

Yuuna is just an average girl in this post-apocalyptic world, when one day an unexpected threat brings her hometown to its knees. As she leaves everything behind and sets out on a journey for her loved ones, the girl learns the secrets of the world, but also of her own origin and fate. Lucky enough to be taken in by a secret organization, Yuuna becomes a shadow that rids humanity of internal corruption caused by the threat ruling over the lands. Will she succeed in purging the other-worldly evil? Or will she bring an end to all?

Akuma_Sensei · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The Last Day of Peace

"Umm….ugh…the sun's too bright…someone turn it off."

Why must morning come? Why doesn't the night last longer? Why do classes start so early? These are questions I ask myself every morning on a regular basis. It's such a pain, I wish I could sleep forever. Wait, what's the time?

I search for the clock hanging somewhere on my wall as if it were placed in a different spot each time I want to look at it. My brain is still asleep. Oh, there it is, and the time is…Crap, I overslept. Oh well, being a few minutes late for class won't kill anyone…Except that, today is the ranking exam!

I swiftly throw myself into my uniform and descend the stairs while tying up my hair into my usual ponytail, attempting to make it look decent to at least some extent. My next objective is the exit across the living room- I kick my pinky toe into the corner of our dining table and freeze up on the spot; I'm barely holding back my tears.

"See, that wouldn't have happened if you went to bed early as I told you to."

My mom steps in with a 'told you so' line as she creeps up on me from behind. A tall and black-haired woman with violet eyes. Recently I've come to notice my sisters resemble her much more than I do. Maybe I'm after my dad, or I just might be adopted.

"Here, I've made you this. I had a feeling you would oversleep. Sleeping in on important days is your specialty after all."

She gives me a steel box containing food. I wonder what she made me. Never mind that, I need to run! I thank her and continue towards the exit when she stops me one last time.

"Wait, don't forget this."

She tosses me my necklace holding a black cross with a red gem in its center. It's something I got from my parents before I can even remember. It's like a lucky charm, but I'm a superstitious person who believes in luck charms having some sort of a limit before it all runs out. So I only take it for important occasions, otherwise I just leave it in mom's care. I'm an expert when it comes to losing important stuff.

"Yeah! I'll be heading out now, and when I return, I'll be one of the top-ranking students! So you better prepare a party by then!"

And with that, I dash out through the doorway. Leaving mom and my home behind. I only wish my sisters would at least wake me up. Alright, I'm going to nail the exams!


[Sometime later]

"I can't believe you have left me behind! Some sisters you are!"

I've successfully caught up to my older sisters just as they're entering the school. Charlotte looks at me with displeasure while Lena has more of a confused look on her face.

"Look who decided to show up."

Says Charlotte as I stand before her covered in sweat and a messy uniform.

"We woke you up, but you told us to go on ahead, that you have everything under control. That there's no way you would miss out on the exam day. So we left without you."

"What are you-… Wait, yeah. That really happened, hasn't it."

Charlotte is right. Now that she told me, I can somewhat remember waking up. I was too sleepy to get up and decided to stay in bed for five more minutes. But still!

"There there, you still made it on time. That's all that matters, right?"

Lena fixes up my clothes and wipes my face with a clean tissue. I'm starting to slowly calm down.

"How come you are never this kind to me?"

Charlotte's disappointment only increases as I give her a smug look.

"Maybe because I can't have a single morning without fighting you to get you out of the bed sheets."

"Hey! I got up on time today!"

We are interrupted by the sound of bells ringing throughout the whole school building. The exams will be starting soon, I need to get ready! Without a second thought, I sprint out toward the changing rooms, this time being the one leaving my sisters behind. When I arrive at the girl's changing room, everyone is already getting prepared. I'm still on time though, now just gotta find some space, it's practically packed in here.

"Yuuna! Over here!"

That's Himari's voice. I spot my friend shortly after scanning the area. She's waving at me from a corner across the room. I squeeze my way through the crowds of students all dressed in the same black tops and shorts. Who's idea was it to make a single changing room for all of the girls in the school?

"Where are your sisters?"

