
Heaven's Cage

Piercing through the atmosphere of the planet Jiklan was a green stone. It glimmered in the darkest night of the planet as the sheer momentum emblazoned the stone in a globe of starry blue fire that attracted the wild creatures farthest from the point of impact and with the clearest of view. Beasts across the entire planet began roaring, howling, and hooting. Sea Creatures even in the deepest depths of the ocean swam around in panic. A feeling of despair from the bottom of their hearts and instincts gripped them. *Booom* Despite the size of the meteorite being no more than an ordinary human's fingernail, the impact on the planet was catastrophic. Ecosystems nearest to the impact were simply erased and the impact reached the nearest sea which soon filled the crater embedded with a tiny piece of emerald-like jewel. However, the moment this jewel came into contact with the first drop of the sea, it simply disappeared. To the strongest masters present in the ever-existing void, however, the emerald was dispersed into the sea. This catastrophe was merely the first of many following. Devastating Meteor Showers, years of the pandemic that affected intelligent and unintelligent lifeforms equally, countless tides of monsters suddenly growing and mutating, and the most chilling of all. The Heaven's Cage. *** Note: I was inspired by god of fishing to write this novel but it is, in now way, a fan fiction. The first part of the prologue is the synopsis and the words below start the story. This novel may contain explicit sexual writing. I don't think there will be harem, but if at any point, I change my mind just for the addition of a single girl, I will edit this note. This may feel like a slow start compared to other cultivation novel so please enter with healthy skepticism. After all, this may not entertain you at all. In future action scenes, I might add gory content.

FanHarem · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
40 Chs



The gentle crashes of waves against the surface of the ship filled the air while the group located movement in the west direction. To untrained eyes, the movement belonged to a blurred and dark existence but even from afar, the sheer speed of the approaching entity could be felt.

"Ugh... a black-colored ship... makes me sick looking at it," Jolly stuck his tongue out while swigging down the contents of his gourd. A thick, spicy scent spread out the moment Jolly uncorked his blue gourd but he took no consideration about others.

"Ugh... makes me sick just by smelling it," Rehia scowled while Jolly shrugged and this once again confused Trilok.

'Rhal said that Chief massacred all the slaves belonging to another species and even slaughtered the old chief. With such a track record, the man should be somber and with a cruel management style but not only the taxation policies of the Silent Community are lenient, but the Chief also provides opportunities to many in the community. Roa took this characteristic to a higher level and actively helped young kids in need.

Last I recall, even Noland feels indebted to Roa but he's smart... or should I say, crazy enough in business to not let such thoughts cloud his judgment.

Back to Chief, if he was really a murderous wreck, he wouldn't have pursued women but probably raped them and would even make examples out of those who challenge his authority but...'

Trilok narrowed his gaze. Chief Jolly didn't do any of that. He may be considered a homeless drunkard by many, but he had also achieved respect from the community. Not to mention the fact that he won't return meaningless banters with malicious physical attacks.

Everything about the Chief was now considered a mystery in Trilok's eyes.

"Shut up, will you? God! Can't even drink without a coot bitching about it? Look at Cassindra? She's got more tolerance than you, asshole."

"What's that supposed to mean? Chief, tsk tsk, already showing your bad habit? You know, you cannot conquer any and every woman," Cassindra smirked with a sigh. She wore a thin tunic covered by ornate armor and shoulder pads. A steel ring on her left middle finger over the leather gloves stuck out like a sore thumb.

"Don't make everything an issue of gender discrimination, Cas. We don't discriminate against others except for castrated ones, remember? We should stick together cause a few can't stick at all! Eh, what do you say?" The chief looked back with a grin.

While Rehia's expression twisted in anger and discomfort, Cassindra smiled.

"I'd rather let myself get pierced by a barbed club down there than you... no offense," Her soothing smile didn't leave her face at all, "And... of course, not in a million years."

"I thought so... you're the nasty kind," Jolly's words left everyone speechless but before others could propose their own theories in the art of trash-talking, Jolly snorted and swung his gourd in a vertical curve as reddish alcohol was spilled out instantly and it strangely released bullets of wine with extreme speed.







The sound of the bullets crashing into a group of invisible objects was heard as everyone grew alert instantly.

'So that's what the uncommon skill— Wine Bullet— does.' Trilok felt impressed. But he still couldn't feel what, or whom, the Chief blocked the attack against.

"The ship disappeared!" Naheng, one of the important blacksmiths of the community gasped while the others looked into the distance and surely, the dark ship had disappeared from their view.

"Well, Cassindra, be sure to warn all the ladies of the community that the pervert sent by the Ark can turn invisible and peek on them... and he's into some nasty shit... literally. The smelly ones. Shits, I mean!" Jolly guffawed while Noland couldn't hold it any longer and made a disgusted expression while covering his mouth.

"What?!" The eight men and women present on the ship clearly felt the suffocating spiritual energy as they instantly saw a pitch-black Ship a few dozen meters away from the community. It was almost thrice the size of the community but such a large mode of transportation was only occupied by three people.

A middle-aged man with dark hair but oddly, greying beard. He wore white robes that did not match the aesthetic of the ship.

To his left, and Trilok's right, stood a dark-haired young girl, a young teenager, from the looks of it. And even if her features couldn't be easily seen through such a distance, Trilok believed that the girl would give Vennet a run for her coin.

And to the man's right, and Trilok's left, stood a youth with silver hair. Once again, his features were unclear.

A furious shout rang out from the opposing ship and it was no doubt originated from the middle-aged man.

"Don't you slander me! How dare you twist my greeting into something this unsightly! Ah, Connie, it's really not true. Wait, don't you give me that look! I'm your master for god's sake. Uh, Kilth, that man's the one who's a pervert. Don't go near him, he'll impregnate you with just a single look!"

