bring anything good, and he

immediately shouted, "YOU BE QUIET!"

After pondering for a moment, He Xuan removed the boot from his head. Shi Wudu was

filled with trepidation but he couldn't get up, and he groaned, "Qingxuan!"

He Xuan languidly approached. Those insane mad men were terrified of him, and they

scampered away whimpering, though they were still sneaking glimpses at Shi

Qingxuan, as if watching for something on his person. Shi Qingxuan was chained onto

the wall, and he watched as that face he should be more than familiar with but now

dreadfully foreign come closer with every step.

He Xuan crouched down in front of him, paused, then asked, "Is the Reverend of Empty

Words scary?"

His tone was cool and impassive, but Shi Qingxuan was bug-eyed, his lips quivering,

unable to speak.

The Reverend of Empty Words back then was already extremely horrifying, yet this

person before him now who had swallowed the Reverend of Empty Words was ten

times, a hundred times more terrifying than the nightmare of his younger years. But this

terror was something he should've endured from the beginning.

"He Xuan," Shi Wudu spoke up, "A man must answer to what he has done alone. It was

my idea to use you to prevent his misfortune. This has nothing to do with my little brother."

He Xuan sneered. "Nothing to do with him?"

He stared at Shi Qingxuan unblinking, enunciating each word, "Your little brother, an

ordinary, common mortal, obtained the ability to ascend; his endless glory was robbed

from my fate, plundered from my divinity. And you tell me that this has nothing to do with


Every word was like a blade, and every blade pierced the heart. This was said for Shi

Qingxuan to hear, and even though Shi Qingxuan already knew everything, he still

bowed his head, feeling like he could never hold it high again in his life. Shi Wudu said

with forced calm, "Since... you've always been by his side, then you should know very

well that I didn't deceive you. He's not one to hide anything, he really didn't know

anything about this!"



Shi Qingxuan's head was bowed even lower.

What right did he have to suck another's blood, trample another's bones to reach the

skies, yet still maintain a peace of mind, enjoying all such luxuries without any sense of


He Xuan added, "He didn't know then, but is he still ignorant now?!"

Shi Qingxuan looked up and said with a quivering voice, "Ming-xiong, I..."

"SHUT UP!" He Xuan shouted.

His face was almost savage. When Shi Qingxuan saw, a cold shiver went down his

spine, and he fell silent. He Xuan whipped around and started pacing back and forth

within the hall of Nether Water Manor, growling, "I've given you chances!"

Shi Qingxuan shut his eyes, clenching his fists. Xie Lian recalled that excessively

furious "Fine. Very well!" back at the town of Fu Gu, and that scene of 'Ming Yi' blocking

Shi Qingxuan's path to follow Pei Ming in going to the East Sea.

Only, every time, Shi Qingxuan had chosen to help Shi Wudu.

He whispered, "...I'm sorry."

He Xuan stopped. He demanded, "And what good is your apology?"

That row of four urns were placed squarely in front of Shi Qingxuan, as if they too were

jeering at his feather light sorry, drilling misery into his heart, scorching his innards, like

everything he said would be seen through. Shi Qingxuan begged, "...I know it's futile, but I..."

He Xuan said cooly, "But you what? You know it's futile but you still want to express

your utmost sincerity, hoping you can move me, that I would let go of this grudge and

dissolve this resentment?"

Shi Qingxuan hastily said, "NO! No! That's not what I meant! It's just.. It's just, I, I, I

really am very sorry I've wronged you. Really. Ming... He... Young Master He. I know

both my brother and I are in the wrong. At this point, there's no turning back, so..."

He Xuan was listening intently, "So?"

Yet at this very moment, any more words were only sound weak and pathetic. Shi

Qingxuan tried desperately to come up with something but drew a blank, unable to


He Xuan said coldly, "Well, talk. Why did you stop? So are you willing to die for your sins?"

Shi Qingxuan was taken aback. Shi Wudu couldn't listen anymore and shouted, "HE

XUAN!!! The offender is me, it's the Reverend of Empty Words. Qingxuan's sin doesn't

deserve death, you..."

"And who in my family has sinned?" He Xuan countered, "Who of my family deserved


Shi Wudu choked. He Xuan continued, "Go on. Tell me. Are you willing?"

