

'Suddenly, like a heartbeat racing, Micah's eyes snapped open. He shot up, drenched in sweat, surveying his surroundings as if awakening into a new reality.' *** Peter and Micah... orphans that only have each other... Who soon find out who they truly are... and escape their prison... They are set off to find something... that can give them true power... To defeat the Ikes... an enemy kingdom that wants to destroy them... They find friends among them... and enemies among them... They go through adventures... as more information reveals about their true power, and their true history... Danger, harm, betrayal, and fear impact them... as well as friendship, brotherhood, and unity... Who will prevail... who will win this war...?

GMS Jakers · Eastern
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138 Chs

The H2Orb

"Dr. Vicks, Dr. Vicks!"

The voice echoed through the vast laboratory, drawing the attention of the scientist himself. Dr. Vicks, dressed in a gray lab suit adorned with a gray shirt and a neatly tied bowtie, quickly moved toward the source of the call. The laboratory was an enormous space that bore a striking resemblance to the interior of a large warehouse store like Costco, with towering shelves filled with equipment and an air of purposeful chaos.

In the center of this bustling hub of scientific activity stood a massive artifact, a focal point around which a group of scientists had gathered, their faces illuminated by the glow of their screens and the strange energy that emanated from the enigmatic object.

However, the voice that had called out to Dr. Vicks was not among the scientists clustered around the artifact. Instead, it came from near the elevator, where a female security guard stood waiting, her expression alert and purposeful.