Jolly's expression changed.

"It's your eyes that need to be gouged out!"

"It's your... can't even say these words right now. Kilth, cover your ears. Daddy needs to verbally abuse an old man!"

"Cause that's your hidden preference, you closet pervert!" Jolly shivered and roared.

"You...! I'll kill you!"

The group on the Silent Community instantly saw countless spiritual constructs shaped in pitch-black arrows appearing around the middle-aged man while the wine floating in front of Jolly instantly coalesced into one human-sized bronze-like solid circular shield.

"Of course, the necrophilia! Your fetishes have no end! For shame, your daughter and disciple are right beside you!"



"Wow... the only thing impressive about him is the size of his spatial ring... to even store such a giant boat," Noland whispered while Trilok nodded.

Pig-faced, as the two men dove into the ocean only to return a few minutes later in such a condition, they stood next to the railings of the stern with the aforementioned daughter and disciple.

Trilok was impressed by both, their natural physique and beauty. Even on the trade ship, much less a community ship, such sharp features were hard to come by.

Even the silver-haired youth looked more feminine than most of the actual females Trilok was acquainted with. If it wasn't for the bulging Adam's apple then Trilok would have considered the youth a pretty girl.

"Well, his name is Hilt. He will take charge of the reconstruction of the settlement and also those annoying pirates. We've paid enough tax over the years to ensure all the benefits, hehe," Jolly chuckled but his wrinkled face only looked more horrendous.

"And, he brought his only daughter Kilth and his most amazing disciple, Connie. Trilok and Noland, you both will be in charge of entertaining them."

The short-haired girl with straight bangs and the silver-haired youth with a messy hairstyle looked towards the duo.

"Like hell we are!" Noland instantly scoffed.

"Woah, don't drag me down," Trilok instantly stepped away from Noland slightly. He forgot that the bastard was a loose cannon in his own way.

"Eh?" Jolly looked at Noland with a confused expression.

"I'm a man of alchemy. I'd rather stick my own butt pill inside of me than to chauffeur some, ehm, naive individuals."

Noland explained patiently.

"What's a... butt pill?" Connie finally inquired.

"You'll see," Jolly scoffed and eyed Noland. "And it's not just showing around. Since these two are going to be assisting Hilt in construction, they are not to be bothered by other members of the community including everyone here besides Hilt himself. And, it's a good experience to know in what areas you lack."

"I see..." Trilok opened up with furrowed brows.

"But, Chief, we really won't have time. The few crazy ones are not leaving us alone, much less them."

"Yeah, let Uncle Roa—" Before Noland could complete, Jolly scoffed.

"Over my dead body! The bastard impregnated a woman half his age and this little girl is like what? Thirteen?" Jolly looked towards Kilth for confirmation as she nodded slightly.

"Yeah. This poor thing is prime meat in front of Roa's eyes! Don't worry Hilt, I'm leaving your daughter in safe hands. I just heard one of them saying that sex doesn't produce money, so no need to worry about him, and the other one is simply crazy who gets a hard-on for alchemical pills!"

Noland nodded at Jolly's words while Trilok's and Roa's expression changed slightly.

"Oh... good lads," Hilt finally sighed in relief as Kilth's lips twitched.

"This is humiliating," Trilok frowned, "Say what you must about your own son but don't spout shit about me."

"As pleasant this honor sounds like, just as Chief said previously. It doesn't provide coin. Please accept my humble apologies, but I will not be able to accept such tasks."

"So... money and pills are the motivational factors?" Connie tilted his head. His white ring glowed slightly as he produced a single coral coin and a light blue spirit pill.

"It is true. We are being unfair to both of you without proper reward. This is a Grand Restoration Pill that can refresh someone mentally after a round of cultivation and in the Ark, it costs... Master, what do you think is the price of such a pill in this community?"

"Probably 2100 coins," Hilt smiled.

"Woah, hold your horses. Before reducing the value of my men, check these out."

Jolly produced a vial of Spirit Trace Oil and Noland's new product— the Spirit Absorption Dantian.

Taking the item into his hands, Hilt closed his eyes for a moment and then hummed in surprise.

"You two created these?"

He inquired as Noland and Trilok looked at each other.

"Not my best creation," Trilok scoffed haughtily.

"I can do way better," Noland smiled smugly.

"They're saying the truth. Trilok, I mean, the boy who gets a boner for coins, even concocted the Spiritual Aftertaste."

Hilt's eyelids jumped in surprise while Connie and Kilth frowned at the revelation.

"Fine. The value of Grand Restoration Pill should be around 1300 coins here."

"Then, I will pay for myself. Five grand restoration pills a day for showing us around or 6500 coins."

Noland and Trilok blinked.

"Well... what about that girl?" Noland pointed at Kilth as she puckered her lips and looked towards Connie with an aggrieved expression.

"Pay for me," She demanded.

"Are you high? Or did you accidentally drink those alcohol bullets?" Connie scoffed, "Pay for yourself, missie!"

"Dad... make Connie pay for me... I want to save all my coins and pills!" Kilth complained.

"Sigh... you two are in reality quite stupid yourself," Knocking both of their heads and making them flinch in pain, Hilt looked at the two boys, quite impressed.

"I'll reward you for your troubles when the time comes and it won't be anything less than Connie offered."

Feeling Noland's glance, Trilok sighed.

"Fine... but, Chief, what about the bunch troubling us?"

"What's that gotta do with me? You're being paid, right? Then pay me for my troubles, too!" Jolly scoffed while Noland's and Trilok's expressions turned apathetic.