"...I am." Shi Qingxuan whispered.

Hearing this, He Xuan sneered. Since Shi Qingxuan had his head bowed, Xie Lian

couldn't see his expression, but even if he saw, he probably wouldn't be able to tell what

he was feeling right this moment.

Then, He Xuan walked away with his fists by his sides. That band of crazed lunatics

saw him leave and came to surround him once more, hugging Shi Qingxuan's arms and

thighs refusing to let go. Some were also pulling at his hair, some hooked around his

neck, each of them with mad glints in their eyes, as if they want to eat him alive into

their stomachs. Even though Xie Lian had lived among the homeless before, he too felt

his blood run cold, and he wondered, 'Just who are these people? Why did Demon

Xuan collect such a group of mad men here?'

However, Shi Qingxuan only silently endured the pushing and shoving of those mad

men, tolerating their pulling and dragging, scared to make a sound. He Xuan watched

with cold eyes for a while, then he spoke, "Do you know who these people are?"

A few decaying stick-like fingers clawed at Shi Qingxuan's face and felt all over his

person, but he didn't even dare to breathe, so of course he hadn't the time to ponder

who those people were, and he shook his head. He Xuan answered, "Vile fates. Sordid

fortunes. Lives lower than beasts. Fates that can drive a man mad."


A deep sense of chill crawled into Xie Lian's heart, and he could roughly guess what He

Xuan planned to do. Shi Wudu also understood in a flash, his eyes bulging, "... YOU?!"

He Xuan stood between Shi Wudu and Shi Qingxuan and said coldly, "Now, I give you

two options."

He pointed at Shi Wudu first, "Option one. You, pick one from this crowd and exchange

your brother's fate with him. Then, you make yourself disappear in the mortal realm."

Shi Wudu's eyes were growing bloodshot, his shoulders starting to shake. He Xuan

continued, "Since you enjoy switching fates so much, you must be quite skilled at it. No

need for me to teach you."

If the reasons behind this move was disregarded, then it was truly malicious. Although

Shi Qingxuan's original fate wasn't good enough to ascend, it was still a life that was

filled with peaceful luxury and leisure. Looking at those mad men, they were either

wrought with disease and rotten sores, or driven to madness by adversities. No matter

what it was clear that they were all those who suffered wretched and miserable

fortunes. If Shi Qingxuan was to exchange fates with any of them, wouldn't he fall into

the same tragic state? Those were lives that could drive a man mad, and henceforth he

would suffer endless agony and torment.

This trial, it was obvious Shi Wudu had failed to pass his Heavenly Calamity this time.

And now the affair with the Reverend of Empty Words had been outed, he would no

doubt be banished. After being banished to mortal realm, he would not be able to

provide Shi Qingxuan with a good fate any longer. A common mortal with his powers

stripped away and a sordid man suffering vile fortunes, how could they possibly

continue to live their lives?

Shi Wudu huffed a breath and gritted his teeth, "And the second option?"

He Xuan continued, "The second option.You."

This time, the one he eyed was Shi Qingxuan.

He slowly enunciated each word. "I won't touch your fate. But, here in this place, chop

off your brother's head for me."

CLANG! He threw a rusty blade onto the ground. Shi Qingxuan stared at that blade, his

eyes wide. He Xuan continued, "Then, never show yourself before me again, and I will

pretend you've never existed in this world."

A hatred so deep that it had seeped into his bones for hundreds of years finally erupted

at the peak; anyone could see the colour of fervent madness burning in his eyes.

Anyone could see that he wasn't bluffing. After a moment of silence, Shi Wudu croaked,

"...I'll end myself. Let me do it myself."

"You've no right to bargain with me." He Xuan said.

Shi Wudu looked at Shi Qingxuan and mumbled miserably, "You're asking for our


Shi Qingxuan however, wasn't as despairing as he was, and said hurriedly, "Ge! Ge!

Let's, let's choose the first option. The first one."

A moment later, Shi Wudu calmed down. "No. I choose the second one."

"..." Shi Qingxuan was dumbfounded, "Why the second option? Can we not both live?

Ge, I can't do it, I really can't."

Shi Wudu said furiously, "QUIET! Don't you understand? To have me lose everything

and watch you become a grimey creature, you think I can do it?! Why don't I just go

ahead and die from madness!"

