
Heaven's Eternal Love Flame

[MATURE CONTENT] "You are mine and only I can have you as my lawful wife and woman forever, Yang Mi! I really do not care for your other title but only as my woman who will be with me forever on my side!" Bai Jue proclaimed, his voice resolute and unwavering, echoing through the grand hall. The Peach Blossom Grand Feast, held by Yang Rui to celebrate her daughter's crowning ceremony as the Queen Mother of the West, was suddenly filled with a charged silence. The newly reborn golden phoenix, Yang Mi, stood radiant, her eyes locked with Bai Jue's. In that moment, amidst the falling peach blossoms, their destinies became irrevocably intertwined, promising a love that would challenge the heavens and the earth. In the celestial expanse where gods and immortals reign, the love story of Bai Jue, the future Jade Emperor, and Yang Mi, the future Queen Mother of the West, unfolds. Yang Mi, the Princess of the Phoenix, resides in Kunlun Mountain in her peacock form, under the care of her mother, Yang Rui. To prepare for her future role, Yang Mi is sent to study under the tutelage of the formidable Lord of War, Fang Zhu. However, driven by her adventurous spirit and love for food and money, Yang Mi escapes to the mortal realm. In the mortal realm, Bai Jue, the crown prince, embarks on his first trial to ascend to the celestial throne and eliminate his rivals. During a perilous mission, he is ensnared in a deadly plot by his half-brother, only to be saved by the spirited and resourceful Yang Mi at an inn. This fateful encounter marks the beginning of their powerful alliance and budding romance. As Bai Jue strives to become the Jade Emperor, he must navigate a treacherous path filled with danger and deceit. Meanwhile, Yang Mi faces her own trials to transform into the majestic golden phoenix and rightful Queen Mother of the West. Their shared journey intertwines their fates, challenging them to overcome external threats and the trials of their burgeoning love. Can Bai Jue emerge victorious and claim the celestial throne? Will Yang Mi fulfill her destiny and rise as the Queen Mother of the West? Together, they embark on an epic saga of love, power, and destiny, striving to become the most powerful couple in the three realms and overcome their love trial together. All this story is fictional and please be kind as ENGLISH is not my native language.

Poetri_cantique · History
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19 Chs

the unexpected selection

The afternoon sun cast long shadows as Tan Yuan's carriage pulled up to the imposing front gates of the palace. The grandeur of the scene was enough to make anyone's heart race, but Tan Yuan tried to maintain his composure for Yang Mi's sake. Beside him, Yang Mi sat silently, her face a mask of calm, though her heart pounded with anxiety. Tan Qi, her loyal maid, sat opposite her, her eyes wide with wonder and apprehension.

"Miss, we're here," Tan Yuan said, his voice tinged with a mixture of pride and worry.

Yang Mi nodded, stepping out of the carriage. "Thank you, Tan Yuan. Wait for us here. We don't know how long this will take."

Tan Qi followed closely as they joined a long line of carriages, each one bearing a noble lady from different parts of the kingdom. The scene was a spectacle of beauty and wealth, with countless young women, each more beautiful than the last, lined up to enter the palace.

"They are all so... beautiful," Tan Qi whispered, her voice trembling slightly.

Yang Mi gave her a reassuring smile. "Beauty alone won't win this competition, Tan Qi. Remember, we have our own strengths."

They were escorted into a grand hall on the outskirts of the palace, where they were handed plain grey silk dresses and simple golden hair accessories and earrings. The stark simplicity of the attire was a sharp contrast to the opulent garments they had worn on arrival.

"They want us to change into these?" Tan Qi asked, her voice laced with disbelief.

"Yes," Yang Mi replied, her voice steady. "It's part of the selection process. They want to strip away our outward appearances and see what's underneath."

In the dressing room, Yang Mi took a deep breath, feeling a sense of vulnerability as she removed her own clothes and donned the plain grey dress. She carefully arranged her hair and placed the simple golden accessories as instructed. She looked at her reflection in the mirror, seeing not just herself, but the weight of the challenge ahead.

"Miss, you look... stunning," Tan Qi said softly. "Even without makeup, you outshine them all."

Yang Mi smiled, appreciating the sentiment. "Thank you, Tan Qi. Now, let's face whatever comes next."

They were soon herded into another room where senior court ladies conducted a thorough examination to check for any marks on their bodies and to verify their virginity. Yang Mi felt her heart hammering in her chest, not from fear of the examination itself, but from the unknown implications of the test.

"Relax, miss," a senior court lady whispered as she conducted the examination. "You will be fine."

Unbeknownst to Yang Mi, Da Yi had already planted a trusted senior court lady to ensure she passed this round, fulfilling the wishes of the crown prince.