Himari questions me as soon as she gets the chance since she notices I'm alone.

"They should be here soon."

I couldn't help it. I finally get to demonstrate my power. A great way to boost my ego!

"Did you know? The same guy from last year will be overseeing the exams. Apparently, he's one of the highest-ranking commanders straight from the capital. I can't wait to see him again!"

If I can remember correctly, he's pretty old. Like past middle age-old. With a full beard and a bushy mustache being an addition to his mean-looking face. That kind of guy.

"Since when are you into older men?"

Red as a tomato. That's the only way I could describe her current skin tone. I guess she responds with colors now instead.

"I've only found out myself after last year. That single time our eyes have met was the moment my love for sprouted and has been blossoming ever since."

I'm pretty sure she's referring to that one time the guy was walking around as we students were lined up. He was trying to intimidate us with his stare while explaining some stuff. I can't believe she means these cheesy lines seriously. I'm caught off guard when someone's arm wraps around my shoulder.

"There you are. What happened to all that 'waiting for your sisters' talk? And what's up with her?"

Oh, they found me. Rather than being focused solely on me, their attention is stolen by our drooling lovebird. Charlotte seems more confused than myself.

"She's having a love-struck episode."

Lena walks out of the man-made swarm and approaches Himari as she pronounces -

"Nothing unusual there."

I guess this normally happens to her. Despite knowing Himari for quite a while, I've never really seen her like this. I guess Lena manages to calm her down before I get to see this side of her. Since they are classmates and all that.

"Calm down, Himari. Do you really want to go through this again? Don't make me remind you how the particular type of men you specifically choose to shamelessly fall in love with end up ditching you anyway because they aren't the kind that would enjoy girls as clingy as you. Honestly, just 'clingy' doesn't do you justice. How many times have you been dumped already in the past year? Go find a normal loving guy for once, but maybe work on yourself first."

The girl full of love and joy suddenly drops in mood, leaving her happy-go-lucky attitude behind and entering the seven stages of grief. The exams will be starting soon, will she be alright?


[School's training grounds - Exam time]

Just like last year, all of the students are lined up before a small podium upon which the overseeing commander stands. I'm standing between Lena and Hidiku. The rest got separated from us, but it didn't take me long to find them. On one side, a bit further, stands Charlotte with Enmei. And of course, she somehow managed to fall asleep up straight.

"Fight me."

Enmei elbows her just to call her out.

"Shut up. Don't touch me creep."

A valid response from my older sister, glad the feeling is mutual. I hope he was only referring to the sparring session we have later as a part of the exams. Though, if I can hear them all the way here, that would mean… Yeah, he noticed. By the time I realize, the commander is already down his little stage, heading towards them.

Both of them freeze up before his 'majestic' presence. He gets up and personal, straight into Charlotte's face, so close Himari would have already been smooching him if it were to be her. Maybe he's just trying to show off the scar that goes over his eye. Was that always there? I haven't noticed it last year. It looks pretty cool. On the other hand, sis looks traumatized.

"Having fun?"

The questioned girl shakes her head in denial to his calmly asked question, but unlike Charlotte, her partner in crime somehow catches a glimmer of hope and nods with a nervous smile. Charlotte falls into a silent panic.

"Good. I'll see you in the principal's office."

The soldier walks away as my sister gives him a timid 'sir, yes sir'. Enmei continues grinning. Knowing him, he sees this as some kind of special training only the chosen ones are worthy of, freak. I feel kinda bad for sis. Meanwhile, Himari is located on the other side. She's somewhat closer compared to them and… sobbing.

"It's not fair. It should have been me."

Was she always like this?

"Yuuna, are you going against her today? You were raring to go against her last time."

Lena notices me staring down our friend. She's right. Despite Himari's current state, she's strong, really strong. And her fighting style is pure art. She's the second-highest-ranked student for a reason. I can feel the motivation fueling my determination. Today I'll beat her and prove to everyone I belong at the top. Just watch me!


[Even later that day - After exams]

Ugh… where am I? My head hurts, was I asleep? What happened to me? I can't remember anything. I open my eyes to the image of a familiar ceiling.

