

'Suddenly, like a heartbeat racing, Micah's eyes snapped open. He shot up, drenched in sweat, surveying his surroundings as if awakening into a new reality.' *** Peter and Micah... orphans that only have each other... Who soon find out who they truly are... and escape their prison... They are set off to find something... that can give them true power... To defeat the Ikes... an enemy kingdom that wants to destroy them... They find friends among them... and enemies among them... They go through adventures... as more information reveals about their true power, and their true history... Danger, harm, betrayal, and fear impact them... as well as friendship, brotherhood, and unity... Who will prevail... who will win this war...?

GMS Jakers · Eastern
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138 Chs

Searching through the Markansas Hotel

"No, no, no, no, no," echoed through the corridor as they frantically searched for the elusive room. Their frustration grew as every door they tried failed to yield their desired destination. It was a realization that they needed a card to access these rooms, and luckily, the deceased man they had encountered held one.

"Where is this room? We're almost done with this floor!" Peter's frustration was palpable as he barked out his frustration.

Caville silenced him with a stern order, "Quiet," her eyes scanning the area for potential threats lurking in hidden corners. At first, there seemed to be no immediate danger, but suddenly, two men emerged from a nearby room and charged in their direction.


Peter turned just in time to see the men bearing down on them. Escaping was no longer an option. Shots rang out as Peter swiftly equipped his shield, deflecting the bullets.