
Heaven's King Last Bride

Abigail is forced to ask some neighbors to thwart the work of Arfando, the man she believes to be her son who left her twenty years ago, and makes Arfando have to lose the opportunity to marry Abigail because of his failure. When she was restless knowing that Arfando left the village while continuing his tantrum, a handsome man wearing a royal crown came and protected her. Who was this man and what was his purpose in coming into Abigail's life?

arie_riyan · Fantasy
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20 Chs

5. Feel it With Your Heart

"I will never ask you for the umpteenth time, sir."

"Okay, Sophie. I will leave this house, but you must remember that I will not stand by whatever happens to you."

Anthropy stood up and in the blink of an eye he disappeared leaving Abigail alias Sofia stunned. After Anthropy died, Abigail thought again. Where did Anthrophy find out her true identity, while all this time she had always hidden it from anyone, including her son.

Abigail then walked towards the door to re-lock the door to her room but her eyes widened when she saw that the door to her room was not unlocked at all, still the same as when she entered.

"How could he get into my room without unlocking it at all? Is he a really powerful person and has extraordinary power to break through this solid wall? Ah I don't know, I don't want to think too hard and make myself more dizzy because the problem doesn't really matter to me."

Abigail then stepped back towards her bed and she tried to lie down to relieve the tiredness she had experienced for a long time.

Her dream was dreamy imagining how happy she was when she was still with Foxy and Arfando. She felt like a queen in her home because the both men she loved so much truly poured out all their affection for her. Unknowingly, her eyes had started to mist and from the corners of her droopy eyes, slowly but surely, a pool of water was ready to be poured out.

One by one the crystal clear water fell onto her beautiful face. Her chest heaved up and down feeling how much Abigail missed them.

"Dear God, if You give me one order to ask for one wish that I really want in my life, I will choose to live together with Foxy and my son, Arfando."

Lightning suddenly boomed, breaking the silence, causing all the residents who were busy in the fields to scream and run to find a place to hide. People in the kingdom of Mystick believe that if there is thunder that sounds in the middle of the day and is brightly lit, it means that one big wish will be granted and they all must seek shelter. With the request of a good person being granted, lightning will strike one of those who are outside the house to become a sacrifice for the request of the good person to be granted.

"Oh my God, do I have to hide too so I don't become a victim? They said when there was lightning during the day and it was very sunny, everyone had to hide so they wouldn't be struck. I'm already at home, but I'm really afraid that I'll be left in this village alone. I'm sure they will leave the village without thinking about my condition."

Abigail got up from her bed and sat down for a moment then she parted her long hair and brushed it quickly. She immediately ran to the door, hoping to catch up with the residents to evacuate, but she was again afraid because the door to her room could not be opened at all.

"Where are you going, my lady?'

Abigail was stunned to see Anthropy already in front of her. She looked at the handsome face in front of her unblinking but she immediately looked away in another direction.

"I-I, I want to get out."

"Why come out? Don't you want to live with your son Foxy and Arfando? Why do you want to leave those who have come?"

Abigail looked around looking for the two figures she missed so much, but she couldn't find the people Anthropy had just mentioned.

"They are here you say? Why can't I see it at all?"

"Is that true? Can't you see Foxy is around you? He wanted to hug you, but he was so disappointed that you said you didn't see him."

Abigail scratched her head uncomfortably. She wanted to ask where they were but her lips felt numb.

"They are disappointed that you can't remember your husband and son. How can you say you miss your husband when he's already around you but you can't see him?"

"I-I, I really can't see them, Master. I apologize. Please convey my apologies to my husband for my negligence in knowing where he is now."

Anthrophy shook his head.

"You can say your own apology. Isn't love able to make the distant become close? You can try to find him first and you must immediately hug him tightly so he can no longer leave you."

Abigail blinked her eyes, trying to comply with all of Anthrophy's requests, but once again she was confused by what the man was saying. She couldn't see anyone but Anthrophy at all.

"How? Still claiming to love your husband?"

"Master, please don't say a line that will only fool me. I have absolutely no idea what your words mean."

Anthropy, disappointed, could only smile at Sofia's confusion. He wanted to say that he was Foxy, Sofia's husband who at that time was in the form of a dog who was killed by his son because his son failed to get a deer's heart, but he refused because he didn't want Sofia to be surprised and kicked him out because he didn't believe what he said. For Anthrophy together with Sofia right now is a joy in itself.

"Master, please come out! I really don't want to hear the nonsense you are saying. You give false hope with your words and it makes me sad when I realize that no one I love is around me."

Anthrophy nodded his head and then she stepped away from Abigail who at this time could only lower her head while biting her lower lip to hold back a cry that really made her heart hurt. Anthrophy then sat on the sofa in the corner of the room. He wanted to hug Abigail but he couldn't. Again, not because he didn't want to but because Anthrophy didn't want to make Sofia reject him outright.

"I'm not going to tell you where your husband and children are right now. I'm just telling you, use your instincts and feelings for those who are close to you. Are there any of them who are very similar to your husband? If you really love him, you will know and recognize his character as long as you hang out with him even though he doesn't say that he is your husband. How? Are you willing to open a little of your heart and feelings to just recognize the people who are close to you? Don't ever think anything is impossible Sofia. Everything in the world is possible and God gave the possibility 50 to 50 with the impossibility."

Sofia was silent hearing the words spoken by Anthrophy. She thought that it wouldn't hurt to follow the advice of the man who was currently making her even more uncomfortable being in the same room.

"I'll try your advice but I beg you to get out of my sight for now because I don't want people to say I took advantage of the situation by being around a guy like you. Go away and don't ever come if I don't call you!"

Anthrophy who was disappointed then stood up and unsteadily he walked away leaving Sofia who was still shifting her gaze to another direction. Several times Anthrophy stayed where he was, hoping Sofia would cancel his request, but several times he had to sigh in disappointment because what he wanted really didn't happen.

"I will go and please take good care of yourself!"

Sofia nodded her head then she looked at Anthropy who was slowly disappearing from her sight.

There was a feeling of discomfort when I saw Anthrophy's shadow disappear just like that. There was a sense of loss that he felt the same as when his son said that he killed Foxy who accompanied him hunting in the forest.