
Heaven's Greatest Professor

Warden wakes up in a wilderness with a hole in his mind, deprived of all his memories. Lost, he found within himself an aptitude for combat and magic. On happenstance, he rescues a pair of youths and an entire village, pushing him into a renowned academy of mages and warriors alike to become a teacher. Warden adventures across the divided land of Ezim, determined to unravel the mysteries of his past. However, the task becomes incredibly hazardous when his own path—the ruinous power of Void that runs through his veins—holds a connection to the Traitor Gods, who threaten to cast their shadow upon the world once more. ____________

EG0 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
357 Chs


The increase in numbers hardly itched the fire burned within him. He needed more. He wanted more. 

Warden didn't avoid the scratches the claw got in him. His light armour saved him from any sinister wounds, as he kept on killing the beasts efficiently. However, after he was done with his fifth prey, the huge dire wolf seemed to run out of its patience and howled at the top of its lunges.

Its howl seemed to have some psychological effect on others' minds as every one of the villagers as well as the other wolves stopped what they were doing and gave the menacing pack leader a horrified look. 

Warden was unfazed, however. Whatever it was, the howl had no effect on his mind. But his mind swirled in panic when he found the huge wolf attacking the villagers. 

Warden spun on his heels, leaping up on instinct to come between the villager and the beast. He blocked its pouncing claw with his sword, but the wolf hurtled him onto the ground with its superior physical power. 

He channelled the void energy through the Palace of Toil, and imbued everything into the sword. The blade glowed in a menacing purple light, as it bit through the beast's claws. 

Warden's body had already gone through a lot, along with the terrible exhaustion that ran deep. He couldn't leap up from the disadvantageous position, only roll under the huge creature before it could bite its maw into him. 

Its claw found purchase in his light armour more than a couple of times as he withdrew, but the armour held still. Warden had even forgotten to consider that it might be another artifact like the sword. For that matter, his cloak was undamaged as well. 

He really must be some important fellow to own all those. 

Five minutes into the fight, Warden's body was feeling terribly lethargic. The only reason he was to keep going was the increase in Strength after killing the smaller wolves. Unfortunately, the few that remained were dealt with by the villagers, a few even had run away, leaving only their pack leader. 

Warden had bloodied the beast in multiple places, his void energy restricting its self-healing process, causing the beast to grow mad. It was oozing out dark terrible power as well, but they weren't the same as the void energy that ran through his veins.

He still targeted its lower body. With both their agility restricted through exhaustion and injuries, their situation almost reverted to the original state. Well, obviously, the advantage tilted in his direction as he could finally put all his attention on the beast. 

With the villagers saved, they became appalled with the man in the dark clock fighting their arch-enemy. They forget to put off the fire and watch them battle. But not all of them were clueless or appalled to losing their mind, a boy, no older than fifteen, seemed to have regained his wits before anyone else and shot arrows at the beast. 

Tears and sweat streamed down the boy's face, as he probably had lost family precious to him. His aim ran true, finding purchase in the beast's body. 

Sadly, even in its mad exhausted form, the beast's defence was higher than the boy imagined. The arrow couldn't even leave a mark in its body, but it provided Warden with a chance to deal a critical blow. 

When the wolf's eyes turned to find sources of a new threat, Warden lunged forward, his sword sweeping true. 

The Divider divided one of its back legs entirely, as dark blood gushed out in a fountain. Imbalanced and in pain, the beast fell, howling maddeningly. 

Warden didn't let go of this chance. He withdrew his blade and plunged it into its neck. He pierced deeper putting his everything into it. 

The beast didn't cease its howl as the blood bubbled up from the wound. It struggled running its claws wildly, some finding purchase. Warden endured them all, drilling his blade deeper to make sure of its demise. 

His heart wretched loudly in his chest at an inhuman speed, even still each moment felt slow as he saw the light growing dimmer in the cursed creature's eyes. 

Soon it stopped struggling, as the blade pierced right through its neck, proving its demise. 

[Iron Grade energy harvested.] 

A high amount of warm energy gushed into his body, running through his channels and whole body to be swallowed by the core. It almost washed away the terrible exhaustion, but Warden had a feeling the exhaustion wouldn't go away just by killing a wolf leader. 

There was a delay in the increase of attributes, but after discovering the boost, he couldn't complain at all. 

[+4.5 Strength] 

[+0.4 Spirit] 

[+0.2 Mind] 

Among the appalled gazes of the crowd, Warden was breathless to say anything. He came down from the beast, cleaning his blade with its fur and sheathed it. 

The gazes of people unnerved him, there were many questions in their looks. He didn't know the answer to any of them. Sadly for them, they had a more prominent problem than him. 

"Well, now shouldn't we do something about the fire?" Warden said, his voice was slow and clear, but it rang like an alarm through the crowds as they broke out of their stupor and started running towards the wells. 

Through fatigued, Warden was about to go and help them when a small white furry animal leapt at him out of nowhere. He caught the bunny as it glowed in silvery light. 

It seemed to transfer heat from its body to him, as the healing power cleared his fatigue to some degree. 

"I guess you do have some uses other than being cute and fluffy," Warden told, caressing the bunny.

He finally noticed a couple of figures standing before him, unsure how to approach them. It was the two that faced the pack leader before he came along. The rabbit had healed them pretty well as well, though their faces were pale, body language rough. 

"Help yourself," he said, "I'll see what I can do about the fire." 

With that, he joined the villagers in putting off the fire.