
Heaven's Cry

Zauberei · Action
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2 Chs

Book's Cover II

Did he think I was friends with him or the girl? Regardless, I had to move. That Regalia of his was incredibly strong just in physical strength alone. There was no doubt in my mind that it had the ability to enhance the user's physical abilities, mainly the arms. The speed he moved at was unnaturally fast, so I can only assume that the rest of his body was also given some power boost. I had to be cautious. 

He swung at me. My reflexes told me to duck down and side step with the girl holding onto me, following my movements. 

There wasn't a sign of a teacher around. They were either too busy with something or didn't want to bother getting in the middle of this. Were these two upper-class? They had to be, it's the only explanation for the latter to be possible. 

I might have to activate my Regalia in order to end this quickly to minimize the damage. If only this chick got off me so I could use it without worrying about her. 

If only he didn't resort to violence so quickly, I'd be better prepared to fight him. It didn't take long for him to engage in a fight. That was way too quick. Clearly, he held in some negative emotions that swelled so much to the point of him exploding the moment he saw something that got on his nerves. But he was so quick to swing at me. Was this blind rage?

"A new kid, huh? Sorry to tell you this too late, but I'm usually the guy that breaks new students in! Just to tell them how things work here!" he said with a low growl in his voice. He swung at me again: a right hook. I stepped back, narrowly avoiding avoiding strike. 

I really hated how I was suddenly involved in this. My only interest until now was to go home and get some rest. If I was spending less time dodging these wild attacks, I could activate my Regalia and fight back. If there's one thing everyone should know, it's the fact that it's never a good idea to fight someone without a Regalia while theirs is activated. Doing that is close to suicide. That is why I can only resort to dodging. 

The students moved away so as to not be caught in the middle of everything. Does no one have the guts to get this girl off of me? Are they just like the teachers?

Just add more to my shitty luck, why don't you? I might as well walk under a ladder after this just to see what happens. 

"This is pretty unfair. You're not giving me a chance to activate my own," I said to him in the midst of evading the multiple strikes coming my way. 

He looked confused, a brow raised in response, but he still had an enraged expression at the same time. "Why would I? You're still gonna look weaker than me!" He retorted. My words seemed to have gotten to him, as his movements got even faster.

He's only adding to the stereotypical role he played in this. He picks on the weak and no matter what, he sees himself as stronger than the ones that aren't of the same status as him. 

"So annoying."

That only added fuel to the fire. My words hit him, making his eye twitch and he stopped momentarily. Was he that surprised? I figured that this would be the easiest way to provoke him so that he couldn't move for a second so he could register what I said. 

His response was a strong jab aimed for my face. 

Ducking downwards, I grabbed his gauntlet with my other arm pulling back with a clenched fist. I struck his stomach with all the strength I could muster before he tried to retaliate. It must have been a good punch to force him to step back a bit. He might have been way bigger than me, but there have been times where the smaller opponent can topple a giant. 

My eyes looked over to the girl, and I said, "Hey. You might want to stand back a bit." 

She looked up at me, but despite the feared look in her eyes, she understood my words and stepped away from me. 

Now, while I still had my chance to do something about this situation, I had to activate my own Regalia. I held out my hand, opening my palm as it faced the ground beneath my feet. 

Black particles surrounded my hand. They soon collected into my palm and took shape into that of a sword. As I took hold of it, a wave of energy radiated outward from my own body, with my hand and sword soon flashing for a moment. 

After clearing up, my weapon finally took shape. It was that of a black longsword. It had no guard to speak of, and had a hilt wrapped in red cloth. 

"I know your type. I've seen it so many times I decided to stop counting after the number got too big for me to bother remembering," I uttered as I walked a little bit closer to him. "After a while. . . it started getting really annoying. So, I just decided to try ignoring it all, and it worked for a bit." 

I stared at him as I got closer, and he did his best to step back. It wasn't a reaction that was new to me. A lot of people had that same look on their face when they saw my sword. Though, I never bothered to understand why.

Before he could say anything, I used the hilt of my sword and struck him in his chest, with enough force to send him back towards his brother, who did his best to catch his brother before going with him to fly into the wall. It was far from enough to break the wall, but there was still a heavy thud.

"Christopher, are you alright?" I asked while looking over at him. It made me step back a bit to see that he was actually completely fine from that hit he took. All he did was give me a chuckle and a quick thumbs up. The girl made her way over to him and gave him a big hug. Now wasn't the time to ask who she was and their personal history with one another. That would have to be dealt with after everyone figured out where those footsteps were coming from. Like Christopher, they were coming from inside the school, and the opened windows made it easy to hear. 

It was clear that they were in a hurry to get here judging from how fast each step came after the next. As they forcefully opened the doors with both hands, they stomped their foot on the concrete steps to command everyone to give them their attention. 

Everyone who stood and watched started to whisper to each other. I was still focused on the twins since I wanted to make sure that they were knocked out and that they weren't going to pull something while my back was turned. After hearing some students mention "Student Council President", I couldn't help but turn my head to see who it was.

It was a girl, probably close to my height if I had to guess, with a uniform on that hugged her body. She was both slender yet well-endowed, and I few of the students kept calling her hot. Her dark blue hair was caught in the gentle breeze, and her matching pair of dark blue eyes shot a glare at me. 

Pointing her finger at me, she yelled, "You! Come with me to the student council room! And you two come along, too!" She then turned around and opened the doors, entering the school. 

She was pretty quick to the point. My sword disappeared, reverting to black particles that dispersed, disappearing from sight. So much for going back home and getting some rest. Looks like I'm gonna get an earful from this girl.

With Christopher and the girl, we entered the school.