"Ge!" Shi Qingxuan exclaimed, "Nevermind... living is still better than death. Besides,

really, if you think about it, we've... we've lived for hundreds of years already, it's time

to... it's time to..." As he talked he seemed to remember just how well he lived the past

few hundred years, and he was so ashamed he daren't continue.

He Xuan was still watching them coldly. Shi Wudu finally crawled to his feet, grabbed

that blade spotty with rust, and stumbled to the wallside. He grasped his younger

brother's shoulder and said, "Come!" Then he whispered harshly, "...Go find General

Pei. Ask him to take care of you."

That blade was terrifyingly heavy and covered in rust; nevermind killing a man, even

killing a chicken it'd be difficult. If this blade was used to cut off anyone's head, both the

executioner and the target would suffer great pains. Shi Qingxuan was so horrified he

couldn't keep a hold of it in his hands, dropping it a number of times on the ground.

"Nevermind, ge, nevermind! Didn't you tell me yourself? Everyone only cares for

themselves in this world, why would anyone take care of us? Haven't we always taken

cared of each other? Don't give this thing to me, DON'T GIVE IT TO ME!"

Shi Wudu shouted, "QINGXUAN! Don't be so immature!"

Then, he smiled bitterly, "...Your brother's been named the Water Tyrant, you know this.

Having surged so many waves over the years, there's at least a thousand. I've enemies

covering the heavens to the earth. It'd be easier if I die. If I die then nothing else will

happen to you. If I don't die but have nothing, then that's truly a fate worse than death. If

I'm not the Water God, I can't take care of you. I won't even be able to protect myself.

I'm scared that we won't even last two days... TAKE THIS!"

Shi Qingxuan was going to weep from horror, and cried uncontrollably, "NO! I CAN'T I



He started screaming with every fibre of his being until he was hoarse, crying for help.

Shi Wudu exclaimed, "IT'S ALRIGHT! Don't be scared, Qingxuan, this won't hurt as

much as exchanging fate or stripping spiritual power..."

He Xuan had been infinitely patient up to this point but now he suddenly kicked out.

Without warning, Shi Wudu was knocked to the side and he spat out a mouth full of

blood, tumbling on the ground, unable to get up. Shi Qingxuan yelled from the wall,


He Xuan said chillingly, "Quiet! Enough of that disgusting display of brotherly love. Open

your eyes and see where you are. No one will be moved by you here."

Unexpectedly, after Shi Wudu puked out mouthfuls of blood, he suddenly leapt to his

feet and grabbed for Shi Qingxuan's neck. Xie Lian was stunned, feeling his breathing

stop, and blood rushing to his head. Shi Qingxuan gasped, "...Ge?"

Shi Wudu gritted through his blood-covered teeth, "Qingxuan! I can't leave you alone

like this! If I die there's no way you'll be able to survive in this world, so you might as

well come with me!"

Then, he exerted more strength in his hands and gripped harder. Shi Qingxuan's sight

was going dark, and dying groans were escaping from his throat. Xie Lian as shocked to

the core, was the Lord Water Master really going to strangle Lord Wind Master to death?!

Soon after, the pressure on his throat suddenly disappeared; a large amount of fresh air

poured in, and Shi Qingxuan coughed unceasingly from the choking, finally catching his

breath. However, it was He Xuan standing right next to them who had ripped off Shi

Wudu's two arms from the elbows down that were wringing Shi Qingxuan's neck. He

Said coldly, "Did I give you a third path?"

With two forearms broken off, Shi Wudu was spurting blood like a fountain, yet he

started laughing uproariously. He Xuan tossed the two forearms aside like they were

trash, "What are you laughing about?"

Shi Wudu waved those empty, blood-soaked long sleeves and said, "I'm laughing at

you! I'm laughing at you thinking you've got the upper hand! Did you think you've finally

taken your revenge after enduring for so many years? Does it feel good?"

"Seeing you broken like this, it does feel good." He Xuan said.

"Is that right?" Shi Wudu said, "Then let me tell you, I feel good too!"

