

'Suddenly, like a heartbeat racing, Micah's eyes snapped open. He shot up, drenched in sweat, surveying his surroundings as if awakening into a new reality.' *** Peter and Micah... orphans that only have each other... Who soon find out who they truly are... and escape their prison... They are set off to find something... that can give them true power... To defeat the Ikes... an enemy kingdom that wants to destroy them... They find friends among them... and enemies among them... They go through adventures... as more information reveals about their true power, and their true history... Danger, harm, betrayal, and fear impact them... as well as friendship, brotherhood, and unity... Who will prevail... who will win this war...?

GMS Jakers · Eastern
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138 Chs

The Act of Recovering

After two hours of waiting, Micah finally got Peter's discharge order. There was a pervasive impatience, even though he was well cognizant of the fact that the procedure took as long as the period until a court case.

He was eager to meet Peter. Too much time had passed. All he wanted was to see that everything was alright now.As he waited in the foyer, a swarm of nurses hurried past, bowing quickly out of habit. Even though his cheeks were starting to sting, Micah smiled at everyone.

Then, to Micah's surprise, a nurse—one he knew—had come up to the desk's semicircle. With her red hair and big lips... most likely due to the lipstick.

Excuse me! Micah yelled out.Not only were there several ma'ams, but even the males were captivated by the volume of his voice. It was also clear that the right one had turned.