
Heaven's Beloved

constance_amadi · Fantasy
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1 Chs

The Unbelievable

(In the Supernatural realm)

The Alpha's wife, the Luna of Crystal Woods Pack is soothing her crying baby when the seer of the pack, Gamo Diana comes into the room with the Alpha.

"greetings Luna Amalia", she said

"greetings to you too Gamo Diana", said the Luna then she continued "to what do I owe this visit dear Gamo?"

"your daughter will be a great woman..... she will be the supreme alpha"

" WHAT??" the Luna and Alpha exclaimed

" how is that possible? since the history of werewolves only males could be the Alpha" asked the Luna confused

" the celestial supreme has made it so" said the Gamo as she turned to leave

"the child will bring peace amongst the werewolves and the vampires. She will unite the four races of the earth. She shall be called LAYNA" saying this Gamo Diana walked out of the room leaving the Alpha and the Luna confused.

"what do we do?" the Luna asked

" the prophecy must be fulfilled" said the Alpha

(In The Vampire Empire)

" Beloved Emperor! Beloved Emperor!"

"who dares to disturb me and my Empress?" the Emperor growled

" pardon my rudeness Beloved Emperor but Courtier Jethro is here", said a guard bowing

" let him in", said the Emperor

" Beloved Emperor...Dear Empress", Jethro greeted with his head slightly bowed

" rise" said the Emperor

"Beloved Emperor I have just received a vision"

" what did you see?"

" I saw the next Emperor with the daughter of Alpha Damien of Crystal Woods Pack "

" meaning?"

" she is his mate"

" this cannot happen!" the Emperor yelled as he stood up from the couch where he sat with the Empress

" Jethro tell me what we can do to stop it"

" we will send the young Emperor to the human world only to return at the age of twenty one....

then we can attack Crystal Woods Pack and kill every baby girl there. It should be quite easy considering Alpha Damien just got out of seclusion"

" good idea Jethro ... we'll do just that

Empress packup"

" why my Lord?" asked the Empress disheartened

" you are going to the human world for your own safety and that if the young Emperor"

( At Crystal Woods Pack)

" vampires! they're everywhere! help!"

The vampires raided the place and killed every baby girl. After the vampires left the werewolves mourned and cried in anguish.

" where is Layna? where is my daughter? " asked the Luna exasperated

" honey please calm down" said the Alpha as he comforted his wife

" she can't be dead. she can't be dead" the Luna murmured as if reassuring herself

At that moment Gamo Diana walked into the camp

" Gamo....." all other werewolves greeted with their heads bowed

" Gamo what is this? how can Layna die like this?" asked Alpha Damien

" Alpha... Layna is not dead but in the mortal realm. This is all part of her destiny and the celestial supreme's plan...

Layna will dwell in the mortal realm as one of them till she turns eighteen" saying this Gamo Diana left