He used those broken arms that were bleeding profusely to tug He Xuan's collar,

"Because I see the you right now who is so filled with rage, so filled with suffering, so

filled with hate, yet you are still powerless in bringing your family back. You're still

nothing more than a ghost in the gutters of the shadows. BE AS MAD AS YOU WANT,

THEY'RE LONG GONE! But me, and my brother, we've lived for so long, and we've

been heavenly officials for hundreds of years, so even if he can't be one any longer,

even he can't live anymore, he still profited. I'M STILL THE VICTOR SO I FEEL EVEN


The more he listened the more He Xuan's pale face dropped, as if a cold, barren land

had caught on ghost fire, and suddenly, the air in the chamber dropped steeply in

temperature. Shi Qingxuan was terrified to the core and croaked with a hoarse voice,

"...Ge, stop talking. Can you please stop talking. Ge, my god, what are you saying?

What nonsense are you spewing..."

He Xuan whipped out his hand and choked Shi Wudu's neck, "HAVE YOU NO


Shi Wudu laughed wildly, "Remorse? HMPH! WHAT A JOKE! And to think you're a

Supreme Ghost King, the Ship Sinking Black Water. YOU WANT TO TALK TO ME


Shi Qingxuan wailed and Shi Wudu continued with his head held high, "EVERYTHING I




This was the first time Xie Lian had heard this interpretation of "My fate is up to me and

not the heavens", and he was blown away. He Xuan also burst out laughing, sounding

like his eyes were opened to a new world by Shi Wudu's unshakable tenacity in refusing

to admit wrongs. His expression was growing more and more frightening, and Shi

Qingxuan broke down, "...Gege, I beg you I beg you, please stop talking, please shut

up. Help..."

However, Shi Wudu's smug arrogance was undaunted, "Qingxuan, gege will go ahead

first. I will wait for you down below. Hahahahaha..."

Before he finished his sentence, He Xuan placed his hand over his head and gripped

his hair. Shi Qingxuan's soul was going to leave his body, the iron chains banged and

clanged against the wall madly, "MING-XIONG! MING-XIONG! I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY





He wanted to beg, to pray for mercy, but his pleas wouldn't leave his lips, and he could

only use his eyes to kowtow. He Xuan watched him, and in a fleeting moment, he

seemed to have remembered something. He calmed and stopped.

Seeing this, it was like there was a thread of hope, and Shi Qingxuan let out a breath of

relief, tears finally rolling down. But before he could speak, he heard He Xuan's cruel

voice rang, "You've called the wrong person."

Then, he his hand shot up and wrenched Shi Wudu's head from his neck!


With the head separated from the body, blood erupted from the clean breach of Shi

Wudu's neck, spraying far onto Shi Qingxuan's body and face. Finally, Shi Qingxuan

couldn't take it anymore, and he started screaming like he was crazy.

To see a headless corpse stand without collapsing, those mad men found it incredibly

interesting, and they all started freaking in delight, spinning around him in circles, their

bare feet smearing bloody footprints all over. They clapped and cheered as they spun,



Shi Qingxuan screamed for who knows how long, screamed until it felt like his soul and

spirit had fled, and he couldn't remember when he had stopped. When Xie Lian came to

along with his consciousness, he was already a lifeless heap on the blood-soaked floor.

He Xuan was standing not far from him with Shi Wudu's head, still with eyes round and

wide, dangling from his hand. He was looking down on Shi Qingxuan, watching from


A moment later, He Xuan asked blandly, "Do you have anything else you want to say?"


Shi Qingxuan's eyes were dead, his gaze unfocused as he stared at that row of urns

atop the altar before him and those two shredded fans on the ground. It was a long time

before he mumbled, "...I want to die."

He Xuan said coldly, "Dream on."

Then, He Xuan extended a hand towards him and Shi Qingxuan closed his eyes.

At the same time, Xie Lian's soul was suddenly yanked out and thrusted upward!

When he fell back down and reopened his eyes, he was lying limply in the embrace of a

red clad man. With one hand gently grasping his chin, Hua Cheng was kissing him

deeply. No wonder Xie Lian felt the spiritual power supporting the Soul Shifting Spell

was slipping away so rapidly. Turns out, Hua Cheng used the fastest and most effective

way to suck out all the powers he lent Xie Lian, and successfully brought Xie Lian's soul

back into his own body.