
The Nine-tailed Fox hears about a treasure map

Arriving in Kunlun fills Wu Yun with equal measure relief and sorrow. Some progress has been made in restoring the destroyed pavilions, but the dismal expanse of scorched land still hasn't had time to recover. 

Zhao Yi's mercenaries are still hard at work, side by side with Beasts, to rebuild and restore some of the destroyed pavilions. The mismatch styles of their patchwork efforts are visible in the already restored buildings. Kunlun will not look the same as it did before Immortal Mountain's attack.

The white tiger and rabbit introduce themselves as Wei Rui and Zi Min. They're still dazed, and trying to shake off the effects of whatever mind-controlling substance they were on.

Looking at their bewildered and wide-eyed state, fills Wu Yun with guilt. He lowers his eyes when he addresses Lu Meng, to suggest:

"Take them to see Cang Chuxi, we'll come by later."