As the first round concluded, nearly half of the candidates were eliminated, leaving only twenty, including Yang Mi. Despite her plain attire and lack of makeup, her natural beauty shone through, making her stand out among the remaining candidates.

Meanwhile, in his study, Bai Jue worked efficiently, clearing his morning schedule. He finished his tasks with unusual speed and precision, his thoughts constantly drifting to the selection process. He had arranged a special lunch for Yang Mi, eager to spend more time with the woman who had captured his heart.

In the selection hall, Yang Mi couldn't help but notice Gu Wan Niang, the daughter of Minister Gu, who was clearly one of the favorites. Gu Wan Niang wore a light layer of makeup and had her hair styled exquisitely, flaunting her beauty and connections.

"She's using every trick in the book," Yang Mi muttered to Tan Qi. "Bribes and connections to eliminate the competition."

Tan Qi looked concerned. "What can we do, miss? She's powerful and well-connected."

Yang Mi's eyes narrowed. "We'll just have to outsmart her."

The bell rang, signaling the lunch break. Da Yi appeared, bowing respectfully. "Lady Yang Mi, if you would please follow me."

Yang Mi exchanged a glance with Tan Qi, who nodded encouragingly. "Go, miss. I'll be right here."

Da Yi escorted Yang Mi through a series of winding corridors to a secluded part of the palace near the back garden. This area, Bai Jue's childhood sanctuary, featured a lush flower garden and a small jade pond, creating a serene and peaceful atmosphere.

As they approached a charming gazebo, Yang Mi noticed a table laden with various delicacies prepared by the royal kitchen. Da Yi stopped a respectful distance away, indicating that this was where she was to meet the crown prince.

"Hi, beautiful. Finally, we meet again," Bai Jue greeted her with a warm smile, stepping forward as she curtsied.

Yang Mi straightened, looking directly into his eyes. "Your Highness, I believe you had a hand in putting me into this selection. Why?"

Bai Jue chuckled, guiding her to a seat. "You are very perceptive. Yes, it was I. But you must understand, after that night, you have a responsibility towards me. You can't just discard me."

Yang Mi felt a flush of anger and embarrassment. "You have no shame, Your Highness," she retorted, remembering how he had initiated their intimate encounter.

Bai Jue smiled, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Perhaps not. But I also have no regrets."

As they shared the meal, Bai Jue's playful banter gradually put Yang Mi at ease. She found herself laughing and relaxing, despite the tense situation.

In the selection hall, Gu Wan Niang seethed with anger. Her spies had reported that the crown prince's eunuch had escorted one of the candidates to meet someone from the crown prince's quarters. She was livid that Bai Jue had shown such favoritism.

"She will not win," Gu Wan Niang hissed to her maid. "Arrange for the roughest guards to trap her in one of the changing rooms. And make sure the senior maids are there to condemn her."

The maid nodded, hurrying to carry out the orders. Unbeknownst to them, Bai Jue had already anticipated such treachery. As Yang Mi prepared to return to the selection hall, Bai Jue walked with her, his hand lightly resting on her arm.

"You should be careful," he murmured. "There are many who would like to see you fail."

"I will be," Yang Mi replied, feeling a strange sense of reassurance from his presence.

As they approached the changing rooms, Bai Jue's keen eyes spotted a pair of low-ranking guards lurking suspiciously. Drawing his hidden sword, he swiftly dealt with the threat, leaving the would-be attackers unconscious.

Yang Mi, however, had already inhaled the fumes of an aphrodisiac incense planted by Gu Wan Niang's maid. Feeling lightheaded, she stumbled slightly, her vision blurring.

"Da Yi," Bai Jue called out, his voice firm. "Clean up here and ensure no one finds out what happened. I'm taking Lady Yang Mi to my palace."

Lifting her gently, Bai Jue carried Yang Mi to his chambers, her body growing warmer and her breathing more labored as the drug took effect. He placed her on his bed, his heart aching with concern.

"Yang Mi, can you hear me?" he whispered, brushing her hair from her face.

She nodded weakly, her eyes half-closed. "Yes... but I feel strange."

Bai Jue sighed, his resolve hardening. "You've been drugged. I'll help you through this."

As the effects of the incense intensified, Bai Jue stayed by her side, offering her the antidote in the form of gentle care and presence. The love and passion that ensued between them were intense, yet tender, sealing their bond even further.

In the quiet aftermath, as Yang Mi lay nestled in Bai Jue's arms, she whispered, "Thank you for saving me."

Bai Jue kissed her forehead softly. "I'll always protect you, Yang Mi. No matter what."

Back in the selection hall, the remaining candidates were preparing to return home for the evening. Gu Wan Niang, confident in her schemes, awaited news of Yang Mi's downfall. She would soon learn, however, that her machinations had only brought Bai Jue and Yang Mi closer together, setting the stage for an even more formidable challenge.