

About thirty minutes passed since the fourth bell, and everyone was present in the office except Warden—the suspected convict for all Torin Walt's complaints. And she feared they had gone through the proceeding without Warden being present.

Of course, they threw an olive branch at her as she was allowed to testify on Warden's behalf. So far, she had managed to put most of the accusation in fairness, though she couldn't do anything about the fight. It was a punishable crime among rankers to attack an officer in charge. 

June did her best to shout multiple times; it was Torin Walt who started it, but the noble prick had brought multiple witnesses in the form of students and guildsmen who testified against Warden. On top of that, Warden did not possess a badge at that time, and June wasn't present during the fight. She could only forfeit that.