"Good morning sleeping beauty. Or rather, good evening."

I navigate my sight towards the female voice. It's Lena, sitting further down on my bed. She's reading a book titled 'Last Day of Peace'. I finally fully recognize my surroundings after deciding to sit up; it's the school's infirmary. I've spent a good amount of time here in my first year dodging lessons. The shade of the room makes it apparent it's evening.

"Are the exams over?"

"They are. Charlotte and Enmei are being held hostage by the commander in the principal's office. Hidiku is waiting for them."

God bless them. May my sister return with her sanity intact. Enmei has already lost it with puberty.

"What about the nurse? Shouldn't she be checking up on me?"

I ask her as I find it hard she would just leave us here.

"The nurse went out to chat with someone after convincing her that both of you have tough skulls. She even tested it out herself."

She answers whilst still reading her book.

"That's mean. Wait, both of us?"

As if responding to my question, a sudden groan comes from a bit further within the room. No, it was more of a growl. A zombie?

"Say that one more time and I'll pound your face in so deep it will come out from the back of your head."

Himari answers me in a sluggish manner, the same way someone who just woke up would. Can she read my mind or is she still dreaming? Wait, what is she doing sleeping here in the first place? And why am I here?

"Considering your clueless expression, I'm guessing you don't remember what happened. Long story short, you got too excited about your mock fight and Himari was still going through her depressed phase. I'm pretty sure you've overthrown your punch, she tried to counter it and lost balance. In conclusion, instead of clashing using your fists, you have managed to pull it off with your foreheads instead. It was just a sparring session but you've managed to pull off two knockouts in record time. Impressive."

My older sister enlightens us both. No wonder my head hurts, I can feel it even more when I try to touch it. My co-patient brings in a question of her own.

"So what about the exams? Are we just skipping them?"

Lena answers with a nod.

"Your ranks will remain from last year. You are already in top rank anyway so it shouldn't be a problem for you. Yuuna, I'm sure you'll join us next year. Think of it as extra time for training."

I know she wants me to stay positive, though I can't help but sigh while I gaze out of the window next to me. What a wasted chance.

"A shooting star."

I casually inform the girls accompanying me as I notice something shiny falling from the sky. Himari climbs on my bed in a hurry and sticks to the glass pane.

"Quick, make a wish!"

My sister then joins our small observing club with amusement. We end up watching it for about half a minute, half a minute too long for your typical shooting star, but we only realize when Himari points out its changing size.

"Hey, doesn't it look like it's growing in size?"

Now all three of us are glued to the window, observing something we originally thought we were familiar with. Watching it for a bit longer I come to another realization, a scarier one - The object isn't getting bigger It's -

"It's getting closer."

Lena voices over my exact thoughts in my preoccupied mind. I've never seen anything like it, none of us have, and I'm left wondering what could happen if an object like this made contact with the earth as it fades behind the nearby buildings of our town. Before I even find out what's going on, I can feel my sister grabbing me and throwing all three of us down from the bed.

The next thing I know a loud bang with a powerful shock wave comes roaring through the place, nearly giving me a heart attack. Whatever glass is within the room shatters and the overly loud noise is accompanied by a ground-splitting tremor, throwing over most of the furniture in the room. It only lasted a moment, but it left us petrified on the cold floor of the infirmary. All it took was one more second of hesitation and we could have been goners.

However, our senses soon return as our attention is brought to a ringing bell resonating within the town. It's one of the alarm bells that are used to alert everyone about Demon attacks. There are three types, the deeper the tone, the bigger the threat. Just like most of the town, I've only ever heard the bell ring for the first two threat levels. Anything above that was like a myth to us.

But today the sound produced by this church bell is deep, deeper than I've ever heard a bell ring. An ominous sound that has the power to infect a person's heart with fear. And as its tone echoes, it brings great disaster with it.

Fun and games are over. Time to flip it all over! Add to your libraries if you are enjoying the story so far, it'd make me happy and more motivated to work on my story :>

Akuma_Senseicreators' thoughts