Dong Ni is certain. The world is a lie. His suspicion began when he noticed those little things. Sometimes people forgot about his conversation with them. Sometimes his things are in the wrong place(To be honest. He just forgot where he placed them. But let's blame it on something else so he look less bad). And more suspiciously is how his friend's sibling 'suddenly' changed gender.
Now... He is certain. Because there's a F**KING ERROR SCREEN IN FRONT OF HIM.
"Data 7110271 has failed to load. Syncing to database..."
"..." Dong Ni is straight up flabbergasted.
This is the story of Dong Ni, who's goal is to escape this Fake Reality!
Hidden Plot
Dong Ni was part of a group of voluntary people who was sent on a project to test if humanity ever were to be brainwashed will they able to escape.
Ending Quote
"I learn many things from my project. Patience, discipline. But my main regret was ... To not have cursed more. Why would you add an error issue screen to be to able to be seen?"