

'Suddenly, like a heartbeat racing, Micah's eyes snapped open. He shot up, drenched in sweat, surveying his surroundings as if awakening into a new reality.' *** Peter and Micah... orphans that only have each other... Who soon find out who they truly are... and escape their prison... They are set off to find something... that can give them true power... To defeat the Ikes... an enemy kingdom that wants to destroy them... They find friends among them... and enemies among them... They go through adventures... as more information reveals about their true power, and their true history... Danger, harm, betrayal, and fear impact them... as well as friendship, brotherhood, and unity... Who will prevail... who will win this war...?

GMS Jakers · Eastern
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138 Chs

Down at the Park

In the heart of the kingdom, nestled within the protective walls of the majestic castle, lived two young princes, Peter and Micah. The castle itself was a grand fortress, a symbol of power and authority that loomed over the citizens, a constant reminder of the royal family's dominance. But for the two brothers, the castle wasn't just their home; it was both their sanctuary and their cage.

Every so often, King Homer, their father, would take them beyond the castle walls into the world of the commoners. These outings were meant to provide them with a glimpse of the lives led by those outside the palace. However, Peter couldn't help but feel that the perspective they gained on these trips was somewhat biased, shaped by the fact that they were royal princes.